A small, humble contribution from me: This adds support for a clickable GUI icon on the GNOME desktop. Users can now search for the application by name and pin it to their application bar. This increases usability on Linux.
planetarysystemstacker.desktop goes in ~/.local/share/applications
planetarysystemstacker.png goes in ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
After a reboot, GNOME automatically detects the application.
A small, humble contribution from me: This adds support for a clickable GUI icon on the GNOME desktop. Users can now search for the application by name and pin it to their application bar. This increases usability on Linux.
planetarysystemstacker.desktop goes in ~/.local/share/applications planetarysystemstacker.png goes in ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps
After a reboot, GNOME automatically detects the application.