Rolisteam / rolisteam

Rolisteam is a virtual tabletop. It helps you to manage tabletop role playing games with remote friends/players. It provides many features to share maps, pictures, dice roller, manage background music and much more. The main git repository is available here: [].
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NPC Rtok Token : upgrade Documentation / Enhancement #112

Open sioc-de-narf opened 4 years ago

sioc-de-narf commented 4 years ago


Could you update the Documentation so it become clear about:

  1. how-to add NPC Rtok Token to the vmap
  2. How to change the amount of HP of a NPC Rtok Token once on the vmap ?
  3. how-to hide the Health: put the 3 values at 0.
  4. How-to use initiative, how does it work ?
  5. For the shapes :
    • Is there images specifications, if yes what specifications ?
    • Uri like in URI ? if so why no local images, the avatar is, and why not to offer the choice on both.


  1. Add to right click menu on rtok Token to edit it in the NPC Maker and make the change dynamic.
  2. Add a way other than the click and drop from an explorer window to the vmap to add rtok Token (that is not intuitive), maybe: a new icon in the toolbox or add sub-menu, or an entry to the right click on the vmap. Also, that the add allow multi-files to import many rtok at the same time.
obiwankennedy commented 4 years ago

Tokens have been one of the last improvement made on rolisteam. To be honest, it was not scheduled to be in that version at first. It is why it is not fully integrated in rolisteam. I made it as an external tool with no impact on the rest.

I took some screenshots to make a tutorial

obiwankennedy commented 4 years ago

Thanks to your question, I detect a bug about update live of npc. I fixed it and I published the correction this afternoon.