Rolisteam / rolisteam

Rolisteam is a virtual tabletop. It helps you to manage tabletop role playing games with remote friends/players. It provides many features to share maps, pictures, dice roller, manage background music and much more. The main git repository is available here: [].
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Enhancements for V-maps #84

Open Beheroth opened 6 years ago

Beheroth commented 6 years ago

I'd like to suggest functionnalities and improvements to V-maps only:

- Functionnalities

- Improvements:

NB: These are the first remarks I came up with 1 hour after I installed rolisteam. I'm sorry if they are not all entierly relevant as I haven't checked this project thoroughly.

PS: Si besoin, je peux aussi écrire en français.

Beheroth commented 6 years ago

I'd like to use rolisteam to speed up my work as a GM (we usually gather IRL). For instance: drawing maps, switching musics, creating NPC's and managing fights and turns of initiative.

Drawing map is the slowest and hardest thing for me. It breaks the rythm for my players when I have to take 10-15 minutes to draw a battleground. It is to me the most important thing I hope Rolisteam can help me to improve.

Currently, I have the feeling Rolisteam is not ready to substitute the good old paper and pen yet but I believe it will eventually get there.

I'll try to test Rolisteam for my next game.

obiwankennedy commented 6 years ago


I just number your points to make easier the answer.

0/ Interesting idea, I need more information to think about it.

1/ This feature exists, you can reach it from the contextual menu. But You must select several item then, right-click on one of the selected item to get the proper menu.

2/ This feature is already done in the current dev version. It will be released in the next version (Rolisteam v1.9)

3/ I see, I will work on it.

4/ Pipette is already done in v1.9 (bucket should be really easy).

5/ I will try to improve the behavior on the select.

6/ The border highlight is good idea. The other part may be tricky to do.

Beheroth commented 5 years ago

0 - Building import/export: I often have to draw maps on the go (because my players never behave as I expect). Let's say I want to draw 4-5 houses but I need them to be more complex than just plain rectangles. It'd save me a lot of time if I could draw them before the game and just "import" them on any map whenever I need them.

1 - Sorry, I really can't find the feature (should I make a bug report?)

As I'm testing things, I've also updated my list with point 7

Good job for the rest and good luck, I'm waiting for v1.9! 😄

obiwankennedy commented 5 years ago

7/ It easier that way. Because managing different center of modification it is hard due to the techology we use. I tried several time to fix this but it cause some trouble with rotation and to other connected client.

obiwankennedy commented 5 years ago

unknown - v1 8 2 - connected - server - gm - rolisteam - an - visibility - permission no right - layer ground _en_053 menu_en_052 unknown - v1 8 2 - connected - server - gm - rolisteam - an - visibility - permission no right - layer ground _en_054

I show you the menu and I see that the pipette tool is already present.

Beheroth commented 5 years ago

Oh, I was speaking about something else... Look, let's say I've drawn an inn but then I had to draw an stable (because... reason). I've finished to draw the stable but then I realise the proportions are out of whack when I compare those of the inn with those of the stable.


The solution would be to select one of the two buildings and then resize it quickly but I don't think there is a feature for that yet...


obiwankennedy commented 5 years ago

There is no way to tell the system: «those items (square, path, line …) are grouped to make one. It is possible to set parenting that control the position but not the size.

obiwankennedy commented 4 years ago

About the Rectangle tool:

geometry_change_2020-01-03 01-41

It is finally working (black dot is shown for development reason).