Roll20 / roll20-character-sheets

Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at if critical hotfixes are to be requested.
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[Stars_Without_Number_Revised] Merged Changes not in sheet after 24h #13087

Closed trevor-coleman closed 2 weeks ago

trevor-coleman commented 2 weeks ago

My PR adding Adventurer Subclasses which was merged yesterday, but doesn't seem to be live on the site.

Not sure if this is a normal delay or not, but the README says to open an issue, so here I am!

Apologies if I'm being annoying in any way typical of people making their first contribution. 😅

NorWhal commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @trevor-coleman - you're not being annoying at all, thanks for raising this to our attention! We're looking into this now. In the future, please feel free to open an issue after an hour if you don't see your changes.

trevor-coleman commented 2 weeks ago

Cool, thanks -- let me know if I broke something and I can update the sheet.

NorWhal commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @trevor-coleman! Sorry for not spotting this in the initial PR, but it appears you made changes to the pug files without building them into HTML! From what I can tell in your sheet's package.json folder, all you should have to do is enter npm run build into your terminal at after navigating to the sheet's directory, and the updated HTML should build from what you've got. Once that's done, you can make a new PR and we'll merge it through!

trevor-coleman commented 2 weeks ago

Ah sorry -- I'm used to that being done in CI/CD. I've been spoiled! 😂

I'll rebuild and push when I get back to a computer. Thanks!

trevor-coleman commented 2 weeks ago

PR with the rebuilt HTML: