Roll20 / roll20-character-sheets

Character sheet templates created by the community for use in Roll20 VTT. Submit a ticket at if critical hotfixes are to be requested.
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[Shadowrun 5E] Some broken whisper toggles and grunt skill checks #5511

Closed Orudeon closed 4 years ago

Orudeon commented 4 years ago

On the grunt character sheet, at least the following whisper toggles are broken:

I haven't found any others at the time of writing this.

At least the following skill rolls are broken:

I'm unable to exhaustively test every skill right now, those are the ones I found.

Also, if/when the character sheet update to 2.0 is pushed, does it retroactively apply to my game? If not, how would I update it?

clevett commented 4 years ago

Which character sheet is this for? Shadowrun 5th Edition or Shadowru 5e Advanced?

Orudeon commented 4 years ago

It's the 5E one, not 5E Advanced.

Also, my players are reporting that they can't roll anything but they're still filling out things. Is there something in particular that breaks that? My sheet rolls fine. I could invite a developer to look at them?

Orudeon commented 4 years ago

Also, unchecking Modifiers results in the following error: SyntaxError: Expected "(", ".", "[", "abs(", "ceil(", "d", "floor(", "round(", "t", "{", [ |\t], [+|-], [+|-|*|\/|%] or [0-9] but ")" found.

Orudeon commented 4 years ago

I may as well just dump a bunch of feedback here because I don't see the point in making a new thread for every single one.

From an accessibility standpoint, my colorblindness makes it impossible for me to see when edge and matrix condition monitors are depleted -- or not. I'd personally appreciate a substantially different color, this dark red and black isn't working for me. You can use to manually play around with colors to make maximizing the ease of access for your users very simple.

clevett commented 4 years ago

This was certainly a project I did before learning Accessibility programming. I'll look at adding higher contrast or a better visual indicator for Edge/Matrix Damage.

That Modifier error is really odd. I'm not able to replicate it. Could you go to Attributes & Abilities tab on the Roll20 window then try deleting modifier_toggle ? Toggle Modifier on and off again. See if that helps.

You can find me on Roll20 or Discord (Nacoya #7621) and send me a game invite. I'll try to take a look of what it might be.

Orudeon commented 4 years ago

My Discord is Orudeon#4767, I don't know why the requests are being bounced by discord. I have this problem all the time. I also sent you a DM on roll20.

Also while fiddling with something else I discovered that pressing the armor rating number (the 12 in the attached) chrome_2019-10-01_17-24-57 under Core Combat Info prints "No attribute was found for @{CHARACTER NAME|armor}" and then rolls its armor anyway with CHARACTER NAME|armor chrome_2019-10-01_17-27-03

I fixed it by manually adding an armor attribute and putting the name of the armor in the field

clevett commented 4 years ago

Just a note. I'm working on a really big refactor that will fix those broken toggles.

The temporary fix for them is just to toggle them off and on again.

clevett commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this ticket. The recent updates should help with this. Let me know if you still have trouble.