Roll920 / ThiNet

caffe model of ICCV'17 paper - ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression
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help #5

Open fgxfxpfzzfcc opened 6 years ago

fgxfxpfzzfcc commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am very interested in your research, may you open source your code? Thank you.

Roll920 commented 6 years ago

@fgxfxpfzzfcc We will release the code after the journal paper is accepted. If you have any question, feel free to contact me.


Zeitzmz commented 6 years ago


Roll920 commented 6 years ago

@Zeitzmz 要等journal出结果,我也着急啊QAQ

buaa-luzhi commented 6 years ago

@Roll920 journal 出结果了吗,很想看那看大神的剪枝实现,不胜感激

Roll920 commented 5 years ago

@buaa-luzhi 嗯嗯,中了,等我有空整理一下代码哈

BKZero commented 5 years ago


Roll920 commented 5 years ago

@BKZero @buaa-luzhi @Zeitzmz Hi, 代码已经上传到github了,如果有问题,请及时联系我哦~

Roll920 commented 5 years ago

@fgxfxpfzzfcc Hi, the code is released now. Thank you for your patience.