RolnickLab / ami-platform

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Show all detections in session detail view #361

Open mihow opened 4 months ago

mihow commented 4 months ago

There is confusion about what objects has been detected or not in a frame.

Let's update the view to: 1) Show the detections overlay without hovering 2) Show all detections, regardless of confidence threshold selected 2) Add emphasis to the detections that do meet the confidence threshold

"Show all detections, regardless of confidence threshold selected" is specifically about the bounding boxes on the big image in the session detail view. The confidence score comes from the just species ID classifier, but it the threshold is currently applied to BOTH the species ID and the original bounding box detection. Users are mistakenly thinking that the object detector is just terrible and can't find 1/2 of the moths in the image. Maybe we show all boxes with a dim/gray style on hover, but then only the moths that pass the selected threshold get the current style treatment and are visible before you hover.

mihow commented 1 month ago

@annavik I added that new detail to the description here. Also I like the idea of the backend returning all detections always, and then the filtering happening in real time as you move the slider. You can test that now by always passing a threshold of 1.0 to the backend endpoint