Switched to V8 Runtime and getting a bug where when, requesting to an endpoint which would normally return 'null' the whole script crashes with the 'Error connecting to Google Server'.
Well I loaded the library locally and this fix seems to do the job
baseClass.getData = function (path, optQueryParameters) {
// Send request
// noinspection JSAnnotator
var [res] = FirebaseApp._buildAllRequests([
method: 'get',
path: path,
optQueryParameters: optQueryParameters,
], this);
Switched to V8 Runtime and getting a bug where when, requesting to an endpoint which would normally return 'null' the whole script crashes with the 'Error connecting to Google Server'.
Well I loaded the library locally and this fix seems to do the job baseClass.getData = function (path, optQueryParameters) { // Send request // noinspection JSAnnotator var [res] = FirebaseApp._buildAllRequests([ { method: 'get', path: path, optQueryParameters: optQueryParameters, }, ], this);
// Throw error if (res instanceof Error) { throw res; }
if(res){ return res; } };
TLDR: dont return anything if the value to be returned is null.