RomanYankovsky / DelphiAST

Abstract syntax tree builder for Delphi
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[Position information] Each node should have begin and end position #151

Open uschuster opened 8 years ago

uschuster commented 8 years ago

89 was about correct position information for "begin end", repeat and while loops, for "begin end" it was fixed, but repeat and while are of type TSyntaxNode and do not have an end.

Each syntax node should have a begin and an end position. For example a node of type ntUnit starts often at 1:1, but where does it end? The number of whitespaces between "unit" and the unit name itself can be greater than one and guessing the end works only for nodes without whitespaces.

Checking out might help to understand the issue. Make sure you compile it with define WITH_SYNTAX_TREE and against VirtualTrees 5.x.

JBontes commented 8 years ago

For repeat the following fix will work:

procedure TPasSyntaxTreeBuilder.RepeatStatement;
//  FStack.Push(ntRepeat);
//  try
//    inherited;
//  finally
//    FStack.Pop;
//  end;

I'm not sure the CompoundSyntaxNode is the fix for all problems.

The while can be a single do statement or a compound statement, so that is sort of covered.