RomanYankovsky / DelphiAST

Abstract syntax tree builder for Delphi
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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How to compile in Lazarus v2.0.6 #289

Closed abulka closed 4 years ago

abulka commented 4 years ago

This project claims to be Lazarus compatible and offers a Lazarus project file DelphiAST\Demo\Parser\ParserDemo.lpi yet I cannot get it to compile. Here are the numerous obstacles I've encountered:

Had to move the DelphiAST\Source dir into the DelphiAST\Demo dir.

Had to abandon the Mac version, because Windows is not defined.

Had to copy into the DelphiAST\Demo\Source\FreePascalSupport directory

Similarly, had to copy into the DelphiAST\Demo\Source\FreePascalSupport directory and had to use the fork not the original

Had to add

{$define RTLVersion := 25}
{$define CompilerVersion := 18}

to the top of SimplParser.Lexer though I don't think the values are correct for my version of Lazarus v2.0.6 but I had to define those constants in order to compile. Any suggestions for correct values welcome.

Got a compilation error str := UTF8ToUnicodeString(u8); in DelphiAST.Serialize.Binary.pas - isn't UTF8ToUnicodeString a Delphi only concept? In frustration I simply wrapped it in

  str := UTF8ToUnicodeString(u8);
   str := String(u8);

and the compilation moved on, presumably because UNICODE is not defined? Anyway...

Currently I cannot get past the "error: Illegal qualifier" in DelphiAST.Writer.pas 79

   Builder.Append('<' + UpperCase(SyntaxNodeNames[Node.Typ]));  

and am stuck.

Wosi commented 4 years ago

Relative search paths are wrong since ParserDemo has been moved to a subfolder. There are also a few other things that didn't work with FPC for quite a while. I made it work again (see #290).

It's important to checkout submodules when you want to compile it with FPC. Otherwise the compiler can't find generics.collections and stringbuilder. Use this command in order to get the submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

abulka commented 4 years ago

Thanks so much - the new version plus the fancy git command resulted in a successful compile on Windows 10.

I then pushed my luck and tried to compile it on Mac.

Then the demo ran OK on Mac too!