RomanistHere / PopUpOFF

Chrome extension, providing better web experience.
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] What happens with cookie dialogs? #41

Closed BlastboomStrice closed 10 months ago

BlastboomStrice commented 10 months ago

I just found this addon and it looks like it saves me so much time! I just have one question: What happens with the cookie dialoges? Does it simply hide the dialoge without accepting anything? Does it accept all cookies?

Is it like I'm browsing the page without having "yet" accepted/rejected the cookies of the site?

RomanistHere commented 10 months ago

According to rules of most eu countries from what I know unless you specifically clicked "I agree" to cookies, you're considered declining them (as if you clicked don't agree, which option some of them don't event have). However I can't promise you legitimacy of these websites, so if you really care about it, just use uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger together with PopUpOFF - and no website will be able to force cookies on you unless you will want it to.

RomanistHere commented 10 months ago

lmk if you have other questions

BlastboomStrice commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much!