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Inter process Communication6 #10

Open Romanof123 opened 4 years ago

Romanof123 commented 4 years ago

EVENT Delivery

event는 뭔가

kernel에서 pulse로 event를 받을때는?


chid = ChannelCreate(...);
sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_PULSE;                     // pulse event
sigevent.sigev_coid = ConnectAttach(0,0,chid...);    //to self
sigevent.sigev_priority = MyPriority;                         //our priority
sigevent.sigev_code = OUR_CODE;                            // our PULSE ID
sigevent.sigev_value.sival_int = value;                         // 32bits of data

thread to thread는 어떻게 만들수 있을까?


Romanof123 commented 4 years ago

qnet은 마운트 해서 써야된다.