Romanx / Cake.Coverlet

Coverlet extensions for Cake Build
MIT License
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Using `Coverlet` alias fails when projects are built in Release configuration #34

Closed AdmiringWorm closed 3 years ago

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

Currently, when trying to use the Coverlet alias, and the test projects are built with the Release Configuration (or anything other than Debug) the addin is unable to find the necessary DLL to run coverlet.console it need.

This is because it seems to be hardcoded only to check the Debug folder.

Would it be possible to make the configuration to search for the DLL configurable?

gitfool commented 3 years ago

Also hitting this as we only run release builds on CI. Are you going to submit a PR, @AdmiringWorm? 😉

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

That is something I definitely could do, if that is okay by @Romanx

Romanx commented 3 years ago

Sorry I'm just realising that I never replied to this so apologies.

This should be an easy fix but I haven't found time, we'd happily accept a PR @AdmiringWorm if you can

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

Will open one as soon as I can (I expect on Sunday or Monday)

Romanx commented 3 years ago

Thanks @AdmiringWorm for the PR. Have just merged it and a new release should be out shortly with the configuration setting

Romanx commented 3 years ago

@AdmiringWorm sorry for the delay, this change was just released in version 2.5.1. Thanks again!

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

@Romanx No worries, thanks for creating a new release with the changes.