Romanx / Cake.Coverlet

Coverlet extensions for Cake Build
MIT License
40 stars 15 forks source link

Retarget to net6 and Cake.Common 2.2. #50

Closed sqeezy closed 1 year ago

sqeezy commented 1 year ago

There were no apparent problems with this update.

sqeezy commented 1 year ago

Fixes #47

sqeezy commented 1 year ago

I would also be willing to co-maintain this repo in the future if that helps.

taconaut commented 1 year ago

Now that cake 3.0 removed the DotNetCore aliases, this change has become required as Cake.Coverlet can't be used with Cake 3.0 anymore. See @Romanx would you integrate the changes if we make a PR to migrate to Cake 3.0 or do we have to clone this repo and push a new nuget? I guess you're the owner of the package; I've never pushed to but think we'd have to give the package a new name.

sqeezy commented 1 year ago

I would very much like to stay inside this project. Maintaing a fork seems like a bad idea in this case. I can only repeat that me and my company would be happy to support this project and I personally would offer to co-maintain if wanted.

Romanx commented 1 year ago

Hey @sqeezy and @taconaut

Thanks for engaging with this, I started bumping to Cake 2.0.0 awhile back and ended up down the well yak shaving and never found time to get back to this.

I've bumped to the latest version and pushed a new build to nuget, please let me know if you find any issues and i'll try keep on top of this in future.

taconaut commented 1 year ago

@Romanx Thanks, works like a charm

sqeezy commented 1 year ago

@Romanx Agreed. Sadly dotnet test is broken under 7.0.100 but having Cake.Coverlet on the newest version of Cake is reassuring. I'd like to reiterate that me and my company would be happy to help with maintaining this package.
