RomeStrikesBackMod / RomanHoI4

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General Additions and Adjustments #174

Open zenphoenix37 opened 3 months ago

zenphoenix37 commented 3 months ago

Focus trees/adjustments:

"Form Mandala Democratic League" - Forms a new faction with that name. Includes existing dependencies of Hindustan. Unlocks "Securing Democracy to the West" and "Securing Democracy in Southeast Asia." News event: tesb_india.2.t:0 “Hindustan Announces Mandala Democratic League" tesb_india.2.desc:0 “It appears that the Empire of Hindustan, after spending the last two years presiding over internal reforms, is once again looking outward. Badshah Ventkatadri I and Peshwa Uyyalawada Kattabomman have long been known as patrons of democratic movements within India, and now they seek to extend that patronization overseas. In a speech earlier today, Ventkatadri I announced the formation of the Mandala Democratic League, a military and economic bloc founded on common principles of democracy and human rights. The MDL welcomes any country which has adopted sufficient democratic institutions, promising easier access to India’s vast market and military protection against anti-democratic aggression. This announcement was met with much praise from all corners of Hindustani society and abroad. Many democratic nations on the Indian Ocean have already signaled their willingness to begin negotiations, while democratic organizations in non-democratic nations in Southeast Asia have surged in membership and morale, concerning Zhu Wei and the architects of his GACPS.” tesb_india.2.a:0 “Another pillar of democracy arises in the east.”

“Securing Democracy to the West” |"Protecting Baloch Democracy" - Invite Baluchistan if not in a faction. Otherwise bypass. |“Fund Iranian Revolutionaries” - gain democratic support/higher rate of support gain in Iran. |"An Understanding with Ethiopia" - Mutual nonaggression pact with Ethiopia. |“Alliance with Adal” - If Adal is at peace and not in a faction, add Adal to the faction. Otherwise bypass.

"Securing Democracy in Southeast Asia" - "The Burmese Question" and "The Thai Question" are unlocked.

“The Burmese Question” |_ “End Russian Influence” - if Russia has released PEG as a puppet, higher democratic gain/rate of gain in it. Event chain where Russia and India negotiate about Burma. 95% for Russia to end overlordship over PEG, 5% chance of war (auto-end when PEG capitulates). PEG becomes democratic and a member of Hindustan's faction. (tesbindia.3) | “Crush Burmese Fascism” - Declare war on Myanmar (BUR, not PEG) to democratize it. If Myanmar is in a faction, kick it out first. This puts Shan in the GACPS if it is not already in a faction. Bypass the relevant China focus. |_ “Oversee Burmese Unification” - Return all PEG and BUR cores owned by India to PEG and BUR. PEG annexes BUR and gets all of its cores. Name changes to "United Kingdom of Burma." (tesb_india.4)

News events for "The Burmese Question": tesb_india.3.t:0 “Russia Withdraws from Burma” tesb_india.3.desc:0 “For centuries, the Burmese question has been posed to every major power with an interest in the region, and that remains true today. In recent weeks, Hindustan’s Peshwa Uyyalawada Kattabomman has called on Russia’s President Ruslan Buzhansky to withdraw all military and government personnel from the Burmese National Republic, a Russian-aligned state established in the former Polish colony in Burma. Tensions initially rose as Buzhansky refused to abandon what he called a brother national republic, but as Russian divisions began massing on the border of Baluchistan and Hindustani armor prepared to invade Russian Burma, cooler heads ultimately prevailed. Both sides agreed to talks in Stockholm mediated by Scandinavia and China. After several days of negotiations, Buzhansky was forced to concede to Kattabomman’s demands, insisting that he only did so due to the impracticality of maintaining a foothold in Burma with no Indian Ocean ports. The next day, Russian personnel began the process of withdrawing from Burma. Two days later, the Russian-aligned national republican government fell and was replaced by a preliminary democratic one, pending the signing of a new constitution. The new government has made clear its intentions to not only join the Mandala Democratic League but also unite with the northern Burmese government.” tesb_india.3.a:0 “It appears the Burmese Question may soon be answered.”

tesb_india.4.t:0 “The Burmese Question Answered” tesb_india.4.desc:0 “After several months of negotiations between the two Burmese governments, mediated by Hindustan, the centuries-old Burmese Question can finally be put to rest with the completion of the Burmese unification process. The two governments agreed to merge into a single government representing the territories of both former states. The newly restored King Alaungphaya I of the Taungoo Dynasty was proclaimed head of state of the new United Kingdom of Burma, a constitutional monarchy organized on the Hindustani model. Alaungphaya I’s first action was to sign a treaty of friendship with Ventkatadri I, reaffirming Burma’s place within the Mandala Democratic League. Economic analysts predict that Burma’s integration into Hindustan’s market will accelerate the country’s industrialization and modernization, bringing new prosperity for its people in the years to come. Although some Burmese lands remain under Makasarri control for now, the United Kingdom of Burma is a triumph for Kattabomman’s foreign policy, proving that the MDL is not a passing fad but an emerging power in its own right. Zhu Wei is already taking notes and has made moves to align the neighboring Kingdom of Shan with the GACPS, fearing further expansion of the MDL.” tesb_india.4.a:0 “Cartographers everywhere rejoice!”

“The Thai Question” | "Encourage Sukhothai's Democratization" - Invite Sukhothai to faction.
"Crush the Thai People's Republic" - Once Sukhothai in faction, Declare war on Thai People's Republic (SIA) to democratize it. |__ "Oversee Thai Unification" - Available once SIA is in faction, annexed, or otherwise defeated. Hindustan returns its SUK core state. SUK annexes SIA and gets its cores. SUK name changes to "United Kingdom of Thailand." News event: tesb_india.5.t:0 “The Thai Question Answered” tesb_india.5.desc:0 “The lands of the Thai peoples have long been divided in a most awkward way—Hindustani colonial rule in Chiang Mai, Makassari rule in Ayutthaya, and Sukhothai rule in the middle, splitting the territories of a rival Thai state currently known as the Thai People’s Republic. Uyyalawada Kattabomman has taken it upon himself to solve what has been referred to for years as the Thai Question. After encouraging Sukhothai’s King Phya I to adopt a constitution and hold elections in exchange for military and economic aid, Kattabomman sent Hindustani troops into the TPR to depose its communist regime. A new democratic and pro-unification government was installed in Prachinburi. Next, Hindustan oversaw unification talks between Sukhothai, the Prachinburi government, and its colonial administration in Chiang Mai. After several weeks, the three governments agreed to merge into one, with Sukhothai, Prachinburi, and Chiang Mai forming the core of what would become the United Kingdom of Thailand, a constitutional monarchy under Phya I modeled after Hindustan. Although Makassar still retains its colony in Ayutthaya for now, the establishment of the United Kingdom of Thailand is a great success for Hindustan as it expands the Mandala Democratic League through Southeast Asia.” tesb_india.5.a:0 “They’re not done fixing the borders.”

Once the above two are completed:

“Democratic Bulwark Against GACPS” |_ "Treaty of Lhasa" - Both China and India guarantee the independence of Tibet. Blocks the relevant China focuses related to Tibet and faction inviting/war. (tesbindia.6) | “Ally with Srok Khmer” - put Cambodia in India’s alliance. Bypass if in a faction already. | "Destroy Pattani Fascists" - declare war on Pattani to democratize it. | “Twin Pillars of the Islamic World” - Ally with Makassar. (tesbindia.7) | “Begin Decolonization Talks” - enable decisions to ask Makassar to release its colonies in Siam, Burma, and Champa. Cores are released in the order of Siam first, then Burma and Champa. As a result, Luang Prabang joins the GACPS. Bypass the relevant China focus. (tesbindia.8) | "Negotiate with Java" - Invite Java to the alliance. 20% chance of accepting, 80% chance of war (tesbindia.9). Java capitulates and becomes democratic and a faction member once its capital falls. States on the island of Sulawesi (directly east of Borneo) are ceded to Makassar. | "The Lazarine Wall" - If not already in GACPS, ally the Lazarines, else bypass.

News events for "Democratic Bulwark Against GACPS": tesb_india.6.t:0 “The Treaty of Lhasa” tesb_india.6.desc:0 “Hindustan and China have long fought over Tibet, whether through direct warfare or via political intrigue within Lhasa. Two years ago, Hindustan waged a war to depose the absolutist and pro-China king and replace him with his pro-democratic brother. However, now that brother has passed away, and as the isolated Tibetan Federation crowns its third king in three years, the Imperial Chinese Army has begun massing on the border, preparing to restore the original king. In response, the Hindustani army has mobilized to protect Tibetan democracy. Fearing that his homeland is about to become a battlefield between the two major powers yet again, King Kelsang invited both Zhu Wei and Ventkatadri I to Lhasa to discuss deescalation. Explaining that the cycle of deposing and installing new governments loyal to one side will only self-perpetuate, Kelsang proposed another way forward for all three countries. Tibet would remain neutral, not joining either the GACPS or the MDL militarily or politically. Its independence would be guaranteed by both China and Hindustan. In exchange, Tibet would be included in both the GACPS and MDL economic spheres, giving equal treatment to both Chinese and Hindustani businesses. As trade between China and Hindustan went through multiple intermediaries and third parties currently, Tibet offered to streamline the process by overseeing a direct trade route between the two powers at favorable rates. That way, all three countries would benefit from peace instead of war. Ironically, while Zhu Wei and his bureaucrats accepted the deal, having recognized the economic benefits, Ventkatadri had more trouble convincing his government, which felt like the deal would put Tibet's nascent democracy at risk of China reneged on it. Nevertheless, the Treaty of Lhasa was ratified by both countries.” tesb_india.6.a:0 “May peace reign in the Himalayas.”

tesb_india.7.t:0 “Twin Pillars of the Islamic World” tesb_india.7.desc:0 “Although Islam had long declined in its Middle Eastern homeland, it endured on the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Over the centuries, the Islamic world began revolving around two pillars in this new religious order: Hindustan and Makassar. Recognizing the need for allies in an era of weakened Islam, the two nations embraced and promoted less dogmatic and more innovative forms of Islam, which in Hindustan influenced its democratic traditions and in Makassar influenced its religious pluralism. Following Makassar’s recent passing of a constitution and joining the Mandala Democratic League, the two nations once again stand together, both in Islam and democracy. Meeting in the Makassari capital of Singapura, Ventkatadri I and Makassar’s King Muabidin Riayat Shah shook hands and reaffirmed their two countries’ brotherhood, despite their occasionally rough histories with each other. More practically, Makassar’s navy and strategic location around the Straits of Malacca would significantly boost the MDL’s military and economic power projection beyond the Indian Ocean.” tesb_india.7.a:0 “Now the MDL is truly a force to be reckoned with.”

tesb_india.8.t:0 “Makassar Decolonizes” tesb_india.8.desc:0 “Ever since the unifications of Burma and Thailand, Hindustan had been promising that the Makassari colonies on mainland Southeast Asia would soon be reunited with their respective homelands. Makassar’s accession to the MDL and its democratization has now made that a possibility. Muabidin Riayat Shah and his democratic government agreed to hold unification plebiscites in the Burmese, Thai, and Cham colonies. These plebiscites would be overseen by foreign observers from the UTA, Aotearoa, Japan, and Russia to ensure impartiality. When the results were fully counted, it was clear that the unification side had won out. Honoring the results, the Makassari government immediately began the handover process, withdrawing its military forces and handing over control of local government institutions to Burma and Thailand. In Champa’s case, Hindustan sent political advisors to help build an independent and MDL-aligned Kingdom of Champa, just as had been done elsewhere in Southeast Asia.\nAfter many centuries of division, the Burmese and Thai Questions have both been finally answered.” tesb_india.8.a:0 “FINALLY, THE BORDERS MAKE SENSE!”

tesb_india.9.t:0 “War Between Hindustan and Java” tesb_india.9.desc:0 “The Mandala Democratic League has gone to war with the Kingdom of Java, an ex-Roman colony led by the dictator Leonidas Katsimiros. It began when Uyyalawada Kattabomman called on Katsimiros to lay down his emergency powers and hold free elections. Katsimiros refused, believing that full democracy would cause Java to be partitioned between its neighbors. Fearing Makassar was poised to invade and reclaim its historical capital and namesake in Sulawesi, Katsimiros preemptively struck with airstrikes and naval bombardment against Makassari targets in Borneo and Sumatra. A formal declaration of war followed hours later.” tesb_india.9.a:0 “What is going on over there?”


“Beyond the Indian Ocean” |"Defend Australian Democracy" - ally Australia | "Guarantee Japan's Independence" - same thing but for Japan. If already guaranteed via Japan's focus or something else, this will be purely a lore focus. (tesbindia.10) | "Guarantee Aotearoa's Independence" - exactly what it says. (tesbindia.11) |"Strengthen Roman Ties" - mutual nonaggression pact with the Empire. (tesbindia.12) |"Free Khorasan" - gain unrest in Russian Khorasan |_"End the Russian Menace" - Unlocks if Russia is at war with either the Empire or China. India declares war on Russia. (tesb_india.13)

News events for "Beyond the Indian Ocean": tesb_india.10.t:0 “The Treaty of Edo” tesb_india.10.desc:0 “Following Japan’s overthrow of the shogunate and the restoration of imperial power under a democratic government, Uyyalawada Kattabomman hoped to bring Japan into the Mandala Democratic League as part of his plan to encircle and isolate China and the GACPS. Hindustan had been a big supporter of the imperial restorationists and particularly the Fujiwara clan during the Teichu War, and although the Fujiwara no longer held political power, Kattabomman hoped that the new emperor’s ties with them would make negotiations easier. However, Emperor Tenwa politely declined the invitation, stressing that Japan was to remain strategically neutral from all geopolitical alliances in order to stay out of destructive foreign conflicts. However, he did welcome a Hindustani guarantee of independence to further this strategic neutrality. Any other power that sought to conquer Japan would now have to fight Hindustan as well.” tesb_india.10.a:0 “Not what he was looking for, but I guess it still works.”

tesb_india.11.t:0 “The Treaty of Komnenion” tesb_india.11.desc:0 “Like Japan, Aotearoa declined to join the Mandala Democratic League, although stressed common cause within the MDL and its democratic values during Uyyalawada Kattabomman’s visit to Komnenion. While Kattabomman didn’t get a new member of the MDL, as with Japan he did ratify a new trade deal and guarantee of independence for the Pacific island power, allowing Aotearoa to continue down a path of its own choosing.” tesb_india.11.a:0 “Nestorius and Kyrene’s legacy continues.”

tesb_india.12.t:0 “Ventkatadri I Visits Constantinople” tesb_india.12.desc:0 “Last week, Hindustan’s Badshah Ventkatadri I and Peshwa Uyyalawada Kattabomman arrived in Constantinople for a diplomatic visit. There, they met with Emperor Michael and key members of the Roman government. After attending several Roman and Hindustani cultural events throughout the city, the two emperors shook hands and issued a declaration of friendship and common commitment to democracy. While the Empire wouldn’t be joining the Mandala Democratic League anytime soon, nor Hindustan the Foederati Plan, the two pledged to uphold democratic values and protect human freedom and liberty together.” tesb_india.12.a:0 “To democracy! Romanitas and Mandala both!”

tesb_india.13.t:0 “Hindustan, Defender of Democracy” tesb_india.13.desc:0 “‘Ruslan Buzhansky must go!’\nUyyalawada Kattabomman has declared that Hindustan cannot keep watching on the sidelines as war engulfs the rest of the world. The National Republic of Russia has made clear its ambitions to destroy global democracy and plunge the world into a hell of fascism. With democracy under threat, it is time for Hindustan, as one of the beacons of global democracy, and the Mandala Democratic League to end the threat Russia poses. Kattabomman was met with roaring applause, and an hour later, the National Diwan unanimously voted to request that Ventkatadri I issue a declaration of war. Such a declaration of war was made within another hour.\nHindustan is now at war with Russia.” tesb_india.13.a:0 “We welcome their support!”

"The Hindustani Model Triumphant" - Final focus. Can take even if "End the Russian Menace" isn't finished yet. News event: tesb_india.14.t:0 “The Hindustani Model Triumphant” tesb_india.14.desc:0 “Late to the game after the GACPS and the International Republican Axis, many believed that the Mandala Democratic League was a pet project of a Hindustani peshwa destined to fail against the more established blocs. But despite it all, the MDL has not only endured but prospered and grown. Thanks to Hindustani leadership, Burma and Thailand are whole again; the colonization of Southeast Asia has ended; Makassar and Java are thriving democracies; Tibet is a neutral nation and no longer the battlefield of major powers; the economies of South and Southeast Asia are booming; and democracy has become a viable alternative to the absolute monarchy and military rule encouraged by Zhu Wei and the GACPS. The MDL is now a major power bloc in its own right, shaping the course of world affairs alongside the GACPS and other blocs as equals. Hindustan stands as one of the great powers of the world. No longer will it be content with staying in its own subcontinent. Like the Empire, it is a guardian of democracy, ready to fight against all threats to freedom wherever they emerge.” tesb_india.14.a:0 “Hey, that’s our line!”

- [ ] Communist tree for England (Pindorama)

Upon finishing the next election and communists winning, fire the following news event: tesb_england.2.t:0 “The Republic of Pindorama Declared” tesb_england.2.desc:0 “England's war with Tawantinsuyu was extremely unpopular among the people of the kingdom. Not only had it stalemated for years before a final breakthrough, but thousands of English, many of them indigenous Pindoramans, had been killed or injured. This further radicalized England's communist organizations, which were opposed to the war and saw it as a pet project of a colonial monarchy. In Georgeham, the leading socialist, communist, and nationalist factions formed an alliance, the Pindoraman Liberation Party, committed to overthrowing the monarchy and establishing a republic. They gained massive support from a war-weary populace which had lost much and gained little from the war and now blamed the monarchy and English upper class. As a result, the English parliamentary elections this hear led to a landslide victory for the PLP. A day later, anti-monarchy protests paralyzed the capital of Charles' Landing. When the army was sent in to break them up, the troops instead sided with the protesters and marched on Saint George's Palace. On the advice of his cabinet, King Thomas I fled the city and with his supporters went into exile in the English colony of New Cornwall. After storming the now vacated palace, the PLP's leader appeared on the main balcony and proclaimed, to cheering crowds, the establishment of the Republic of Pindorama." tesb_england.2.a:0 “This is concerning.”

Fire the following effects:

African colony of New Cornwall (X01) becomes fully independent and gets England's monarch national spirit. Great Scotland guarantees New Cornwall's independence. New Arcadia gets the Panama Canal. If Poland (POL) becomes independent later on, give an AI facing event with an option to invite King Thomas I to take the Polish throne due to his dynasty having once ruled Poland, in which case give Poland the same monarch national spirit as New Cornwall and give a news event (tesb_england.6). If for whatever reason ENG flips away from communist during or after this tree, fire tesb_england.7 mentioning the return of Thomas I to England, giving ENG the national spirit, and deleting it for POL and X01 where applicable.
tesb_england.6.t:0 “Thomas I of Poland” tesb_england.6.desc:0 “Following the reestablishment of the Kingdom of Poland, the remaining monarchies of Europe have proposed that the former King of England, Thomas I, be invited to take the throne of the newly restored nation. England’s House of Hayles-Iturgen-Williams is a branch of the Iturgen dynasty, which had briefly ruled Poland over a century ago. Among the existing claimants to the Polish throne, Thomas I is somehow the one with most prestige and seniority. With no other thrones to sit on, Thomas I thus accepted the crown and settled in with his family.” tesb_england.6.a:0 “How long before he gets deposed again?”

tesb_england.7.t:0 “Thomas I Returns to England” tesb_england.7.desc:0 “By some miracle, or maybe just the military incompetence of the Pindorama Liberation Party, the Republic of Pindorama has fallen and democracy restored. In the name of stability and anti-communism, the victorious powers agreed to restore the Kingdom of England and Thomas I to the throne. However, Thomas I was only allowed to return on the condition that he agree to a new constitution that firmly guarantees the equal rights of English and Pindoramans, in line with the founding mandate of the kingdom. Many Pindoramans were outraged by this decision, considering the restoration of Thomas I as the ultimate betrayal and the restoration of English capitalist domination, but the newly restored Parliament promised that things wouldn’t be the same as under the old pre-republic regime.\nOnly time will tell if that promise is kept.” tesb_england.7.a:0 “I sure hope he learned his lesson.”

Unlock the starter focus "A New Constitution for Pindorama."

“A New Constitution for Pindorama” - move capital to VP “Georgeham” (state 168). Splits into two mutually exclusive focuses: |"Integrate the English" (60%, increases with higher non-communist ideological support) - bonus to manpower and research vs |"Expel the English" (40%, decreases with higher non-communist ideological support) - Bonus to stability and communist support, get equipment and resources but minus manpower. European Atlantic countries, particularly Britain, New Cornwall, and the Empire, get an event to settle English refugees for more manpower and equipment. Decreases diplomatic opinion of Britain, the Empire, Great Scotland, New Cornwall, etc. News event: tesb_england.3.t:0 “English Expelled from Pindorama” tesb_england.3.desc:0 “The Pindoraman Liberation Party that has recently taken control of England, now known as Pindorama, has continued its aggressive decolonization and equalization efforts. Not satisfied with the exile of Thomas I, the radicals controlling the party have now ordered the expulsion of all English from Pindorama and the seizure of their assets for their centuries of crimes against the Pindoraman people. Already thousands of English have been forced onto old cargo ships and sent across the Atlantic to Europe. Many more will soon follow. Despite condemnation from many nations on both sides of the Atlantic, the PLP shows no signs of reversing this policy. As a result, many European governments have begun bracing for an incoming refugee crisis, the likes of which the world has never seen before.” tesb_england.3.a:0 “How could they do such a thing?”

"Form the True Third International" - creates a faction of that name ("True Third International"). Unlocks "Legacy of the Second International" and "The Red Torch Lights the Western Hemisphere." News event: tesb_england.4.t:0 “The Third International Declared (Again)” tesb_england.4.desc:0 “The Republic of Pindorama has completed its internal stabilization. All remnants of the old English order have been either destroyed, exiled to New Cornwall, or driven into the wilderness of the Amazon rainforest. Just as happened in Iraq decades ago, communism has firmly rooted itself in what was once England. Now, Pindorama looks outward once again. has declared the reformation of the International, declaring Pindorama the rightful inheritor of the legacy and mission of the Second International. He condemned the other rival Third Internationals as failures and illegitimate pretenders, calling on all true leftists to join Pindorama instead.” tesb_england.4.a:0 “What is this, the sixth Third International?"

"Legacy of the Second International": |"Invite Iraq / Brittany / Oman / Castile (any other communist countries)" - Invites the target to the Third International. Bypass if any of these countries do not exist, are not communist, are at war, or are part of another faction. Base 10% chance for Castile to accept, 30% chance for Brittany to accept, 20% for Iraq and Oman, 50% for others. |"Fight Colonialism in Africa" - A similar setup as "Support Anti-Colonial Movements" in the fascist Russian focus tree, but boosting communists instead.
|_"Deal with English and Scottish Colonies" - Sets a flag that is used for the England/Scotland/Ethiopia/Pindorama proxy war in New Cornwall and Cladach Coille later on. Communist support up in both countries.

News event if the communists win that proxy war (placed here for convenience): tesb_england.5.t:0 “Thomas I Deposed (Again)” tesb_england.5.desc:0 “The recent civil unrest in the former English colony of New Cornwall has ended with the surrender of remaining monarchist forces and the triumph of Pindoraman Liberation Party-backed communist militias, who raised the red banner of revolution over the colonial capital of Koya Temne and proclaimed the formation of the West African Socialist Republic. Thomas I and his supporters were forced to flee once again.” tesb_england.5.a:0 “Give that guy a break…”

"The Red Torch Lights the Western Hemisphere" |_"Support Tawantinsuyuan Communists" - Massively increase communist support in Tawantinsuyu. If Tawantinsuyu flips communist, invite it to the faction via decision. |_"Settle Tawantinsuyuan Border Disputes" - Gets cores from Tawantinsuyu, returns Tawantinsuyuan cores. |"Covertly Fund Quisqueyan Communists" - Bypasses if Haiti is already communist. Minor opinion hit with UTA, massive communist support in Haiti. If Haiti flips to communist, invite it to switch factions via decision. |"Support New Arcadian Communists" - Invite New Arcadia to the Third International. Base 40% chance of success modified by diplomatic opinion. If fail, New Arcadia joins the UTA's alliance. |"Support New Paphlagonian Communists" - Invite New Paphlagonia to the Third International. Base 70% chance of success modified by diplomatic opinion. |_"Support United Longhouses Party" - Gain higher socialist/communist support and rate of support gain in UTA.

"The International Reborn" - Final focus. News event: tesb_england.6.t:0 “The Third International Reborn” tesb_england.6.desc:0 “Communism may have died out in Eurasia, but it lives on in the Americas. Against all odds, the Third International has become a major power alongside the established geopolitical alliances. Much of South America now waves the red banner, and likeminded allies across the Atlantic and Pacific are becoming increasingly bolder in their fight against the forces of capitalism and imperialism. The United Tsalagi Alliance has suffered many setbacks in the international community as its plans to unite the New World under a banner of indigenous solidarity and democracy has been blocked and coopted by its new rival in the south. The hegemon of the Americas has finally met its match in the Republic of Pindorama. But opposed to the UTA’s New World focus, Pindorama’s ambitions are spread worldwide. In line with the International’s name, Pindorama will not rest until communism is revived in Eurasia, the illegitimate pretenders to the name of Third International are swept aside, and the workers of the world have their chains broken.” tesb_england.6.a:0 “The KRA’s Third International is the real one!”

- [x] Postwar Hungary tree:

Immediately after capitulation (or within the next 1-3 days is fine), fire an AI-facing event with the following options:

Referendum picks Agnes as queen - base 80%, increased with higher democratic support - "Kingdom of Hungary" becomes democratic with a new flag without the coat of arms

Referendum picks Janos as king - base 15%, increased with higher absolutist support - "Kingdom of Hungary" becomes democratic but retains the old flag with the coat of arms, massive absolutist boost

Referendum abolishes the monarchy entirely

Focuses here should be completed within 7 days at maximum “Rise From the Ashes” - Starter focus.

Splits into the following 3:

“Gain the Hungarian Church’s Approval” - increased stability and democratic support “Purge Esterházy Loyalists” - absolutist support down, democratic support up “Deal With the Nobility” - increased stability and industrial production

Once above are done

“Pass a New Constitution” - democratic support up, all other support down, relations improve with the Empire and neighbors.


“Fortress Carpathia” - Dismantle remaining fortifications on the southern/western border, gain fortifications and railway infrastructure on the Russian border “Normalize Relations With New Neighbors” - improved relations and NAP with Poland, Bavaria, Pannonia, and the Moesias “Rapprochement With the Empire” - improved relations and NAP with the Empire

“A Democratic Hungary” - final focus, Hungary is no longer an integrated puppet

- [ ] Scotland tree:

“Flower of Scotland” - Starter focus.
“The Question of Succession” - gets an event for the AI to choose a spouse for King Fergus III (gives a national spirit with unique effects, named after the queen) event options and weights: Roman - 33% - big democratic boost, nonaggression pact with the Empire - national spirit provides extra political power, research speed, and industrial production Scandinavian - 33% - modest democratic boost, boosts likelihood that Scandinavia takes “Normalize Relations with Scotland” by about 20%; enable Scandinavian involvement in West Africa proxy war - national spirit provides democratic gain and naval modifier English - 34% - no boost, sets flag for bigger involvement in West Africa proxy war; if Pindorama exists, decrease relations - national spirit provides significant naval and army modifiers News event: tesb_SCO.1.t:0 “King Fergus III Marries” tesb_SCO.1.desc:0 “In a lavish ceremony today, the longtime bachelor King Fergus III married his new queen, a princess from the <Roman/Scandinavian/English> royal family. The move comes as the Scottish monarchy, one of two historical pillars of absolute monarchy in Europe, comes under increased scrutiny and opposition from various factions, ranging from moderate democrats to radical communists and fascists. The Scottish government hopes that not only will this marriage secure an heir to the throne but also provide a new ally for Scotland in these increasingly turbulent times. Many foreign analysts believe that Fergus’ choice indicates the direction he intends to take the kingdom in the coming years.” tesb_SCO.1.a:0 “We send our well wishes.”


“Modernizing the Kingdom”

leads into mutually exclusive focuses

“Bastion of Traditional Monarchy” (30% chance, increased with stronger Burgundy and Italy and absolutist Hungary) Then these three on same level “Encourage Monarchist Sentiments” - increased absolutist support, decreased everything else “Establish Ties with Burgundy” - nonaggression pact, mutual guarantees of independence “Embrace Celtic Nationalism” - more stability, more political power gain | “Integrate Ireland” - more absolutist support, some combat modifiers | “Lay Claim to Celtic Lands” - gain claims on Wales, Isle of Man (if it exists), and Brittany

Once finishing all of the above

“Ultimatum to Britain” - Britain has 30% chance to give claims to Scotland, 20% chance war, 50% forces Scotland to back down because of the Empire’s backing “Proclaim Celtic Kingdom” - after Britain is defeated - name changes to “Celtic Kingdom of Great Scotland”


“Restore Parliament” (70% chance, increased with stronger Empire, democratic Hungary, communist England, bigger Foederati)

Then the next three on same row

“Elevating Ireland” | “Recognize Irish Culture” - less unrest, more manpower in Ireland | “Expand Irish Rights” - more manpower and combat modifiers |_ “Irish Industrial Investments” - more industrial production and efficiency in Ireland

“Allies in Europe” |_ “Reconciliation with Scandinavia” - only if Scandinavia has not taken “Reclaim Greenland by Force” focus - locks off that Scandinavian focus as a result, improves relations, and sets a nonaggression pact, democratic support up |_ “Reestablish the Northern Alliance” - if Russia has dissolved the NA and established the IRA and Scandinavia has finished “Normalize Relations with Scotland” - forms a faction of that name with Scandinavia as member - may also add England if they are democratic and not in a faction | “Peace in the British Isles” - NAP with Britain |_ “Better the Eagle than the Bear” - NAP with the Empire

“The United Kingdom of Great Scotland and Ireland” - after finishing the above branches - name changes to this

after finishing “The United Kingdom” or “Proclaim Celtic Kingdom”

“Protecting African Interests” | “Guard Cladach Coille” - Cladach Coille gains some combat modifiers and manpower, as well as more resources and a flag in the proxy war | “Reach Out to Adal” - NAP and mutual guarantee with Adal |_ “Establish Hindustani Diplomatic Line” - NAP with Hindustan, get guarantee from Hindustan | “Our Brothers in England” - enabled only if England is not communist/fascist - Mutual guarantee with England |_ “Our Exiled Brothers in New Cornwall” - enabled if England is communist - same thing as above but for New Cornwall, sets a flag for the proxy war

“Scotland the Brave” - final focus

- [ ] Scandinavia tree adjustments:

“Reclaim Ingria” - Make it a full DOW instead of just giving a war goal. AI should have a low chance of taking it, which is increased with Russia’s surrender progress. If Scandinavia is already at war with Russia, bypass. “The Danish Question” - Change name to “The Danish Ultimatum.” Same idea as “Reclaim Ingria” but targeting Germany. Increase AI priority if Germany is currently at war. “Resolving Greenland” - Change to two mutually exclusive focuses: |_“Normalize Relations with Scotland” (90% chance if democratic, 0% chance if fascist) - Remove claims on Greenland. Both countries guarantee each other. AI prioritizes this over other the Denmark and Ingria focuses. |_“Defend New Cornwall and Cladach Coille” - Unlocks when the proxy war starts and the above focus has been taken. The two colonies get some combat modifiers, more manpower/equipment/fuel, and other stuff that will help them. Scandinavia joins the war on Scotland’s side if it hasn’t already. |“Reclaim Greenland By Force” (10% chance if democratic, 100% chance if fascist) - Send ultimatum to Scotland to hand over Greenland. If refused, Scandinavia declares war on Scotland.

- [ ] The West African War (proxy war between Pindorama, Scotland/Scandinavia, Ethiopia)

Triggered when Pindorama finishes “Deal with English and Scottish Colonies,” Scotland finishes “Guard Cladach Coille,” and Ethiopia finishes “Liberate the West African Colonies”

Once all three focuses are taken, begin the war

Cladach Coille and New Cornwall become fully independent (from a gameplay perspective) and enter 3-way civil wars Cladach Coille (matching Scotland’s ideology) + New Cornwall (democratic) vs Republic of Yorubaland + Republic of West Africa (communist) vs African Commonwealth of Yorubaland + West African Commonwealth (democratic but Ethiopian) Three factions are given an initial starting army and pool of resources, then they fight Scotland, Scandinavia (if reconciled with Scotland), Pindorama, Ethiopia all get repeatable decisions to send more troops and resources to boost their side - AI chance is naturally high, but it is doubled if their backed side is losing

Once one side is 80% towards capitulation, their benefactor can choose to get directly involved via decision and declare war on the side with the most gains The other two benefactors can also get involved if their sides also pass 80% capitulation However, AI’s chance of taking the decision to get involved is lessened if 1 other benefactor has already taken the decision, and chance further decreases if the other 2 are already involved This naturally leads to a direct war between at least 2 benefactors However, when one involved benefactor’s side fully capitulates, the two benefactors at war receive an event with 90% chance to white peace and 10% chance to continue the war

Once one side completely wins, the following happens:

Cladach Coille/New Cornwall victory: both return to being Scottish puppets and join its faction (if it has one) Communist victory: 50% chance the two merge under the “Republic of West Africa” tag which is renamed to “Union of West Africa,” 50% chance they remain as is; the tag(s) is made an independent member of Pindorama’s faction Ethiopian victory: the tags become part of Ethiopia’s faction

Localization adjustments:
- [x] Ryukyu names:

RYU:0 "Ryukyu" RYU_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_DEF:0 "Ryukyu" RYU_absolutist:0 "Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_absolutist_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_absolutist_DEF:0 "the Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_communism:0 "Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_communism_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_communism_DEF:0 "the Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_democratic:0 "Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_democratic_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_democratic_DEF:0 "the Kingdom of Ryukyu" RYU_fascism:0 "Empire of the Three Mountains" RYU_fascism_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_fascism_DEF:0 "the Empire of the Three Mountains" RYU_neutrality:0 "Ryukyu" RYU_neutrality_ADJ:0 "Ryukyuan" RYU_neutrality_DEF:0 "Ryukyu"

RYU_absolutist_party:0 "Sho Dynasty Loyalists" RYU_communist_party:0 "Equality Association Naha Chapter" RYU_democratic_party:0 "United Ryukyu Party" RYU_fascist_party:0 "Three Mountains Imperial Party" RYU_neutrality_party:0 "Ryukyu Independence Party"

RYU = { male = { names = { "Aritomo" "Goro" "Gentaro" "Gonnohyoe" "Heihachiro" "Hiroshi" "Hikonojo" "Hyoe" "Hayao" "Iwao" "Jiro" "Jinzaburo" "Kiyotaka" "Kuranosuke" "Kozo" "Kantaro" "Koichiro" "Kagenori" "Kageaki" "Kotohito" "Keisuke" "Kazushige" "Kenkichi" "Maresuke" "Masujiro" "Michisura" "Masatake" "Mitsuomi" "Mitsue" "Mineo" "Nariaki" "Nobuyoshi" "Rokuro" "Sukeyuki" "Sukenori" "Shoin" "Sumiyoshi" "Samata" "Soroku" "Shichiro" "Shigeto" "Sotokichi" "Shigeru" "Sadao" "Shinsaku" "Takayoshi" "Takamori" "Toshimichi" "Tsugumichi" "Tadakuni" "Tomonosuke" "Taro" "Toshiyoshi" "Tetsutaro" "Taruhito" "Takeaki" "Tamemoto" "Tomasaburo" "Yoshika" "Yoshinobu" "Yoshimichi" "Yoshida" "Yasukata" "Yahachi" "Yusaku" "Yoshifuru" "Yoshinori" "Yasuyoshi" } } female = { names = { "Aimi" "Asami" "Asuka" "Toku" "Sen" "Tama" "Aya" "Ina" "Kumiko" "Ai" "Aiko" "Aimi" "Aina" "Airi" "Akane" "Akemi" "Aki" "Akiko" "Akira" "Ami" "Aoi" "Asuka" "Atsuko" "Aya" "Ayaka" "Ayako" "Ayame" "Ayane" "Ayano" "Chika" "Chikako" "Chinatsu" "Chiyo" "Chiyoko" "Cho" "Chou" "Chouko" "Emi" "Etsuko" "Hana" "Hanae" "Hanako" "Haru" "Haruka" "Haruko" "Haruna" "Hikari" "Hikaru" "Hina" "Hinata" "Hiroko" "Hitomi" "Honoka" "Hoshi" "Hoshiko" "Hotaru" "Izumi" "Junko" "Kaede" "Kanon" "Kaori" "Kaoru" "Kasumi" "Kazue" "Kazuko" "Keiko" "Kiku" "Kiyoko" "Kohaku" "Koharu" "Kokoro" "Kotone" "Kumiko" "Kyo" "Kyou" "Mai" "Makoto" "Mami" "Manami" "Mao" "Mariko" "Masami" "Masuyo" "Mayu" "Megumi" "Mei" "Michi" "Michiko" "Midori" "Mika" "Miki" "Miku" "Minako" "Minato" "Mio" "Misaki" "Mitsuko" "Miu" "Miyako" "Miyu" "Mizuki" "Moe" "Momoka" "Momoko" "Moriko" "Nana" "Nanami" "Naoko" "Naomi" "Natsuki" "Natsuko" "Natsumi" "Noa" "Noriko" "Ran" "Rei" "Ren" "Riko" "Rin" "Rina" "Rio" "Sachiko" "Saki" "Sakura" "Sakurako" "Satomi" "Sayuri" "Setsuko" "Shinju" "Shinobu" "Shiori" "Shizuka" "Shun" "Sora" "Sumiko" "Suzu" "Suzume" "Takako" "Takara" "Tamiko" "Tomiko" "Tomoko" "Tomomi" "Tsubaki" "Tsubame" "Tsubasa" "Tsukiko" "Ume" "Umeko" "Wakana" "Yasu" "Yoko" "Yoshi" "Yoshiko" "Youko" "Yua" "Yui" "Yuina" "Yuki" "Yukiko" "Yuko" "Yumi" "Yumiko" "Yuri" "Yuu" "Yuuka" "Yuuki" "Yuuko" "Yuuna" "Yuzuki" } } surnames = { "Arisugawa" "Arichi" "Akiyama" "Araki" "Dewa" "Enomoto" "Hasegawa" "Honjo" "Ito" "Inoue" "Ichinohe" "Itagaki" "Kido" "Kuroda" "Katsura" "Kodama" "Kabayama" "Kawamura" "Kuroki" "Kawakami" "Kamimura" "Kataoka" "Kamio" "Kato" "Kanin" "Katsu" "Makino" "Muto" "Minami" "Masaki" "Matsudaira" "Nakamuta" "Nogi" "Nire" "Nozu" "Okubo" "Oyama" "Omura" "Oku" "Okada" "Osumi" "Saigo" "Suzuki" "Sato" "Sakura" "Shibayama" "Shimamura" "Shirakawa" "Togo" "Takashima" "Tsuboi" "Tachibana" "Terauchi" "Tamon" "Takasugi" "Tokugawa" "Uehara" "Uryu" "Ugaki" "Ueda" "Yamagata" "Yamamoto" "Yamakawa" "Yashiro" "Yui" "Yamashita" "Yamaya" } callsigns = { "Viper" "Lightning" "Devil" "Dragon" "Fury" "Bat" "Beer" "Sake" "Demon" "Dirty" "Lance" "Panther" "Shogun" "Vampire" "Daimyo" "Samurai" "Shinobi" } }

Ship names: use Japan’s name list

- [x] Silesia names

SIL:0 "Silesia" SIL_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_DEF:0 "Silesia" SIL_absolutist:0 "Kingdom of Silesia" SIL_absolutist_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_absolutist_DEF:0 "the Kingdom of Silesia" SIL_communism:0 "Republic of Silesia" SIL_communism_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_communism_DEF:0 "the Republic of Silesia" SIL_democratic:0 "Kingdom of Silesia" SIL_democratic_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_democratic_DEF:0 "the Kingdom of Silesia" SIL_fascism:0 "National Republic of Silesia" SIL_fascism_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_fascism_DEF:0 "the National Republic of Silesia" SIL_neutrality:0 "Silesia" SIL_neutrality_ADJ:0 "Silesian" SIL_neutrality_DEF:0 "Silesia"

SIL_absolutist_party:0 "Party for Silesian National Restoration" SIL_communist_party:0 "People's Revolutionary Front of Silesia" SIL_democratic_party:0 "Liberal Democratic Party of Silesia" SIL_fascist_party:0 "Silesian National Republican Party" SIL_neutrality_party:0 "Party of Silesian Neutrality"

SIL = { male = { names = { “Fryderyk” “Jan” “Henryk” “Ludwik “Jan” “Krystian” “Jerzy” “Jerzy” “Rudolf” “Jerzy” “Wilhelm” “Joachim” “Fryderyk” “Krystian” “Jan” “Jerzy” “Jerzy” “Ernest” “August” “Ernest” “Krystian” “Ludwik” “Rudolf” “Wladislaw” “Albert” “Aleksander” “Andel” “Cezar” “Dietrich” “Eugeniusz” “Filip” “Hermann” “Joachim” “Krzysztof” “Lech” “Libor” “Markus” “Maurycy” “Radomir”“Vaclav” “Wilhelm” “Ruprecht” “Branko” “Bruno” “Siegfried” “Tomas”

female = {
    names = {
        “Heinrike” “Ilona” “Andrea” “Helgi" “Heli” “Helina” “Helju” “Helle” “Helmi” “Helve” “Hiie” “Hilda” “Hilja” “Hille” “Iiris” “Ille” “Ilme” “Ilona” “Imbi” “Ines” “Inga” “Inge” “Anezka” “Anna” “Bedriska” “Blazena” “Bohuslava” “Boleslava” “Bozena” “Dobromila” “Dobroslava” “Dorota” “Eliska “Eufemie” “Gertruda “Guta” “Hedvika” “Jaroslava” “Johanka “Judita” “Justina” “Klara” “Konstancie” “Kristyna” “Kunhuta” “Libuse” “Marie” “Olga” “Perchta” “Pribyslava” “Richeza” “Viola” “Vladislava” “Vojslava” “Zdislava” “Zdenka” “Zofie”
surnames = {
    "Jankovsk˝  "z Vlaöimi" "Chotek" "Lichnowsky" "Lobkowicz" "Nostitz" "Kutscha" 
        "Kounic" "VÌtkovec" "ZerotÌn" "CzernÌn" "von Harrach" "Kinsky" "Rosenberg"
        "Waldstein" "Jeszenszky" "Szepessy" "Zrínyi" "von Hannover" "Kahl" "von Holstein-Gottorp" "Iturgen" "Szepessy"
callsigns = {
    "Eagle" "Miner" "Silverhand" "Lightning" "Crossroads" "Viper" "Victory" "Endurance" "Persistence" "Wolf"


- [x] Hungary political parties edits:

HUN_absolutist_party:0 "Hungarian Aristocracy" HUN_anarcho_liberal_party:0 "Balközép Párt" HUN_communism_party:0 "Hungarian People's Democratic Party" HUN_communist_party:0 "Hungarian People's Democratic Party" HUN_conservative_2_party:0 "Hungarian Noble Alliance" HUN_conservative_3_party:0 "Conservative Party" HUN_conservative_4_party:0 "Autonomist Party" HUN_conservative_party:0 "Christian People's Party" HUN_democratic_party:0 "Hungarian Democratic Alliance" HUN_fascism_party:0 "Hungarian National Republican Party" HUN_fascist_party:0 "Hungarian National Republican Party" HUN_liberal_2_party:0 "Liberal Democratic Party" HUN_liberal_3_party:0 "Constitutional Reform Party" HUN_neutrality_party:0 "Balközép Párt" HUN_reactionary_2_party:0 "Mérsékelt Ellenzéki" HUN_socialist_2_party:0 "Magyarországi Szociáldem." HUN_socialist_3_party:0 "Újjászervezett Szociáldem." HUN_socialist_4_party:0 "Kisgazda Párt"

Focus adjustments/decisions/AI events:
- [ ] Reduce number of chances for direct war between China/GACPS, Russia/IRA, and Empire/Foederati via focus.
- [ ] Focuses for Japan, Russia (internal policy/lore and first three foreign policy focuses only), and Hindustan should be accelerated to 7-14 days.  Make the Russian AI not take the Caucasus focus until after the IRA is formed, more members join, and more domestic policy focuses are taken.  Caucasus focus should also bypass if at least one target is in the Foederati faction.
- [x] Japan focus: Change “Placate the Chinese” to “Strategic Neutrality” to reflect Japan remaining neutral from the GACPS but also placating China by not joining any factions.  Effect should be improving relations with China and setting a mutual nonaggression pact with China, Korea, Russia, the UTA, and the Empire.
- [x] Split the final Russia focus (giving war goals on both the Empire and China) into two:
"Clash of Eagles" - Declare war on the Empire.  Locks "Slay the Dragon" until after the Empire is defeated and fascist.  90% chance this is taken first.
"Slay the Dragon" - Declare war on China.  Locks "Clash of Eagles" until after China is defeated and fascist.  10% chance this is taken first.
- [ ] If Russia is at war with one of the Empire or China, the other country gets a decision to join after Russia hits a certain surrender progress.  Scandinavia also gets the same decision to reclaim its own cores from Russia.
- [ ] If Germany is at war with Burgundy and the HRE, give Scandinavia a decision to invade Germany for its cores in Denmark.
- [ ] If Scandinavia flips to fascist, Russia gets a decision to invite it to the IRA.
- [x] If Hungary is in another faction/democratic, bypass relevant Burgundy focus to invite Hungary to HRE.
- [ ] Give Spain and Aragon focuses to attack each other and accelerate these focuses to complete in 7 days.  Burgundy might decide to get involved if it has annexed or subjugated Aquitaine.
- [x] Remove Anahuac from the Turtle Alliance to delay the UTA's focus completion time.
- [x] Bypass the UTA's focus to declare war on England if it is already communist (Pindorama).
- [ ] Adjust Ethiopia's war focus with New Cornwall and Cladach Coille (the English and Scottish colonies).  Merge it into a single focus called "Expel English and Scottish Colonizers."  Boost democratic support in both countries and sets a flag that is used for the later England/Scotland/Ethiopia/Pindorama proxy war in New Cornwall and Cladach Coille (see "The West African War" above).  
- [ ] Once Burgundy defeats Germany, fire an event that partitions the land and releases cores appropriately. 
- [x] Upon independence of POL and BAV tags, fire an event for a referendum on post-independence government type: 90% monarchy (increased with higher absolutist/democratic support), 10% republic (increased with higher communist/fascist support, decreased with higher democratic/absolutist support)
- [ ] Aotearoan Civil War - Each side should get backers from the major Pacific powers: Japan, China, Korea, Hindustan, Australia, Kanata, Tawantinsuyu, UTA, Anahuac, Pindorama (if communist), and the Empire
Weighted 70% democratic, 30% neutral: Japan, Hindustan, Australia, the Empire
Weighted 30% neutral, 70% absolutist: China and Korea - China gets bigger modifier
Weighted 50% neutral, 50% democratic: everybody else

Map/map name adjustments:
- [X] The New Arcadia VP called "Bogota" or "Bacata" should be "Nea Alexandria."
- [X] Rename England's VP “Nativity” to “Charles’ Landing.”
- [X] STATE_165 called"Sugarwood" should be renamed to "Haylesdon."
- [x] Khiva has a small state wedged in between Russia and Persia, separated from its main territory.  Give it to Persia to clean up the border.
- [x] Rename VICTORY_POINTS_6711 ("Cluj") to "Kolozsvár"
- [x] Rename VICTORY_POINTS_3569 ("Brno") to "Brünn" (may already be done in the file, but game shows it as "Brno")
- [x] Keep VP "Vladivostok" named as "Haishenwai" (in preparation for Russia releasing Nurgan).
- [x] Give Ryukyu a core on the state of Okinawa (named Ryukyu if controlled by Ryukyu).
- [x] Give Silesia cores on the states of Upper and Lower Silesia.
- [x] Rename Roman state 486 "Penguin Islands" and VP "Southern Islands" to “Notos” and “Notosopolis”
- [x] states 658 and 660 have each other's names, should be swapped
- [x] Change PEG's core on the state Ayutthaya to a SIA core.
- [x] Add dynamic name "Holy Kingdom of <country>" for European absolutist countries if puppeted by Burgundy.  Leaders should be given regal names of some sort, but this can be addressed once the puppets are set up.
- [x] Change BAV cosmetic tag "Bohemia" to "Bavarian State of Bohemia" for absolutist and democratic government types
- [x] State/VP renames for New Arcadia, New Paphlagonia, and Guiana:

Guiana: 232 “Caribbean Islands” vp “Xaymaca” to “Caribonesia” vp “Vasiloupolis” 233 “Guanahani” vp “Guanahani” to “Guanahani” vp “Laskaropolis” 234 “Demon Island” vp “Triangle” to “Zéphuros,” vp “Triada” 235 “Guayana” capital “Georgiopolis” to “Parrhasia” capital “Pantodynamos” 236 “Greater Antilles vp “Waladli” to “Archaea,” capital “Hagios Ioannes” 237 “Lesser Antilles” vp “Wanakaera” to “Chrysolimano” capital “Hagios Petros”

New Arcadia: 100 “Panama” vp “diaokeanos city” as is 101 “Manahuac” vp “necociauh” to “Nea Aetolia” capital Heliopolis 102 “Cundinamarca” capital nea alexandria to Nea Alexandria, capital Nea Alexándria 103 “New Antioch” vp cucuta to Nea Antiocheia, capital Theba 104 “Miranda” vp callistopolis to Dytike Gouiana, capital Karatalia 105 “Zulia” vp hagios filippos to “Hagios Filippos” capital Karopolis 106 “Cauca” vp calima to Cauca, capital Cauca

New Paphlagonia 26 “Upper Paraguay” vp “Guaraniford” to “Paragouái Vóreia,” capital “Koímisi” 27 “Lower Paraguay” vp “Apotheosis” to “Paragouái Nótia,” capital “Xenodocheía” 28 “Uruguay” vp “Asimidelta” to “Asímistómas,” capital “Katarrákti” 29 “Kalo Aera” capital “Kalo Aera” to “Kalóaérides,” capital “Kalóaérides” 30 “Anamesapotamia” vp “Revmata” to “Asímistómas,” capital “Ánoixipotamos” 31 “Hagia Pisti” vp “Hagios Ieronymos” to “Hagia Písti,” capital “Hagia Písti” 32 “Chaku” vp “Anastasi” to “Timíou Stavroú,” capital “Romaïkípotámos” 33 “Tucuman” vp “Tucuman” as is 34 “Pediades” vp “Eleos” to “Pediádes Kentrikés,” capital “Tétartopotamos” 35 “Mavropotami” vp “New Larissa” to “Mávropotámos,” capital “Kyríasapólis” 36 “North Patagonia” vp “Neuquen” to “Asimíthálassa,” capital “Asimíthálassa” 37 “South Patagonia” vp “Limeniki Epitymia” to “Pyrósigis,” capital “Odysséapólis” 38 “Pachacuti Island” vp “Pachacuti Island” as is 39 “Araucania” vp “Chauracavi” as is 40 “Tapotamia” vp “Augustinos” to “Pehuenmapu,” capital “Augustinos”

- [ ] state id 100 vp change to "Diaokeanopolis"

National spirits/leaders/related stuff:
- [X] England's monarch national spirit should be renamed to "Thomas I of Hayles-Iturgen-Williams."
- [x] Update Hungary's absolutist leader to "Lajos Esterházy" who uses vanilla Miklos Horthy's portrait.
- [ ] Move up England's election to late 1938.
- [x] Update Hindustan's monarch national spirit to use "Badshah" instead of "King."
- [x] If BAV and POL are monarchies, edit BAV_monarch and POL_monarch national spirits existing in converted_ideas_I_english.yml to "King Edmund I von Weimar" and "King Dezydery I of Iturgen" respectively.  
- [x] Add national spirit for Mutsuhito ("Emperor Tenwa"), but only apply it to Japan after completing the coronation focus.  

- [ ] Placeholder for putting dynamic names.
CaesarVincens commented 1 month ago

@zenphoenix37 For the "Holy Kingdom of" subject names, you can fill out this template by replacing TAG with the country tag for any number of countries.

 TAG_subj_BRG:0 "Holy Kingdom of $TAG$"
 TAG_subj_BRG_DEF:0 "the Holy Kingdom of $TAG$"
 TAG_subj_BRG_ADJ:0 "$TAG_ADJ$"

For example, for FRA:

 FRA_subj_BRG:0 "Holy Kingdom of $FRA$"
 FRA_subj_BRG_DEF:0 "the Holy Kingdom of $FRA$"
 FRA_subj_BRG_ADJ:0 "$FRA_ADJ$"

This should set the name to be the "basic" name prefixed by Holy Kingdom. I'm setting up a general effect to apply this to any number of countries, so feel free to go wild.