Romern / syncMyMoodle

Synchronization client for RWTH Moodle
GNU General Public License v3.0
70 stars 18 forks source link iframes in assignment intro aren't downloaded #91

Open jkhsjdhjs opened 2 years ago

jkhsjdhjs commented 2 years ago

The course Theoretische Informationstechnik 1 contains iframes, which aren't downloaded. They are contained in the intro property of the respective assignment object:

  "id": 16842,
  "fullname": "Theoretische Informationstechnik 1 (VO) [21ws-61.03482]",
  "shortname": "(VO) Theoretische Informationstechnik 1",
  "timemodified": 1644494446,
  "assignments": [
      "id": 29716,
      "cmid": 767824,
      "course": 16842,
      "name": "Übung 02 (28.10.2021)",
      "nosubmissions": 0,
      "submissiondrafts": 0,
      "sendnotifications": 0,
      "sendlatenotifications": 0,
      "sendstudentnotifications": 1,
      "duedate": 0,
      "allowsubmissionsfromdate": 1634853600,
      "grade": 100,
      "timemodified": 1638445053,
      "completionsubmit": 1,
      "cutoffdate": 1635408000,
      "gradingduedate": 0,
      "teamsubmission": 0,
      "requireallteammemberssubmit": 0,
      "teamsubmissiongroupingid": 0,
      "blindmarking": 0,
      "hidegrader": 0,
      "revealidentities": 0,
      "attemptreopenmethod": "none",
      "maxattempts": -1,
      "markingworkflow": 0,
      "markingallocation": 0,
      "requiresubmissionstatement": 0,
      "preventsubmissionnotingroup": 1,
      "configs": [
          "plugin": "file",
          "subtype": "assignsubmission",
          "name": "enabled",
          "value": "1"
          "plugin": "file",
          "subtype": "assignsubmission",
          "name": "maxfilesubmissions",
          "value": "2"
          "plugin": "file",
          "subtype": "assignsubmission",
          "name": "maxsubmissionsizebytes",
          "value": "262144000"
          "plugin": "file",
          "subtype": "assignsubmission",
          "name": "filetypeslist",
          "value": ""
          "plugin": "comments",
          "subtype": "assignsubmission",
          "name": "enabled",
          "value": "1"
          "plugin": "comments",
          "subtype": "assignfeedback",
          "name": "enabled",
          "value": "1"
          "plugin": "comments",
          "subtype": "assignfeedback",
          "name": "commentinline",
          "value": "0"
          "plugin": "editpdf",
          "subtype": "assignfeedback",
          "name": "enabled",
          "value": "1"
      "intro": "<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: left;\">&nbsp;<span class=\"occontainer_outer\">\n  <span class=\"occontainer_inner\">\n    <iframe data-frameSrc=\"\" class=\"ocplayer\" allowfullscreen=\"true\"></iframe>\n  </span>\n</span>&nbsp;<br></p>",
      "introformat": 1,
      "introfiles": [],
      "introattachments": [
          "filename": "loesung02.pdf",
          "filepath": "/",
          "filesize": 278975,
          "fileurl": "",
          "timemodified": 1635415171,
          "mimetype": "application/pdf",
          "isexternalfile": false
          "filename": "mitschrift.pdf",
          "filepath": "/",
          "filesize": 577983,
          "fileurl": "",
          "timemodified": 1635415171,
          "mimetype": "application/pdf",
          "isexternalfile": false
          "filename": "uebung02.pdf",
          "filepath": "/",
          "filesize": 230409,
          "fileurl": "",
          "timemodified": 1634900182,
          "mimetype": "application/pdf",
          "isexternalfile": false
          "filename": "uebung2_video.mp4",
          "filepath": "/",
          "filesize": 32365720,
          "fileurl": "",
          "timemodified": 1635418476,
          "mimetype": "video/mp4",
          "isexternalfile": false

(I removed all but one assignment object to keep the output short)

In this case the video is also contained as an attached file named uebung2_video.mp4, but this isn't always the case.

n0toose commented 1 year ago

but this isn't always the case

Hi, sorry for getting back to this issue so late, just wanted to ask if you happen to have any more information as to when that happens.

jkhsjdhjs commented 1 year ago

Thanks for having a look at this issue! I assume that in this case a manager of the course decided to upload the video as uebung2_video.mp4 in addition to the streaming link:

But sadly they didn't always do it, as for exercise 3 there isn't a separate video file:

n0toose commented 1 year ago

But sadly they didn't always do it, as for exercise 3 there isn't a separate video file.

Dang it. Yeah, we tend to assume very often that videos do not come with extra attachments.