RonanPlugins / BetterRTP

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Instantly teleport without delay or cooldown - problem #179

Closed smscentras closed 6 months ago

smscentras commented 9 months ago

Plugin Version: 1.8.8

Describe The Bug: Allowing players to instantly teleport without delay or cooldown? After using command /rtp (with cooldown 100) - try to enter portal and your plugin write message: wait 90sec more... (this is ok) After that, no longer portal working... Need to reconnect. (not ok)

How To Reproduce: Turn RTP cooldown to 100 write /rtp write /rtp Try go thrrough the gate... bum

Expected Behavior: Portal allowing players to instantly teleport without delay or cooldown? - Not working. Crash on cooldown and can't working, need to rejoin the world.

Screenshots/Error Log: No errors in console.

SuperRonanCraft commented 6 months ago

This has been fixed, pending release ;)

SuperRonanCraft commented 6 months ago

fixed in 3.6.12