RongTsai4Git / TechNote

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EMQX setup with docker #2

Open RongTsai4Git opened 2 years ago

RongTsai4Git commented 2 years ago


RongTsai4Git commented 2 years ago

利用 Postgres 做 auth

Insert Testing user, password -> sha256

device1, Device1qaz2wsx!

device2, Device123456!

INSERT INTO mqtt_user (username, password, salt, is_superuser) VALUES ('device1', '70a17135894291fcf2bf7dd88986cb44583fa8b224c4c9d85c071889a6164127', NULL, false), ('device2', '2490451915aafc6cebdfbe419fb3cc3e9db6bfb35e1f56847e686dae9d4cf5e4', NULL, false);

* emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_pgsql


* reload acl

emqx_ctl acl reload

* reference
RongTsai4Git commented 2 years ago

設定 ACL, 當 acl no match 時,將client斷線

after deny, do 'disconnect' action

acl_deny_action = disconnect

issue by answer from

a higher priority configuration named zone..acl_deny_action, if it be set, emqx will use its value rather than acl_deny_action. You should comment zone..acl_deny_action or set it to disconnect rather than default ignore

zone.internal.acl_deny_action = disconnect zone.external.acl_deny_action = disconnect

RongTsai4Git commented 2 years ago

藉由 postgres 設定 ACL, 來實現限制特定的 username, client id 只能夠 pub, sub 某些 topic 的功能

* postgres

Create acl table

CREATE TABLE mqtt_acl ( id SERIAL primary key, allow integer, ipaddr character varying(60), username character varying(100), clientid character varying(100), access integer, topic character varying(100) )

Insert rule

INSERT INTO mqtt_acl (allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic) VALUES (1,NULL,'device1',NULL,2,'device/1/telemetry'), (1,NULL,'device2',NULL,1,'device/1/telemetry');

* 不需要重開 emqx !
* reference