Ronggui / RQDA

R-based Qualitative Data Analysis
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R version 4? #44

Open nbreznau opened 3 years ago

nbreznau commented 3 years ago

Just curios if there are plans to make RQDA run on version 4 of R?

BroVic commented 3 years ago

Hi @nbreznau, I'm not a maintainer but let me chime in.

TLDR; You can install the current stable RQDA on R 4.0 and it works without problems. See #38.

There's a slight misconception some have over RQDA vs R 4.0. The problem we are having with RQDA is not one of backward compatibility but of accessibility.

RQDA was archived on CRAN due to changes in 2 of its dependencies, gWidgets and gWidgetsRGtk2. Because of this, we can't currently simply install RQDA with the regular call to install.packages().

I am currently using the archived version of RQDA on R-4.0.3, without any problems. The question is how did I install it? Reference to the discussion on issue #38. In light of the problem we discussed at that time, I wrote a script to help with installing it on Windows. See this SO question where I described it in detail. Also, Jan Marvin Garbuszus developed a branch using the new versions of the problematic RQDA dependencies, and many reported success installing it, but it looks like the repo was either deleted or moved to a different location. I, however, preferred to stick with the CRAN version.

Finally, the maintainer(s) of this project have made new commits that indicate they are working on upgrading the package. I expect it all to be resolved in no time.

Lisette218 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all the developer's work to make the package available and running on R 4.0.

Unfortunately simply installing RQDA currently doesn't seem to work anymore (on Windows). I tried many of the solutions which were mentioned in #38, and this approach seemed to be the most promising, The problem now seems to be related (again) to difficulties with installing the "gWidgetsRGtk2"-package.

I don't know whether more people are experiencing this problem, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

BroVic commented 3 years ago

If it's Windows install RQDAassist and run


The problem is not with gWidgetsRgtk2 itself, but indirectly RGtk2 and its direct dependency, Gtk+. Gtk+ is not an R package and thus has to be installed independently in the following 2 possible ways:

  1. Installed as a standalone software and placed on system PATH, or
  2. Installed in the gtk subfolder of the RGtk2 found in the local R library.

For the first instance, you have to download it yourself from the host while in the second, RGtk2 will prompt you to install Gtk+, but only in an interactive R session after a call to library(RGtk2). Once Gtk+ is present, gWidgetsRgtk2 installs without problems.

Lisette218 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, works like a charm (after I re-installed R and RStudio)!

BroVic commented 3 years ago


MillerGuevara commented 3 years ago

If it's Windows install RQDAassist

Just created this account to say: thank you very much! I installed RQDA with the code you wrote at I'm gonna try this new package tho. Thank you, again.

BroVic commented 3 years ago

Glad it worked out for you.

Yeah I basically used that script to write the main function in that package but then I started adding a few others to facilitate my own work with RQDA. If you have any suggestions feel free to open an issue over there. Cheers!