RongzongWu / EverydayCovidData

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Does vaccination help you avoid death if you contract Covid-19? #1

Open RongzongWu opened 2 years ago

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

To answer this question we need to look at the death rate (defined as death per case) among vaccinated people vs. unvaccinated people.

There are several ways to come up with the answer.

One rough (order of magnitude) estimate is to look at the death rate from a country before vaccination begins, and the death rate after majority of the population has been vaccinated. Lets call this Method A. A stands for "Approximation".

The other is to look at more specific data: the death amongst vaccinated cases and death amongst unvaccinated cases. Let's call this Method BG, where B stands for "Best Guest".

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

Method A (pproximation):

To make this more accurate, we need to look at countries with high vaccination rates. I picked South Korea (85% fully vaccinated) and Israel (66% fully vaccinated) as of 1/21/2022, according to google new: for South Korea for Israel

image image

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

Let's look at South Korea first:

The vaccination starts about April 1, 2021, and plateaued around November 1, 2021. There were two waves of death: image image

Around Jan 7, 2021: 7-day average death is 23, this is before the vaccination began, Around Dec 25, 2021: 7-day average death is 75, this is after the vaccination has plateaued.

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

A case wave should occur about one to two weeks before a death wave. The case waves correspond to the above two death waves should be the ones around Dec 25, 2020, 7-day average case is 1047, and around Dec 18, 2021, with a 7-day average case of 6832. image image

So the death rate before vaccination is 23/1047 = 2.2%. the death rate after vaccination is 75/6832 = 1.1%.

So the death rate reduced from 2.2% to 1.1%, significant but still within the order of magnitude of each other.

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

Do the same analysis for Israel and USA, and here is the summary: image

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

In summary, based on Method A, it seems that vaccination helps significantly, but the death rate for a person that has contracted COVID is on the same orders of magnitude regardless of the vaccinated status.

Note that since the vaccination rate is not 100%, the effectiveness of vaccination calculated using Method A is probably less than the truth. So these should be viewed as lower bounds. In other words, we should expect that vaccination to reduce death rate by at least 50%.

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

In order to do Method B (Best Estimate). Let's see if we can find some number from CDC of the U.S. government.

Here is the page that shows the relevant data:

There is a link to download the data, see the screenshot below:


A copy of the data I downloaded today (1/23/2022) can be found here in this repo:

Note that GitHub won't show all the columns. Also note that the data seems to be slightly different between my last download and this download, even for historical data.

RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

After comparing the data in the CSV file against the chart showing on the CDC site, it is clear that the chart is showing the "Age adjusted vax IR", and "Age adjusted unvax IR" columns. "IR" means incident rate, which is incident (either death or COVID case) per 100,000 population.

Here is all the data showing on the chart before splitting into age groups and vaccine type:

Week Age adjusted vax case IR Age adjusted unvax case IR Age adjusted vax death IR Age adjusted unvax death IR
202114 21.02451063 203.9323319 0.14802466 2.842742135
202115 18.52872443 203.3859786 0.159363074 2.993971489
202116 16.66126192 175.4118045 0.132634061 2.943645475
202117 15.98967457 159.6048127 0.135112389 2.588312523
202118 11.46537228 136.1643299 0.121080928 2.467597783
202119 8.574761325 116.5863226 0.089706092 2.003318512
202120 7.292606748 90.22434023 0.087131345 1.673362986
202121 5.736668205 68.46282246 0.070741957 1.43467003
202122 5.141028089 55.5179887 0.070511 1.227541079
202123 5.19057167 50.72798976 0.06595192 1.175770354
202124 5.438432335 49.18168573 0.075719921 1.16947474
202125 7.220768436 54.56028842 0.09677206 1.362497124
202126 11.04556018 72.5216213 0.101019844 1.738044504
202127 18.48788738 109.0548874 0.170868479 2.738782493
202128 33.63993835 172.8768935 0.295105522 4.075500579
202129 58.39782885 283.7455799 0.473397441 7.225968495
202130 88.29428495 424.1256506 0.755289571 11.02238333
202131 112.1479814 530.772165 0.934321269 14.59533223
202132 122.7498664 607.8844795 1.124302436 17.04765669
202133 128.3088508 657.1131485 1.119929796 18.16471288
202134 132.0615953 682.8966736 1.055002165 17.35325648
202135 125.4784082 658.8965665 0.987623263 16.64901073
202136 113.1012979 595.1731908 0.939754274 14.43491032
202137 102.4493681 533.0887034 0.809496229 12.39061186
202138 87.84098312 454.9216632 0.710131159 10.2544866
202139 82.97084161 408.3782701 0.591209942 8.676893667
202140 77.66425169 373.4160667 0.533698312 7.709436743
202141 69.32257568 329.4917907 0.50222873 7.116481256
202142 65.30913674 305.4796871 0.467174931 6.431453612
202143 68.7723518 318.0736112 0.455656623 6.301405512
202144 78.34089861 337.1566391 0.461489254 6.882448207
202145 85.36868555 377.6721347 0.484333139 7.471984836
202146 92.34663458 418.2837514 0.509388337 8.39450078
202147 82.89861928 375.3168955 0.510981089 7.770561558
202148 123.852306 559.0325355 0.465690889 9.197037038
202149 113.359997 528.5697208    
202150 207.1574417 639.8792063    
202151 443.6895645 1006.387219    
RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

To calculate the death rate, just divide the death incident rate (IR) by the case incident rate. For example, for the week of 202114 (week 14 of year 2021), the death rate for vaccinated people is 0.14802466/21.02451063 = 0.7%, and for unvaccinated people this is: 2.842742135/203.9323319 = 1.4%. This means a reduction in death rate of 50%.

Week Vaxed Death Rate (%) Unvaxed Death Rate (%) Reduction in Death Rate (%)
4/10/2021 0.7 1.4 49.5
4/17/2021 0.9 1.5 41.6
4/24/2021 0.8 1.7 52.6
5/1/2021 0.8 1.6 47.9
5/8/2021 1.1 1.8 41.7
5/15/2021 1.0 1.7 39.1
5/22/2021 1.2 1.9 35.6
5/29/2021 1.2 2.1 41.2
6/5/2021 1.4 2.2 38.0
6/12/2021 1.3 2.3 45.2
6/19/2021 1.4 2.4 41.4
6/26/2021 1.3 2.5 46.3
7/3/2021 0.9 2.4 61.8
7/10/2021 0.9 2.5 63.2
7/17/2021 0.9 2.4 62.8
7/24/2021 0.8 2.5 68.2
7/31/2021 0.9 2.6 67.1
8/7/2021 0.8 2.7 69.7
8/14/2021 0.9 2.8 67.3
8/21/2021 0.9 2.8 68.4
8/28/2021 0.8 2.5 68.6
9/4/2021 0.8 2.5 68.9
9/11/2021 0.8 2.4 65.7
9/18/2021 0.8 2.3 66.0
9/25/2021 0.8 2.3 64.1
10/2/2021 0.7 2.1 66.5
10/9/2021 0.7 2.1 66.7
10/16/2021 0.7 2.2 66.5
10/23/2021 0.7 2.1 66.0
10/30/2021 0.7 2.0 66.6
11/6/2021 0.6 2.0 71.1
11/13/2021 0.6 2.0 71.3
11/20/2021 0.6 2.0 72.5
11/27/2021 0.6 2.1 70.2
12/4/2021 0.4 1.6 77.1
RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

The death rate per COVID cases is shown in the following chart for vaccinated and un-vaccinated populations respectively. It seems that the death rate changes a lot, not sure why. Overall the numbers are in the same order of magnitude as the ones calculated through Method A.


RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

The reduction in death rate is plotted below:


RongzongWu commented 2 years ago

It seems that vaccination initially only reduce death rate by about 40% then increased to about 60-70%, with a sudden jump occurring around end of June and beginning of July 2021. This seems to coincide with the time when the vaccination rate plateaued.

The 60-70% reduction rate is consistent with the numbers we got from Method A (which provides a lower bound estimate of 50%).

With a 70% reduction, we are looking at 2 out of 3 people that can be saved by vaccination from death, if contracted COVID.

I believe this is significant. However, vaccination is far from being a silver bullet, it does NOT eliminate death, only 70% of it. To say all COVID death is avoidable is wrong.