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Exploration of the Puma website #5

Open RoninGK opened 1 year ago

RoninGK commented 1 year ago

Test Case 1 DSC: to control the sign-up function if it works successfully. TP: to have an active account. TS:

  1. To verify if the correct credentials were placed in the required fields.
  2. To check if first name/last name are written correct.
  3. To check if the email is written correct.
  4. To check if the password is written correct.
  5. To verify if you can see the password.
  6. To check if there is option related to news and offers from the website.
  7. To control if there is condition related to user rules and obligations

ER: the account was created and can be used by the user

Test Case 2 DSC: to control if the user can login to his account. TS

  1. To check if there is lost password function
  2. To verify if the credentials are placed correct
  3. To control if you can enter in the account

ER the user can enter into an account using the correct credentials (login and password).

Test Case 3 DSC: to control if the header displays the correct information. TS

  1. Verify header section added on the website.
  2. Verify header section is aligned.
  3. Verify icons aligned with the text if added on the header.
  4. Verify icons added should be related to the link text.
  5. Verify links text should be readable or not.
  6. Verify the logo of the website added on the header is align or not.
  7. Verify the same header used on whole website pages.
  8. Verify all links should be opening on the header or not.
  9. Verify on click on the link on the header the correct page should be open.
  10. Verify the home page should be open on clicking on the logo on all pages.

ER: the header displays correct information for the user

Test Case 4 DSC: footer check-up TS

  1. Verify the footer section aligned at the end of the page.
  2. Verify footer section should be same for all pages.
  3. Verify logo shown at the footer.
  4. Verify logo aligned on the footer.
  5. Verify from any page on click on the logo home page should be open.
  6. Verify on click on the links correct pages should be loaded.
  7. Verify all social links with icons added on the footer.
  8. Verify no spelling mistake for the text on the footer section.
  9. Verify there must equal space for the element's links, button, social links from top and bottom at the footer section.
  10. Verify the subscribe to the newsletter section present or not.
  11. Verify the subscribe to the newsletter email field with subscribe button present or not.
  12. Verify validation on the email field for subscribing to the newsletter added or not.

ER everything in the footer section works.

Test Case 5 DSC: pagination check-up TS

  1. To check if pagination is shown on the page load
  2. To check whether the previous and next buttons are shown with the pagination or not..
  3. To check if accurate results would be generated by clicking the buttons
  4. Make sure functionality for the pagination should not be disturbed if filter options are available and implemented by the user.
  5. Make sure on clicking on the First page very the first and the default page should be shown.
  6. The end page should be shown in case the user clicks on the Last button.
  7. Verify correct page should be loaded if the user adds the number of the page in the input box.
  8. Make sure the correct data should be loaded by entering the page number.

ER The user should be able to navigate to all the pages in the website.

Test Case 6 DSC: the search functionality TS

  1. Verify the search field present and aligned.
  2. Verify place holder text added on search or not.
  3. Verify spelling and grammar should be correct for place holder text.
  4. Verify search icon is present on the field.
  5. Verify cursor should present on click on the search icon.
  6. Verify search is functional and generating the correct result for correct keywords or not by adding valid search.
  7. Verify search working by adding keyword and pressing the Enter key from the keyboard.
  8. Verify search working by adding keyword and on click on the search button.
  9. Verify if the user can paste the keyword with the mouse.

ER user can use search functionality.

Test Case 7 DSC: the search function (part 2) TS

  1. Confirm whether users can search the products on an e-commerce website should be functional or not.
  2. Make sure that the correct result should be shown for the search result.

ER Search results should be displayed with the most relevant item being shown first

Test Case 8 DSC: product control TS

  1. Verify products or items shown on the webpage clearly.
  2. Make sure that the items are categorized or not by the category name.
  3. Verify that the image added to the product should not be broken or blurred.
  4. Verify product size, dimensions and quality are mentioned under the product or not.
  5. Verify shipping information for the product is displayed or not.
  6. Verify whether product reviews by the customer are added or not.
  7. Verify the overall rating of the product is shown on the web page or not.
  8. Confirm whether the images for the products are available or not.
  9. Verify image of the product added should be the real images of the product.
  10. Confirm the user selected product detail page opens as the user clicks on the image or name of the product.
  11. Check whether the number of the remaining product shown or not.
  12. Confirm whether the available color of the item should be shown on the webpage or not.
  13. Check the correct price of the product should be displayed on the webpage.
  14. Verify whether the product related more items are shown on the product detail web page or not.

ER All data related to the product – title, price, images, and description are all visible clearly.

Test Case 9 DSC: cart function TS

  1. Confirm whether the Add to Cart button is present or not on the webpage for the product.
  2. Make sure user selected products should be added to the cart page.
  3. Test users can add more than one item on the cart page.
  4. Verify the quantity of the selected product is shown clearly on the cart page or not.
  5. Verify the price of the selected product is clearly shown or not on the cart page.
  6. Verify the total price if any discount is offered.
  7. Check user can apply for a discount code if offered.
  8. Verify total price in front of each product is shown on the webpage or not.
  9. Verify whether the product delivery charges are mentioned on the cart page or not.
  10. Verify whether the total number of the selected item is shown on the cart page or not.
  11. Make sure that the expected product delivery time is mentioned on the web page or not.
  12. Verify whether the user can add multiple products to the cart or not.
  13. Verify user can remove the selected product from the cart successfully or not.
  14. Verify whether the user can add the same product multiple times or not.
  15. Verify the total price of all products is shown on the page or not.
  16. Verify by adding or removing the same or new product the new prices should be updated on the cart page or not.

ER cart functionality is working good

Test Case 10 DSC: payment function TS

  1. Verify whether the checkout or payment button on the cart webpage is present or not.
  2. Make sure on the payment page different payment methods are available or not for the user.
  3. Test payment is done successfully by adding valid credit/debit card credentials.
  4. Verify the correct shipping address is shown or not.
  5. Make sure the user is notified by sending an email or not.
  6. Verify email must have the order number or not.

ER payment functionality works.

Test Case 11 DSC: filter TS

  1. Test if the user can filter based on all the parameters on the page
  2. The user should be able to see results with default search criteria when at least one of the filter parameters isn’t mandatory
  3. Test that all the product details are displayed correctly and that no empty/invalid details are displayed.
  4. Product Images should be optimized for size and dimensions, which further helps in performance testing.
  5. If there’s breadcrumb navigation, each link in the breadcrumb should be functional. Below is an example of breadcrumb navigation.
  6. All the links (size, Pin code check, etc) about the product should be functional.

ER the filter works

RoninGK commented 9 months ago

Test Run will be attached here.