RonitT1234 / CSP_BLOG_RT

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CSP Spot Check Part 2 #12

Open RonitT1234 opened 4 months ago

RonitT1234 commented 4 months ago

Score: 0.92

Individuals will be asked to demonstrate the below.

Live reviews will be focussed on discussing the Show elements and demonstrating the Demo elements. It is expected that ISSUE is prepared in advance, but is linked at the end of Live review day.

  • jupyter notebook or web page that shows signup and login, focus on login

    • [x ] Show HTML and JavaScript to support Login/Signup in VSCode …


* [x ]  Show HTML that support Login/Signup


* [ x]  Show Style that supports Login/Signup formatting


* [x ]  Show JavaScript code that performs Fetch


  • [x ] In Browser/Jupyter demo …

    • [x ] Demo Login success
    • [x ] Demo Login failure
RonitT1234 commented 4 months ago

Score: 0.90

  • jupyter notebook or web page that shows redirect or 403 error as result of signup and login page, focus on redirect to data/table display or failure

    • [ x] Show HTML and JavaScript to support Login/Signup failure VSCode …

    • [ x] Show JavaScript that performs Fetch fetch

    • [ x] Show code that redirects to page on success redirect

    • [ x] Show code that shows implementation of roles roles

    • [ x] Show code that captures error handling on 403 403

    • [ x] In Browser/Jupyter demo …

    • [ x] Demo Login success redirecting to table/data page

    • [ x] Show in split screen, login success with cookie on redirected page

    • [ x] Demo Login success to a page that requires advanced role

    • [ x] Demo Login failure related in insufficient role

RonitT1234 commented 4 months ago

Score: 0.91

  • jupyter notebook that shows CRUD operation on page that requires authentication, or this can include signup without authentication

    • [ ] Show in VSCode HTML and JavaScript to support Post, Put or Delete method


* [ ]  Show JavaScript that performs Fetch


* [ ]  Show JavaScript code that handles Response and formats data


* [ ]  Show code that supports HTML, HTML generation, and Style


  • [ x] In Browser/Jupyter demo …

    • [ x] Demo Fetch Action for Create/Post
    • [ x] Demo Fetch Action for Update/Put
    • [ x] Demo Fetch Action for Delete
  • [ x] In SQLite demo …

    • [ x] Demo Data Before each Fetch Action
    • [ x] Demo Data After each Fetch Action