Rookfighter / least-squares-cpp

A single header-only C++ library for least squares fitting.
MIT License
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Need to pass an Eigen::MatrixXd object into the "objective functor" / define analytical jacobian of fixed shape #11

Closed Mechazo11 closed 5 months ago

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

Hello @Rookfighter,

Greatly appreciate your header-only non linear solver library that you have shared with the community. I have tested your method for a 2D rosenbrock function and can confirm the library works correctly.

For a robotics vision project, I am in the process of implementing a fast manhattan frame estimation method as described in this paper Fast MF

If you take a look at the paper, the non linear objective function described in Equation 36 requires computing an least squares error function $E(R) = f^T(R)f(R)$ where $R \in SO(3)$ and $f(R)$ is a function of a matrix $H$ and column vector $V_2(r_i)$ s.t $i = {1,2,3}$.

I have figured out how to compute $H$ but from the examples of levenberg marquardt algorithm you have provided in least-squares-cpp, the objective function, it appears that an object from ObjectiveFunctor cannot be initialized separately before passing it to lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, ObjectiveFunctor> optimizer;

My questions are in two parts

  1. Is there a way I can initialize an object from the ObjectiveFunctor struct before sending it to lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, ObjectiveFunctor> ? The reason I asked is to verify whether this is possible so that I can initialize an object from ObjectiveFunctor and pass the $H$ matrix to it.

  2. How do I define an explicit jacobian that has a fixed known dimension and not Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Outputs, Inputs> &jacobian)?

To clarify my questions here is a pseudocode of what I want to achieve. The equations below are in reference to the paper linked above

struct ObjectiveFunctor

    static constexpr bool ComputesJacobian = false;  // Will this be ```true```?
    Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> H_mat;  

    // Is this constructor allowed here?
    ObjectiveFuctor(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> &H_in)
                       : H_mat(H_in)

    template<typename Scalar, int Inputs, int Outputs>  
    void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Inputs, 1> &xval, 
                    Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Outputs, 1> &fval) const {

        assert(xval.size() == 9);
        fval.resize(1);     //* Equation 32 outputs a scalar [1x1]

        fval(0) = Use Equation 32, as Eigen::Vector &x and H_mat is now available

        // calculate the jacobian explicitly {as shown in one of the example}
        Will Equation 35 work here? The jacobian here will come out as 18x3


void FastMF::useLMToFindMF(){

ObjectiveFunctor obj(H_in); // H_in is available as a public variable in the class ```FastMF```

lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, ObjectiveFunctor> optimizer;

// Set initial guess

// Solve
auto result = optimizer.minimize(initialGuess);

The problem description may not be very clear but I tried my best to frame the problem so that it aligns with how you have written the library.

Will greatly appreciate if you can help me with this implementation problem.
Looking forward to your kind feedback.

With best regards, @Mechazo11

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

Hi @Mechazo11, thanks for using least squares cpp. Regarding your first question, there is a setObjective method in the LM class which allows to initialize / change the state of your objective. Note that this performs a copy of the objective object, so if the data in the objective is large it might be a good idea to store it as pointer or shared pointer. Regarding your other points I will give you a detailed answer the next days when I get some time to do some reading ;)

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

Regarding explicit jacobian computation (e. g. analytically) there is an example on how to do this in the examples directory. See

I will provide you with an updated version of your example code later :+1:

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

@Rookfighter thank you very much for your prompt reply. I really appreciate it. At the moment, I am trying to the setObjective method with numerical jacobian first and will then attempt to use analytical jacobian based on your updated example. Maybe when I can verify my optimization answers are correct I can share both approaches with an example test code to bolster this libraries example repository.

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

Hello @Rookfighter,

Apologizing in advance for this lengthy post.

Regarding my first problem, I was able to use a global pointer extern Eigen::MatrixXd* global_H_mat_ptr; to transport the H matrix inside the functor without requiring to initiate an object outside of your library. Eventually I was able to get the optimization going with numerical jacobian.

However the results don't look good and thus I am anxious to see how they would turn out with the analytical jacobian.

However, at the time of writing post, I am unable to get the analytical jacobian to work. Below is a code that hopefully will enable you to replicate the issue

#include <lsqcpp/lsqcpp.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
extern Eigen::MatrixXd* global_H_mat_ptr;

struct FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian

    static constexpr bool ComputesJacobian = true; // set true when Analytic equation for jacobian exsists

    template<typename _Scalar> 
    void compute_V2r(const _Scalar& x, const _Scalar& y, const _Scalar& z, Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& V2r) const {
        // For one row of Rstar, builds its corresponding V_2(r) vector based on Equation 11
        // Const correctness will stop if we try to modify the "member" variables, not reference variables
        // Returns None 

        V2r = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>::Zero(6); // Initialize
        V2r[0] = pow(x,2);  // x^2
        V2r[1] = pow(y,2);  // y^2
        V2r[2] = pow(z,2);  // z^2
        V2r[3] = x * y;  // xy
        V2r[4] = x * z;  // xz
        V2r[5] = y * z;  // yz  

    template<typename _Scalar>
    void compute_Jv2r(const _Scalar& x, const _Scalar& y, const _Scalar& z, Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& J_mat) const {
        // Computes d.V2r/dr using Equation 33
        // NOTE, J_mat must be a all zero matrix

        J_mat = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>::Zero(6,3);  // Initialize

        // Update only the non-zero terms
        J_mat(0,0) = 2 * x;
        J_mat(1,1) = 2 * y;
        J_mat(2,2) = 2 * z;
        J_mat(3,0) = y;
        J_mat(3,1) = x;
        J_mat(4,0) = z;
        J_mat(4,2) = x;
        J_mat(5,1) = z;
        J_mat(5,2) = y;

    template<typename _Scalar>
    void compute_jacobian_perterb_rotation(const _Scalar& x, const _Scalar& y, const _Scalar& z, Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& r_mat) const {
        // Computes per axis the Jacobian with respec to delta.psi using Equation 34
        // Returns None

        r_mat = Eigen::Matrix<_Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>::Zero(3,3); // 3x3 perturbation rotation matrix

        // Update non-zero terms only
        r_mat(0,1) = z;
        r_mat(0,2) = -y;
        r_mat(1,0) = -z;
        r_mat(1,2) = x;
        r_mat(2,0) = y;
        r_mat(2,1) = -x;

    template<typename Scalar, int Inputs, int Outputs>
    void operator()(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Inputs, 1> &xval, 
                    Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Outputs, 1> &fval,
                    Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> &jacobian) const {
        // Compute error term and jacobian                

        assert(global_H_mat_ptr != nullptr); // Ensure the global pointer is set and not a nullptr
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& H = *global_H_mat_ptr; // Deferencing a pointer

        // Assert 9 decision variables were passsed, maybe redundant
        assert(xval.size() == 9);    
        fval.resize(1); // Without this resize(), Eigen throws Assertion "index >= 0 && index < size()' failed"

        // Initialize work variables
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> V2r1;  // V_2(r1) -- X axis
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> V2r2;  // V_2(r1) -- Y axis
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> V2r3;  // V_2(r3) -- Z axis
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> f_R(18);    // f(R) = [H.V2r1; H.V2r2; H.V2r3]

        // Const cast decision variables for use
        // TODO these maybe redundant, comeback to these later
        const Scalar r11 = xval(0);
        const Scalar r12 = xval(1);
        const Scalar r13 = xval(2);

        const Scalar r21 = xval(3);
        const Scalar r22 = xval(4);
        const Scalar r23 = xval(5);

        const Scalar r31 = xval(6);
        const Scalar r32 = xval(7);
        const Scalar r33 = xval(8);

        // Compute three V2r vectors based on current rotation matrix R
        compute_V2r(r11, r12, r13, V2r1);
        compute_V2r(r21, r22, r23, V2r2);
        compute_V2r(r31, r32, r33, V2r3);

        f_R << H * V2r1, H * V2r2, H * V2r3;    // 18 x 1, concatenate three 6x1 vectors, Equation 32
        fval(0) = f_R.transpose() * f_R;

        // Analytically compute jacobian
        jacobian.setZero(18, 3);    // Initialize

        // Variables to hold Jacobian of per axis vectors i.e. skew-symmetric rotation matrices
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> J_v1;
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> J_v2;
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> J_v3;

        // Variables to hold rotation perturbation matrix corresponding to delta.psi
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> r1_sym_x;
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> r2_sym_x;
        Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> r3_sym_x;

        // Equaiton 33
        compute_Jv2r(r11,r12,r13, J_v1);
        compute_Jv2r(r21,r22,r23, J_v2);
        compute_Jv2r(r31,r32,r33, J_v3);

        // Equation 34

        // Equation 35
        jacobian << H * J_v1 * r1_sym_x, 
                H * J_v2 * r2_sym_x, 
                H * J_v3 * r3_sym_x; 
                // Each H*J_v2_(r)*[r_1]x --> [6x6]*[6x3]*[3x3] --> [6x3]. 
                // Jacobian works out to be a [18x3] matrix

        jacobian = -1 * jacobian;   // There was a -1 infront of the whole matrix. See Equation 35



int main(){
    Eigen::MatrixXd* global_H_mat_ptr = nullptr;

     Eigen::MatrixXd H_mat(6, 6);
     global_H_mat_ptr = &H_mat; // Set the global pointer to H_mat
     H_mat << 1.82574e-06,  1.82574e-06,  1.82574e-06, -1.20712e-21,   1.7249e-21, -1.48388e-21,
              0.411329,    -0.410738, -0.000590934,    0.0341389,     -0.44906,     0.477684,
             -0.349149,    -0.314978,     0.664127,     0.713277,    -0.246387,    -0.251963,
             0.0660712,     0.198444,    -0.264515,      1.12855,      1.10806,      1.07442,
              -1.44781,    0.0178776,      1.42994,     -1.37306,     0.262784,      1.60901,
             -0.980976,      1.77531,    -0.794333,     0.666025,     -1.76797,     0.660609;

      lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian> optimizer;

    optimizer.setMethodParameters({1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 100});

     Eigen::VectorXd initialGuess(9);
     initialGuess << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1;  // Initial guess of the rotation frame flattened as a 1D array

     auto result = optimizer.minimize(initialGuess); // Here I get the error shown below

}//EOF main

Error message shown

fast_mf_node: /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/Product.h:96: Eigen::Product<Lhs, Rhs, Option>::Product(const Lhs&, const Rhs&) [with _Lhs = Eigen::Transpose<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1> >; _Rhs = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>; int Option = 0; Lhs = Eigen::Transpose<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1> >; Rhs = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>]: 

Assertion `lhs.cols() == rhs.rows() && "invalid matrix product" && "if you wanted a coeff-wise or a dot product use the respective explicit functions"' failed.
[ros2run]: Aborted

If you would kindly help me troubleshoot this problem, I will appreciate it greatly.

On a different, note, if you notice, I required a number of functions apart from the operator()() functor, but the way I have had to define the templates, it doesn't seem right to me, even though it works. If you have any suggestion on how to better manage template style struct(class) writing, please share.

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

Hi @Mechazo11, thanks for the elaborate code sample. Let's get the templates sorted first. least-squares-cpp is designed to supported any form of Eigen::Matrix dimension. This means, it can handle statically or dynamically sized matrices. If you want to design your objective functor in a way that accepts any of these two variants then using templates (as in my examples) is the preferred way. Now, in your case (and many common cases) you can simplify the objective can be simplified by just using dynamic size, because you use the LevenbergMarquardtX solver class with doubles. Basically this means you can change the signature of your objective as follows (and get rid of any templates):

struct FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian

    static constexpr bool ComputesJacobian = true;

    void operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &xval, 
                    Eigen::VectorXd &fval,
                    Eigen::MatrixXd &jacobian) const
        // your stuff goes here

Note that this way your functor only supports double scalars and matrices / vectors with dynamic size.

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

The next things, which just seems like a code smell to me is the global variable. You can move the H matrix into the objective function as follows:

#include <memory>

struct FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian
    std::shared_ptr<Eigen::MatrixXd> H_ptr;

    // all other methods as needed ...

int main(){

     auto H_ptr = std::make_shared<Eigen::MatrixXd>(6, 6);
     (*H_ptr) << 1.82574e-06,  1.82574e-06,  1.82574e-06, -1.20712e-21,   1.7249e-21, -1.48388e-21,
              0.411329,    -0.410738, -0.000590934,    0.0341389,     -0.44906,     0.477684,
             -0.349149,    -0.314978,     0.664127,     0.713277,    -0.246387,    -0.251963,
             0.0660712,     0.198444,    -0.264515,      1.12855,      1.10806,      1.07442,
              -1.44781,    0.0178776,      1.42994,     -1.37306,     0.262784,      1.60901,
             -0.980976,      1.77531,    -0.794333,     0.666025,     -1.76797,     0.660609;

    lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian> optimizer;

    FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian objective;
    objective.H_ptr = H_ptr;

    // the rest as in your sample code

You can then use H_ptr in your objective as before, but you eliminated the global by using the setObjective method.

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

@Rookfighter thank you very much for clarifying the first two problems. Really appreciate it,

I will definitely move my implementation to setObjective once I figure out the remaining computations. Have you had a chance to see why my analytical Jacobian is throwing an error?

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

@Mechazo11 Now let's get to the big point: numerical instability. I suggest to start with ComputesJacobian = false; in your objective, to eliminate errors arising from analytical jacobian computation (as these are very error prone in the beginning). There are two problems that might be present (by looking at your code snippet).

First point: fval is usually supposed to be the residuals vector. However, it seems that you store the already computed squared error into fval. I haven't read the paper, but it looks like your variable f_R already contains the residuals vector. So, I would suggest to do the following

// copy residual vector into output vector for least squares cpp
fval = f_R;

If you omit the analytical computation of the jacobian and your residuals are computed correctly, the solver should be able to converge against a meaningful value.

Second point: It seems to me that your flattened state vector represents a rotation matrix. This can be problematic, because rotations (SO3) only have 3 degrees of freedom, but you represent them by using 9 (3x3 matrix) state variables. This leads to numeric instability, bad convergence and ambiguity in the solution space. Also the optimizer has no knowledge that the parameters are supposed to represent a rotation matrix, so there is no guarantee that the resulting matrix is a orthonormal matrix (as rotation matrices are supposed to be). Typically rotations are encoded as lower dimensional vectors (please refrain from using euler angles due to gimbal lock). A good and robust encoding are Rodriguez Vectors (see least squares cpp already provides encode and decode functions for Rodriguez vectors here:

Basically you would use it like so:

struct FastMFFunctorAnalyticalJacobian
    void operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &xval, 
                    Eigen::VectorXd &fval,
                    Eigen::MatrixXd &jacobian) const
        // decode rodrigues into 3x3 rotation matrix
        auto rotmat = lsqcpp::parameter::decodeRotation(xval);
        // your stuff goes here

int main(){
   Eigen::VectorXd initial_guess = lsqcpp::parameter::encodeRotation(Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity);
  // your stuff goes here
Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

One disclaimer: I haven't compiled the code here, but I think the idea should get you going :) Looking forward to your next results

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

And one more note: If you want me to dive a bit deeper into your code, feel free to put your sample code into a public github repository with compileable code and I could actually analyze its run-time behavior with you.

Rookfighter commented 6 months ago

@Rookfighter thank you very much for clarifying the first two problems. Really appreciate it,

I will definitely move my implementation to setObjective once I figure out the remaining computations. Have you had a chance to see why my analytical Jacobian is throwing an error?

@Mechazo11 Yes, your jacobian has the wrong dimensions. The relations between xval, fval and jacobian are as follows: If fval is a Mx1 vector and xval is a Nx1 vector then the jacobian has to be a MxN matrix. In your case fval is a 1x1 vector and xval is a 9x1, but your jacobian is a 18x3 matrix, which leads to the error. When you change the code as I suggested fval = f_R; then fvalwill be a 18x1 vector, so the M dimension is correct. I am not sure why the paper though makes you have the dimension N=3. Maybe they already use some encoding for rotation (e.g. rodriguez or euler?).

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

@Rookfighter thank you very much, yes looking at the paper, this was also my takeaway that the error function essentially is not checking whether the rotation matrix is orthonormal or not.

I will try out fval = f_R and get back. Regarding N = 3 the paper did not explicitly state it, I manually worked them out but I may have been wrong somewhere.

Many thanks for your continued support. I will report back once I try out some of your suggestions

Mechazo11 commented 6 months ago

@Rookfighter if you would take a look at Equation 35 from the paper, the jacobian matrix they present, does come out to 18 x 3. Would you take a look at it so that I can confirm, I did not get my math wrong.

Rookfighter commented 5 months ago

@Mechazo11 I have created a fully working example, which compiles and converges against a valid rotation matrix.

/// levenberg_marquardt.cpp
/// Created on: 11 Nov 2020
/// Author:     Fabian Meyer
/// License:    MIT

#include <lsqcpp/lsqcpp.hpp>

// Implement an objective functor.
struct Objective {

  static constexpr bool ComputesJacobian = false;

  Eigen::MatrixXd H;

  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> compute_V2r(const double x, const double y,
                                          const double z) const {
    // For one row of Rstar, builds its corresponding V_2(r) vector based on
    // Equation 11 Const correctness will stop if we try to modify the "member"
    // variables, not reference variables Returns None

    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> result;
    result << std::pow(x, 2), std::pow(y, 2), std::pow(z, 2), x * y, x * z,
        y * z;
    return result;

  void operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &xval, Eigen::VectorXd &fval) const {
    // Compute error term and jacobian
    const auto rot = lsqcpp::parameter::decodeRotation(xval);

    // Const cast decision variables for use
    // TODO these maybe redundant, comeback to these later
    const double r11 = rot(0, 0);
    const double r12 = rot(0, 1);
    const double r13 = rot(0, 2);

    const double r21 = rot(1, 0);
    const double r22 = rot(1, 1);
    const double r23 = rot(1, 2);

    const double r31 = rot(2, 0);
    const double r32 = rot(2, 1);
    const double r33 = rot(2, 2);

    // Compute three V2r vectors based on current rotation matrix R

    // 18 x 1, concatenate three 6x1 vectors, Equation 32
    fval << H * compute_V2r(r11, r12, r13), H * compute_V2r(r21, r22, r23),
        H * compute_V2r(r31, r32, r33);

int main() {
  Objective objective;

  objective.H.resize(6, 6);
  objective.H << 1.82574e-06, 1.82574e-06, 1.82574e-06, -1.20712e-21,
      1.7249e-21, -1.48388e-21, 0.411329, -0.410738, -0.000590934, 0.0341389,
      -0.44906, 0.477684, -0.349149, -0.314978, 0.664127, 0.713277, -0.246387,
      -0.251963, 0.0660712, 0.198444, -0.264515, 1.12855, 1.10806, 1.07442,
      -1.44781, 0.0178776, 1.42994, -1.37306, 0.262784, 1.60901, -0.980976,
      1.77531, -0.794333, 0.666025, -1.76797, 0.660609;

  lsqcpp::LevenbergMarquardtX<double, Objective> optimizer;

  // Set number of iterations as stop criterion.

  // Set the minimum length of the gradient.

  // Set the minimum length of the step.

  // Set the minimum least squares error.

  // Set the parameters of the step method (Levenberg Marquardt).
  optimizer.setMethodParameters({1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 100});


  // Turn verbosity on, so the optimizer prints status updates after each
  // iteration.

  // Set initial guess.
  Eigen::VectorXd initialGuess(3);
  initialGuess << lsqcpp::parameter::encodeRotation(

  // Start the optimization.
  auto result = optimizer.minimize(initialGuess);

  std::cout << "Done! Converged: " << (result.converged ? "true" : "false")
            << " Iterations: " << result.iterations << std::endl;

  // do something with final function value
  std::cout << "Final fval: " << result.fval.transpose() << std::endl;

  // do something with final x-value
  std::cout << "Final xval: " << result.xval.transpose() << std::endl;

  const auto rot = lsqcpp::parameter::decodeRotation(result.xval);
  std::cout << "Final rot: \n" << rot << std::endl;

  return 0;

However, it uses a numeric jacobian and encodes / decodes the rotation.

Rookfighter commented 5 months ago

I looked into the paper, but I cannot directly tell what the expected dimension of the jacobian is supposed to be. I guess this is the part of the paper which makes implementing it hard :D Though the example above should get you going and you can verify your analytical jacobian by using the computed numeric jacobain.

Mechazo11 commented 5 months ago

@Rookfighter thank you very much, I greatly appreciate the fully working example. I am currently thinking through a quaternion based version to enforce orthogonality but will definitely try your method too and compare and contrast between the two. I will go ahead and close this thread for now

Rookfighter commented 5 months ago

Alright :+1: Feel free to ask again if you run into trouble. One final note on quaternions: they behave better than rotation matrices for numerical optimization, but they are still over parametrized as rotations have 3 degrees of freedom, but quaternions consist of 4 parameters. Basically the optimizer cannot enforce the unit length on them, so there is still some ambiguity. but if your initial guess is good enough, it should still work.

Mechazo11 commented 5 months ago

@Rookfighter when it is convenient, would you kindly take look at my other issue regarding adding a penalty term (or a constraint) to the objective function? I got the quaternion version to work to some extent but I need to enforce $||q|| = 1$ to get a meaningful result.

With many thanks @Mechazo11