Let's place an 'Add Reservation' button on nodes with booking enabled. It should go to a form that allows choosing the start and end dates, (and times for hourly) defaulting to the current date and a day/hour (daily/hourly) later. After a user submits the form, we should:
ensure there is availability for at least one unit associated with the current node (if not, prevent submission and show an error to the user)
if there's availability, save an event, linked to the first available unit, authored by the logged in user, in the 'Booked' state.
Let's place an 'Add Reservation' button on nodes with booking enabled. It should go to a form that allows choosing the start and end dates, (and times for hourly) defaulting to the current date and a day/hour (daily/hourly) later. After a user submits the form, we should: