RoonMoonlight / EnhancedMod

This repository is the collection of Enhanced Modpack series. Since Enhanced Modpack series are getting bigger we decided to merge into one repository for easier view.
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Surprise Update #17

Closed RoonMoonlight closed 2 years ago

RoonMoonlight commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone! Welcome to the surprise update of EnhancedMod! After Roon's exam is finished, We wanted to tell you about the future of EnhancedMod project.

The Future of TF2-related projects

As Roon announced his retirement of TF2 activities from his Twitter, we made decision to quit all TF2 related project, including TF2: Enhanced and TF2C: Enhanced. Here is the reason behind this decision:

  1. Valve's attitude towards modding community. For example, Valve asked the creator of the mod to take down their sourcemods, and they tried to contact about their mod (For example releasing the mod to the steam), they never responded. After many sourcemods like Team Fortress 2: Classic and Open Fortress, Valve silently changed their SteamWorks page to explain which is not allowed. Additionally Valve added information that they won't be providing source code for their mod, which confirms the death of TF2 modding. We are very disappointed on this Valve's movement. They never try to ask community about mods getting into steam anymore.
  2. Valve never try to fix their issue on TF2 and never listen to community about unplayable state due to cheater/bot issue. As you may know, recently #savetf2 protest happened which Valve answered to this protest on their tweet. But they never fixed it and they try to ruin their game, not treating as their own game anymore. More information about this protest can be found here.
  3. We were losing the reason of maintaining this modpack since the bot crisis occurred, as many people still wish to play on Casual server, rather than playing on non-pure community server. For example, many TF2 YouTubers uses minimal amounts of mods, which makes our modpack less effort to the tf2 community.

We want to say thank you to everyone who previously used our modpack, or directly contributed to our project with your pull requests or issues. Many thanks to Sloofy, one of contributors who helped a lot of EnhancedMod Project.

Additionally, we apologize for removing the source code of TF2: Enhanced and TF2C: Enhanced, especially if you wanted to continue maintaining the modpack for yourself. The source code of latest version can be found here, but please do note that we will no longer provide support for any projects related to that modpack.

There will be no more modpacks based on games made by Valve in the future (That means the Half-Life 2: Re;Extended and Obsidian Conflict: Enhanced will also be cancelled), including Valve's existing or new franchises. However, if the game is independent from Valve we will reconsider about adding modpack support to that game (We are currently looking to support games which is independent from Valve's franchises like Jabroni Brawl 3)

Update coming soon

We are happy to announce that all updates will be available as soon as they are ready. Stardew Valley: Wildlife, Black Mesa: Enhanced, Revengeance Reborn, Truck Sim: Enhanced, Cosmos 1.19 are expected to receive an update. You can always check the progress on our Twitter and GitHub commits, so don't miss it!


EnhancedMod 1st Anniversary - Cosmos

Did you know that June 16, 2022 was the first anniversary of our EnhancedMod project? The anniversary was supposed to be anniversary logo reveal to commemorate the 1st anniversary of EnhancedMod project, but this was cancelled due to several reason including the data wipes. Yes our data we made in the past was completely gone, but thankfully we were only able to restore the anniversary logo, as some of original work was stored on cloud safely. The logo theme for this year's anniversary was originally named 'cosmos'. Pythagoras first used the term kosmos. As Ancient Greek word, it means for the order of the universe. Additionally this is the name of one of Minecraft project, Cosmos.

Again, we want to say thank you to everyone once again for supporting our project. Without your support, this project wouldn't exist. 1st Anniversary event was officially cancelled, but we will keep going forward creating the project for everyone to enjoy.