Root-Branch / cardamon

🌱 A tool for measuring the power consumption and carbon footprint of your software.
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Small feature requests #19

Open seal opened 1 month ago

seal commented 1 month ago

Generate example config

Add the ability to generate a default configuration Ensure no over-writing of a pre-existing config if there is one / Possibly just have example-cardamon.toml ?

More extensive clap cli

Current cli is like this: ( cargo run --bin card run --help ) image

I'd suggest: image Done via:

#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
pub enum Commands {
    #[command(about = "Run a specific task")]
    Run {
        #[arg(help = "Please provide a scenario name")]
        name: String,
seal commented 3 weeks ago

Updated to include additions

seal commented 4 days ago additions done by ohuu