Open elai950 opened 3 years ago
I'm trying to implement OTPFieldView Delegation with SwiftUI but no luck. Is there anyone who successfully implemented this repo?
My test:
import SwiftUI import OTPFieldView struct OTP: UIViewRepresentable{ func makeUIView(context: Context) -> OTPFieldView{ let otp = OTPFieldView() otp.fieldsCount = 6 otp.displayType = .underlinedBottom otp.separatorSpace = 8 otp.initializeUI() return otp } func updateUIView(_ uiView: OTPFieldView, context: Context){ } func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { Coordinator(self) } internal class Coordinator: OTPFieldViewDelegate{ func shouldBecomeFirstResponderForOTP(otpTextFieldIndex index: Int) -> Bool { return true } func enteredOTP(otp: String) { print(otp) } func hasEnteredAllOTP(hasEnteredAll: Bool) -> Bool { return false } var parent: OTP init(_ parent: OTP){ self.parent = parent } } }
Same happen with me . When i click on OTP field no keyboard open. Looks like not consider as textField.
I'm trying to implement OTPFieldView Delegation with SwiftUI but no luck. Is there anyone who successfully implemented this repo?
My test: