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RootMyTV is a user-friendly exploit for rooting/jailbreaking LG webOS smart TVs.
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I can’t connect LGTV via PC #43

Closed usernoobguy closed 2 years ago

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

Hi, days ago I rooted my leg tv and it work, and I need a tool called Magic4pc to use my tv magicstick to control my pc, but I don’t know how to connect my pc and tv on same internet, I tried CLI tool u can see on pictures. Btw, thx for helping ! 632165D1-A104-4F6C-95DA-0C22F6892178 7ED6B03A-8C2D-4FC7-9FC1-006AAD26A2BF 603CBE28-08F6-4D9C-B590-B448D5E9A06E 534B1DF4-0860-4A76-BEC0-0CD4283A93D7

tuxuser commented 2 years ago


Please follow these instructions to use the WebOS sdk tools with rooted TV:

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

Hey tux, thx for reply Should I download developer mode app from LG content store? Will it break or getting error on rooted tv?

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

No, no need for the developer mode app, having root and enabled SSH in Homebrew Channel is enough to follow the instructions on the website. You just have to follow the instructions I posted. If you have trouble at a particular step, please write which and we will try to help.

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

No, no need for the developer mode app, having root and enabled SSH in Homebrew Channel is enough to follow the instructions on the website. You just have to follow the instructions I posted. If you have trouble at a particular step, please write which and we will try to help.

I’m already enable ssh key server in homebrew channel, but I have no idea how to generate a ssh key on ”developer machine”(my pc or tv?), and what is the step3 for ? Do I need to explore tv file? Sorry I’m not professional at this 😭

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

Developer machine is your PC. Google "putty generate ssh keypair"

After generating a keypair, you copy the key with ".pub" suffix to your TV, according to the instructions.

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

Developer machine is your PC. Google "putty generate ssh keypair"

After generating a keypair, you copy the key with ".pub" suffix to your TV, according to the instructions.

Hey tux, I installed “Git bash” on my pc now, and successfully generate id_rsa file in my user folder, by the guide I have to put these password to “/home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys” to tv, but I do I access tv file?

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

Use the following command in git bash:

ssh-copy-id root@ip-address-of-TV

Password: alpine

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

Message shows: mkdir: can't create directory '/etc/dropbear': Read-only file system after i enter password

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

Copy & paste this command, after modifying ip-address-of-TV again:

ssh root@ip-address-of-TV "mkdir /home/root/.ssh; echo $(cat ~/.ssh/ > /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"

After that, you should be able to do ssh root@ip-address-of-TV without it promting you for a password.

mission success!

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

Copy & paste this command, after modifying ip-address-of-TV again:

ssh root@ip-address-of-TV "mkdir /home/root/.ssh; echo $(cat ~/.ssh/ > /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"

After that, you should be able to do ssh root@ip-address-of-TV without it promting you for a password.

mission success!

@tuxuser omg it works! tux u are saviour. thx alot!!! 未命名 btw, should i ignore the message, do i need insert an new key again? or there is noting i need to do now.

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

The warning will be gone after a reboot of the TV. It will automatically detect that a public key is available and disable password authentication.

PS: Don't lose your SSH keypair ;)

Is the issue solved, everything cool?

usernoobguy commented 2 years ago

The warning will be gone after a reboot of the TV. It will automatically detect that a public key is available and disable password authentication.

PS: Don't lose your SSH keypair ;)

Is the issue solved, everything cool?

Yes! @tuxuser thanks for your patience, sorry i took you so much time on this. Also, thx to community to make this powerful and amazing tool. :D

tuxuser commented 2 years ago

You are welcome :) Please close the issue, as it's solved now.