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RootMyTV is a user-friendly exploit for rooting/jailbreaking LG webOS smart TVs.
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update blocker not working ? #49

Open dmiller423 opened 2 years ago

dmiller423 commented 2 years ago

Upon turning on tv, I got an update notification ... and then before I was going to press NO not to update and just unblock whatever it blocks because of of the update I got a separate notification to run a failsafe mode script via telnet and had turned off tv...

Not sure what the process is here, I figured the blocker would have stopped the entire process. So there was never a check for a new version, much less download and install attempt.

Will try to reread docs/wiki and see about this script (but the tv is off rn and even in fast boot mode I could never ssh/telnet inwhile it's off). I'd see on discord what's going on but I was banned bc one of my kids clicked those free nitro scams and of it spams servers the same ; result was a perm ban loll