RootSoft / walletconnect-dart-sdk

Open protocol for connecting dApps to mobile wallets with QR code scanning or deep linking.
MIT License
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FormatException thrown when signing the transaction with AlgorandWalletConnectProvider #100

Open jasonhtpham opened 1 year ago

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

After connecting to my account on Pera Wallet, I faced this error

Error: FormatException: Invalid character (at character 77)
I/flutter (10855): gqNzaWfEQIwtNFWFUDYnI49KtgVk5nGLCiEP9M/F7p4Zz2acj2FNEdZT3Dq56o+hKaSTYTzrU229

When I tried to sign the transaction in this function:

  Future<String?> optInApp({
    required int appId,
  }) async {
    logger.i("Opting in to app: $appId");

    if (await optedIn(appId)) {
      logger.i("Already opted in to app: $appId");
      return null;

    final sender =

    // Fetch the suggested transaction params
    final params = await _algorand.getSuggestedTransactionParams();

    // Build the transaction
    final transaction = await (ApplicationOptInTransactionBuilder()
          ..sender = sender
          ..noteText = 'Opt in to app $appId from $sender'
          ..applicationId = appId
          ..suggestedParams = params)

    logger.i("Tx created: $transaction");

    try {
      // Sign the transaction
      final txBytes = Encoder.encodeMessagePack(transaction.toMessagePack());
      logger.i("Tx bytes: $txBytes");

      final signedBytes = await _provider.signTransaction(
        params: {
          'message': 'Opt in to app $appId from $sender',

      logger.i("Tx signed: $signedBytes");

      // Broadcast the transaction
      final txId = await _algorand.sendRawTransactions(
        waitForConfirmation: true,
      return txId;
    } catch (e) {
      final err = _tryCast(e, fallback: AlgorandException);
      if (err is AlgorandException) {
        AlgorandException error = err as AlgorandException;
        debugPrint('Error: ${error.message}');
      } else {
        debugPrint('Error: $e');
      return null;

I tried to debug it and found that it happened when I tried to sign the transaction

      final txBytes = Encoder.encodeMessagePack(transaction.toMessagePack());
      final signedBytes = await _provider.signTransaction(
        params: {
          'message': 'Opt in to app $appId from $sender',

My initialization code and the connect method in my AlgorandConnector class:

AlgorandConnector() {
    _connector = WalletConnectQrCodeModal(
      connector: WalletConnect(
        bridge: '',
        clientMeta: const PeerMeta(
          // <-- Meta data of your app appearing in the wallet when connecting
          name: 'Shark Tank DApp',
          description: 'Shark Tank DApp',
          url: '',
          icons: [

    _provider = AlgorandWalletConnectProvider(_connector.connector);

  T? _tryCast<T>(dynamic value, {T? fallback}) {
    try {
      return (value as T);
    } on TypeError catch (_) {
      return fallback;

  Future<SessionStatus?> connect(BuildContext context) async {
    return await _connector.connect(context, chainId: 4160);

It used to work perfectly fine when I tested it a few days ago. I only faced this error yesterday. It also happened when I tested on a different device. Besides, if I connect to the Dapp using the QR Code, everything works perfectly fine. But I am working on a mobile application so I need the Deep Linking method to work. I had a discussion with @3ph here and was suggested to discuss with @RootSoft

This is the screenshot of the error image

RootSoft commented 1 year ago

@jasonhtpham What WalletConnect & Algorand Dart version are you currently on?

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am on:

walletconnect_dart: ^0.0.11 algorand_dart: ^2.0.0-dev.8

I am also using

walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart: git: url: ref: main

RootSoft commented 1 year ago

Can you try with different fixed versions of algorand_dart?

algorand_dart: 2.0.0-dev.1


algorand_dart: 2.0.0-dev.11

There have been quite a few changes to the msgpack format lately, which might be causing it.

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

Hi @RootSoft, I just tested using those suggested versions above, but I still got the same error when I tried to sign the transaction.

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

Hi @RootSoft , do you have any updates on this?

RootSoft commented 1 year ago

@jasonhtpham Haven't been able to reproduce this. Can you whip up a bare, minimum reproducable example repository (on github) so I can test it out?

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

Hi, this is my AlgorandConnector.dart file:

import 'package:algorand_dart/algorand_dart.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:walletconnect_dart/walletconnect_dart.dart';
import 'package:walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart/walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart.dart';

import 'WalletConnector.dart'; // Abstract class

class AlgorandConnector implements WalletConnector {
  AlgorandConnector() {
    _connector = WalletConnectQrCodeModal(
      modalBuilder: (p0, uri, walletCallback, defaultModalWidget) {
        return defaultModalWidget.copyWith(
          walletListBuilder: (context, defaultWalletListWidget) {
            return defaultWalletListWidget.copyWith(
              shouldVerifyNativeLink: false,
      connector: WalletConnect(
        bridge: '',
        clientMeta: const PeerMeta(
          // <-- Meta data of your app appearing in the wallet when connecting
          name: 'Shark Tank DApp',
          description: 'Shark Tank DApp',
          url: '',
          icons: [

    _provider = AlgorandWalletConnectProvider(_connector.connector);

  T? _tryCast<T>(dynamic value, {T? fallback}) {
    try {
      return (value as T);
    } on TypeError catch (_) {
      return fallback;

  Future<SessionStatus?> connect(BuildContext context) async {
    return await _connector.connect(context, chainId: 4160);

  void registerListeners(
    OnConnectRequest? onConnect,
    OnSessionUpdate? onSessionUpdate,
    OnDisconnect? onDisconnect,
  ) =>
        onConnect: onConnect,
        onSessionUpdate: onSessionUpdate,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnect,

  Future<String?> optInApp({
    required int appId,
  }) async {
    logger.i("Opting in to app: $appId");

    final sender =

    // Fetch the suggested transaction params
    final params = await _algorand.getSuggestedTransactionParams();

    // Build the transaction
    final transaction = await (ApplicationOptInTransactionBuilder()
          ..sender = sender
          ..noteText = 'Opt in to app $appId from $sender'
          ..applicationId = appId
          ..suggestedParams = params)

    logger.i("Tx created: $transaction");

    try {
      // Sign the transaction
      final txBytes = Encoder.encodeMessagePack(transaction.toMessagePack());
      logger.i("Tx bytes: $txBytes");

      final signedBytes = await _provider.signTransaction(
        params: {
          'message': 'Opt in to app $appId from $sender',

      logger.i("Tx signed: $signedBytes");

      // Broadcast the transaction
      final txId = await _algorand.sendRawTransactions(
        waitForConfirmation: true,
      return txId;
    } catch (e) {
      final err = _tryCast(e, fallback: AlgorandException);
      if (err is AlgorandException) {
        AlgorandException error = err as AlgorandException;
        debugPrint('Error: ${error.message}');
      } else {
        debugPrint('Error: $e');
      return null;

  Future<void> openWalletApp() async => await _connector.openWalletApp();

  Future<double> getBalance() async {
    final address = _connector.connector.session.accounts[0];
    // balance in microAlgos
    final balance = await _algorand.getBalance(address);
    return balance / BigInt.from(1000000);

  bool validateAddress({required String address}) {
    try {
      return true;
    } catch (_) {
      return false;

  Future<void> disconnect() async => await _connector.killSession();

  bool get isConnected => _connector.connector.connected;

  String get faucetUrl => '';

  String get address => _connector.connector.session.accounts[0];

  WalletConnect get instance => _connector.connector;

  String get coinName => 'Algo';

  late final WalletConnectQrCodeModal _connector;
  late final AlgorandWalletConnectProvider _provider;
  late final _algorand = Algorand(
    options: AlgorandOptions(
        algodClient: AlgodClient(apiUrl: AlgoExplorer.TESTNET_ALGOD_API_URL)),

This is how I use it:

           // Use the AlgorandConnector instance in the Provider
            BlockchainConnectionProvider blockchainProvider =
                    listen: false);

            await blockchainProvider.connect(context);

            if (!blockchainProvider.connector.isConnected) {
              throw Exception("Failed to connect wallet");

// Failed at this step
            String? txId = await blockchainProvider.connector
                .optInApp(appId: tankDetails!.appId!);


The FormatException is caught in the optInApp function.

jasonhtpham commented 1 year ago

The issue was confirmed here