RoryChenXY / DataRepExp_public

A shiny app that was developed to improve the FAIR of research data hosted on data repository.
MIT License
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Potential problems with the filters of the study metadata table of the ‘Summary Tables’ section #1

Open pydemull opened 1 month ago

pydemull commented 1 month ago

In ‘Summary Tables’ section of the app, first table, the list of the countries is not complete. I guess the items are the countries corresponding to the fake studies used in the app. Thus, is this a problem for future projects with studies that would be conducted in countries that are no available in the list ? Would not be better to do as for the ‘Study’ filter where people should just write the searched name ? Or should you provide a full list of the existing countries? Maybe I have missed something?

RoryChenXY commented 2 weeks ago

Dear Pydemull,

The summary table is corresponding to the fake studies used in the app.

The filter tab dropdown option is generated from the data provided.

For example: shiny::checkboxGroupInput( inputId = NS(id,"country"), label = "Country", choices = levels(df$COUNTRY), selected = levels(df$COUNTRY) ) I hope this answers your question.

Best, Rory

pydemull commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Rory, I also had the following remarks regarding the Summary table section (which has been changed with the golem branch if I'm not wrong):

  1. In ‘Summary Tables’ section of the app, second table, ‘Administration’ and ‘Demographics’ filters are not available. Is this normal?
  2. In ‘Summary Tables’ section of the app, the numeric filters with slide bars are not easy to used since we cannot always see the bounds of the filters we are using. Would it be possible to improve it?

Not sure that these old remarks are still appropriate. Can you confirm this?

pydemull commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry my remark about the golem version is not correct. I made this remark because I looked at the online app, that is not exactly the same as the app I had when I open it (the golem version) on my machine. I suggest to pay attention to the update of the online app so that it corresponds to the code shown on GitHub. In this way, it could be good to add a version number of the app in the app itself so that the user can know with which version of the app he/she is currently working.