Rosa-Luxemburgstiftung-Berlin / ansible-opnsense-update

perform a firmware update for opnsense via ansible
GNU General Public License v3.0
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implement a dual-step / multi-step upgrade #6

Open zerwes opened 1 year ago

zerwes commented 1 year ago

For example, if the current version is 22.7.11 and 23.1 is released, using opn_update_force=true will try to perform a direct upgrade to 23.1 ... and this will not work! So currently we need 2 ansible runs:

  1. using -e opn_update_desired_version=22.7.11_1 (no reboot required)
  2. followed by one using -e opn_update_desired_version=23.1 or -e opn_update_force=true

So as a default we should choose the next available release and using opn_update_force=true we should iterate over all available versions ...

zerwes commented 1 year ago

22.7.11_1 is not in the changelog fact ...

zerwes commented 1 year ago

# tail -11 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/

# Additionally return the next version number if an update to the
# core package is available.  We want to use it to display additional
# information in the shell menu including the matching changelog.

if [ -n "${LQUERY}" -a -n "${RQUERY}" -a \
    "$(${PKG} version -t ${LQUERY} ${RQUERY})" = "<" ]; then
    echo ${RQUERY%%_*}

# success is reboot:
zerwes commented 1 year ago

next version working as expected:

# opnsense-version
OPNsense 23.1_6
# /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/
zerwes commented 1 year ago

question is: how will this behave if there is a major update in the pipe with a minor one between ...?

zerwes commented 1 year ago
Package name Current version New version Required action Repository
opnsense 23.1.1 23.1.1_2 upgrade OPNsense


# /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/; echo $?
zerwes commented 1 year ago

-e opn_update_force=true works in this case as expected The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):\n\nInstalled packages to be UPGRADED:\n\topnsense: 23.1.1 -> 23.1.1_2 and after the update:

# opnsense-version 
OPNsense 23.1.1_2
crpb commented 4 months ago

i was wondering if it would be a good idea to make use of to detect the next safe upgrade-path so you could just use something like opn_auto_update=True instead of the opn_update_force which might result in issues when one of many systems is on a much older version than the rest.

this should also help with with an upgrade-till-latest mechanism.

here an quick overview

% for f in *.json ; do echo $f; cat $f |jq '{product_version, needs_reboot, upgrade_needs_reboot}, [.upgrade_sets[]|{name, new_version, current_version}], [.upgrade_packages[]|select(.name=="opnsense")|{new_version, current_version}] |del(select(length == 0))//empty?' ; done
  "product_version": "23.7.12_5",
  "needs_reboot": "0",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "1"
    "name": "packages",
    "new_version": "24.1",
    "current_version": "23.7"
    "name": "kernel",
    "new_version": "24.1",
    "current_version": "23.7.10"
    "name": "base",
    "new_version": "24.1",
    "current_version": "23.7.10"
  "product_version": "23.7.5",
  "needs_reboot": "1",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
    "new_version": "23.7.12_5",
    "current_version": "23.7.5"
  "product_version": "24.1.1",
  "needs_reboot": "1",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
    "new_version": "24.1.3_1",
    "current_version": "24.1.1"
  "product_version": "24.1.2_1",
  "needs_reboot": "0",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
    "new_version": "24.1.3_1",
    "current_version": "24.1.2_1"
  "product_version": "24.1.3_1",
  "needs_reboot": "0",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"

complete files: pkg_upgrade.23.7.5.json pkg_upgrade.23.7.12_5.json pkg_upgrade.24.1.1.json pkg_upgrade.24.1.2_1.json pkg_upgrade.24.1.3_1.json

zerwes commented 4 months ago

@crpb thank you for the hint I'll have a look at this option (but I must admit this topic is not tagged with a high priority for me at the moment ...)

zerwes commented 1 month ago

JSONFILE="/tmp/pkg_upgrade.json" TODO: install outdated version and test this

@crpb sorry, as I told you, this is not of high priority for us at the moment. so if you like to speed this up and give us a helping hand, pls create at least a draft as a PR ...

crpb commented 1 month ago

Hey, yeah no problem here. /me is currently very busy with work. And the comming week doesn't look either..

But I also wouldn't really know where to start. My Ansible Kung-Foo is very bad and that makes it harder to have a look when i had like 30minutes and was eager o_0. In that time nothing is done and more confusion is gathered *kicher*.

And yeah, for those couple json-dumps i had to do some loops and often took snapshots in virtsh and/or virt-manager.

zerwes commented 1 month ago

Hello @crpb Everybody is busy all day and has no time to play ... :-) No problem, if you can give me some hints about your steps to get the json files I can have a look at this. Just the commands you used might give me the hint into the right direction ... I assume it will be no big stuff to put this in ansible ...

crpb commented 1 month ago

if you can give me some hints about your steps

hmm.. when i see that correctly in my iso dump on the nas i ended up with 23.1 installed that and than it was basically this and now i see what's missing :-).

/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/;  cat /tmp/pkg_upgrade.json |jq '{product_version, needs_reboot, upgrade_needs_reboot}, [.upgrade_sets[]|{name, new_version, current_version}], [.upgrade_packages[]|select(.name=="opnsense")|{new_version, current_version}] |del(select(length == 0))//empty?' |tee -a /conf/`date -Iminutes`.json && /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/shell/

This looks quite better..

/usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/;  cp /tmp/pkg_upgrade.json /conf/`date -Iminutes`.json && /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/shell/

EDIT: It was at the end but it must be :-). :EDIT

I extended it with autosaving. The second run of will prompt you, which is discarded by the piping, and you can just accept with 'y' or in some cases as you know with the next version-number.

I guess with that you would only have to keep in mind that you should take snapshots if something goes wrong. I certainly needed some because i forgot one and didn't realize it after two or three boot i think..

crpb commented 1 month ago

btw, /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/firmware/register.php resync for fixing those pkg resolve problems which came up a while ago.

zerwes commented 1 month ago

Thank you @crpb ; I'll have a look at this and will keep you updated ...

zerwes commented 1 month ago

current version: 24.1.9 community edition expected upgrade version: 24.4.1 business edition

# cat /tmp/pkg_upgrade.json | jq '{product_version, needs_reboot, upgrade_needs_reboot}, [.upgrade_sets[]|{name, new_version, current_version}], [.upgrade_packages[]|select(.name=="opnsense")|{new_version, current_version}] | del(select(length == 0))//empty?' | tee -a /conf/`date -Iminutes`.json
  "product_version": "24.1.9",
  "needs_reboot": "1",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
zerwes commented 1 month ago
# cat /tmp/pkg_upgrade.json | jq '{product_version, needs_reboot, upgrade_needs_reboot}, [.new_packages[]|{name, version, current_version, new_version}], [.upgrade_packages[]|select(.name=="opnsense")|{new_version, current_version}]' 
  "product_version": "24.1.9",
  "needs_reboot": "1",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
    "name": "opnsense-business",
    "version": "24.4.1",
    "current_version": null,
    "new_version": null
    "name": "os-OPNBEcore",
    "version": "1.4_1",
    "current_version": null,
    "new_version": null
zerwes commented 1 month ago

opnsense: 24.1.9 -> 24.1.9_4

cat /tmp/pkg_upgrade.json | jq '{product_version, needs_reboot, upgrade_needs_reboot}, [.upgrade_sets[]|{name, new_version, current_version}], [.upgrade_packages[]|select(.name=="opnsense")|{new_version, current_version}] | del(select(length == 0))//empty?'
  "product_version": "24.1.9",
  "needs_reboot": "0",
  "upgrade_needs_reboot": "0"
    "new_version": "24.1.9_4",
    "current_version": "24.1.9"
crpb commented 4 weeks ago

i wonder if those results should be implemented in the facts-script?

Basically to either run the upgrade in a loop(if thats possible) or at least i could script it localy e.g.

% ansible -m setup -o opnsense |sed 's/^.*=> {/{/g'|jq '[.ansible_facts.ansible_local.opnsense.core.product_version, .ansible_facts.ansible_hostname]|@tsv' -r | sort -V
24.1.8  fw-lan0
24.1.8  fw-lan0
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
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24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
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24.1.8  gate
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24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  gate
24.1.8  uniontel
24.1.9_4        gate
24.1.9_4        gate
24.1.9_4        gate
24.1.9_4        gate
24.1.9_4        gate
24.1.9_4        gate