Rosalie241 / RMG

Rosalie's Mupen GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Goemon's Great Adventure (US and JP) is moving by itself in the title and choose journal menus (All versions for choose journal) #189

Open AkihitoZero5454 opened 7 months ago

AkihitoZero5454 commented 7 months ago

When I booted up the game. The game acts like I'm moving the control stick and the D pad even when I'm not it'll move itself yes even if I disable the control stick and d pad inputs. This is only happening in the title menu (US and JP only) and choose journal menu (All versions)

US Title: Goemon's Great Adventure (both menus) EU Title: Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon (choose journal menu only) JP Title: Ganbare Goemon: Dero Dero Douchuu Obake Tenkomori (both menus)

AkihitoZero5454 commented 7 months ago

Found the actual issue is if you have 2 controllers with a memory pak and if it's 2 player (I used a keyboard for second player) such as Turok 2. It'll move uncontrollably in menus

Hasster1 commented 7 months ago

The same thing happens if you use VRU as a fourth controller.