RoseTheFlower / UltrawideIndex

A growing collection of widescreen and wider solutions from Rose of the WSGF.
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Ultrawide fix for Robocop possible? #59

Closed Hoshi82 closed 8 months ago

Hoshi82 commented 8 months ago

The usual tweaks like in the ini sadly don't work and as usual if not correctly implemented in Unreal Engine the game is cropped on top and bottom when setting to an aspect ratio of 21:9 or wider.

RoseTheFlower commented 8 months ago

Hi, if it's like the demo, the impression of the FOV being reduced is false. Try maxing out the FOV at 21:9, switching to 16:9, playing with the slider, then maxing out the FOV again and you'll see. The weapon view is indeed reduced. @Lyall had a working fix for it for the demo and he shared some of the findings with me but I don't want to take the credit. Let's wait a bit to see if Lyall makes those findings into an easy-to-use fix for the full version.

Hoshi82 commented 8 months ago

Ok have to test with the max FOV slider but yeah, the reduced weapon view is a bit annoying in 21:9. Hope he can make a usable fix for that :) Thanks for the answer.

RoseTheFlower commented 8 months ago

Sadly, Lyall doesn't own the game, but after three days of non-stop work on a fix, at least I can say that most of it is my findings and all issues should be addressed by it. Download here.

Hoshi82 commented 8 months ago

Thank you!