RoseTheFlower / UltrawideIndex

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The last faith - Camera not working on corner of Drowned Crypt #68

Closed jamithbermudez closed 5 months ago

jamithbermudez commented 5 months ago

The camera is not moving on this corner of Drowned Crypt, using the patch 1.2.1 Game version 1.1.2

The Last Faith 06_01_2024 01_59_52

The Last Faith 06_01_2024 01_59_58

The Last Faith 10_01_2024 22_29_49


RoseTheFlower commented 5 months ago

Looks like the same issue as previously reported by a 32:9 user. It seems that no matter how much I try to make the level bounds adapt to ultrawide and wider, something breaks. Removing them comes at the cost of exposing unwanted areas and changing the camera framing from the original, but try this and let me know of your overall experience. -Test file hidden, made into v1.3 on the fix page-

jamithbermudez commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the delay. I tested the patch and it works now, but I have to say that the previous implementation looked better.

RoseTheFlower commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the thorough test at that location and documenting it on video.

Yeah, those constraints are there for a reason but I see no way to modify all the boundaries created by the dev. The old versions will stay up in case people want to face the softlock and restart just to pass it.

jamithbermudez commented 5 months ago

I finished the game at 90% and only in that place where the camera malfunctioned, thanks a lot for the patch.