RosettaCommons / RFDesign

Protein hallucination and inpainting with RoseTTAFold
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no PDBs output/NameError: name 'aa_util' is not defined #51

Open morin-andrew opened 1 year ago

morin-andrew commented 1 year ago

I'm getting en error where the runs says it completes successfully, but wont output any pdb files.


python /home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/ --pdb test_linker.pdb --contigs A1-133,0 B134-316,45,B347-553 --out out/45_test --num_designs 1

ic| args: Namespace(pdb='/home/ubuntu/inpaint_test/test_linker.pdb', contigs=['A1-133,0', 'B134-316,31,B347-553'], length=None, checkpoint='/home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/weights/', inpaint_str=None, inpaint_seq=None, n_cycle=4, tmpl_conf='0.5', num_designs=1, res_translate=None, tie_translate=None, floating_points=None, block_rotate=None, verbose=False, out='/home/ubuntu/inpaint_test', dump_pdb=True, dump_trb=False, dump_npz=False, dump_fasta=False, dump_all=False, input_json=None, outdir='/home/ubuntu', prefix='inpaint_test')
On design  0
ic| args.contigs: ['A1-133,0', 'B134-316,31,B347-553']
on cycle 0
on cycle 1
on cycle 2
Successfully wrote output

If I run with the "--verbose" flag, it yields the following:

python /home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/ --pdb test_linker.pdb --contigs A1-133,0 B134-316,45,B347-553 --out out/45_test --num_designs 1 --dump_all --verbose

ic| args: Namespace(pdb='test_linker.pdb', contigs=['A1-133,0', 'B134-316,45,B347-553'], length=None, checkpoint='/home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/weights/', inpaint_str=None, inpaint_seq=None, n_cycle=4, tmpl_conf='0.5', num_designs=1, res_translate=None, tie_translate=None, floating_points=None, block_rotate=None, verbose=True, out='out/45_test', dump_pdb=True, dump_trb=True, dump_npz=True, dump_fasta=True, dump_all=True, input_json=None, outdir='out', prefix='45_test')
On design  0
ic| args.contigs: ['A1-133,0', 'B134-316,45,B347-553']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/", line 435, in <module>
File "/home/ubuntu/RFDesign/inpainting/", line 346, in main
NameError: name 'aa_util' is not defined

I should also mention that the inpainting tests cmplete successfully and so output a pdb. Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated.


JinyuanSun commented 1 year ago

The same error.

jueseph commented 1 year ago

Not sure what's going on here, but the inpainting method in this repository is actually quite old at this point. RFDiffusion was just released today -- it is much better. You should probably just use that for whatever design problem you are trying. I think the code is also a little better documented / less buggy, as well.

morin-andrew commented 1 year ago

RFdiffusion released today! Awesome. Thanks for the heads up.