RosettaCommons / RFdiffusion

Code for running RFdiffusion
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installation on read only directory :: problems #252

Open EricDeveaud opened 3 months ago

EricDeveaud commented 3 months ago


I was asked to install RFdiffusion on our central cluster.

RFdiffsuion was installed in a python-3.10 virtual env git clone pip install necessary requireements (see then pip install RFdiffusion

installation is done on a read only nfs drive.

so running from the compute node leads to some permission errors as by default it tries eg to cached IGSO3 to PREFIX/lib/python<PYTHON_VERSION>/site-packages/schedules which is RO

same may apply to models directory that are by default searched in PREFIX/lib/python<PYTHON_VERSION>/site-packages/models, ie impossible for user to put the wheight models in where exepected.

I understand that actual code is OK for a user that runs from his own space with RW rights ;-)

may I suggest that by default 'sensible' directories, eg config, models, schedules cache dir will be located and searched in $HOME directory.
