Rosewood-Development / RoseStacker

A next-generation stacker plugin for Spigot and Paper servers
139 stars 36 forks source link

Double drop #22

Closed BeastCodZ closed 3 years ago

BeastCodZ commented 3 years ago

i have been using the latest version enabling only stackspawner and i am getting double drops everytime someone mines

Here is my config

#      __________                      _________ __                 __                 
#      \______   \ ____  ______ ____  /   _____//  |______    ____ |  | __ ___________ 
#       |       _//  _ \/  ___// __ \ \_____  \\   __\__  \ _/ ___\|  |/ // __ \_  __ \
#       |    |   (  <_> )___ \\  ___/ /        \|  |  / __ \\  \___|    <\  ___/|  | \/
#       |____|_  /\____/____  >\___  >_______  /|__| (____  /\___  >__|_ \\___  >__|   
#              \/           \/     \/        \/           \/     \/     \/    \/       

# The locale to use in the /locale folder
# Default: en_US
locale: en_US

# A list of worlds that the plugin is disabled in
  - disabled_world_name

# How often should we try to stack nearby entities?
# Higher values mean longer times between checks, but also less lag
# If you are having issues with TPS, increase this value
# Values are in ticks, do not set lower than 1
# Default: 100
stack-frequency: 100

# How often should we try to stack nearby items?
# Values are in ticks, do not set lower than 1
# Default: 20
item-stack-frequency: 20

# How often should we update stacked entity nametags?
# Default: 30
nametag-update-frequency: 30

# Global entity settings
# Changed values in entity_settings.yml will override these values

  # Should entity stacking be enabled at all?
  # Default: true
  stacking-enabled: true

  # Should entities try to be stacked instantly upon spawning?
  # Setting this to false may yield better performance at the cost of entities being visible before stacking
  # Default: true
  instant-stack: false

  # The minimum number of nearby entities required to form a stack
  # Do not set this lower than 2
  # Default: 2
  min-stack-size: 2

  # The maximum number of entities that can be in a single stack
  # Default: 128
  max-stack-size: 22

  # How close do entities need to be to merge with each other?
  # Default: 5
  merge-radius: 5

  # Should we merge all similar entities into a single stack per chunk?
  # This setting overrides the above
  # Default: false
  merge-entire-chunk: false

  # Should only individual entities be counted for the min-stack-size requirement?
  # When false, an existing stack larger than min-stack-size can have other mobs stack into it
  # Default: false
  min-stack-count-only-individuals: false

  # Should tags be displayed above stacks to show their amount and type?
  # Default: true
  display-tags: true

  # Should tags be displayed if the stack only has one entity?
  # Default: false
  display-tags-single: false

  # Do stacks need to be hovered over for their tags to be visible?
  # Default: false
  display-tags-hover: false

  # Should the entity custom name be visible with the stack size?
  # Default: true
  display-tags-custom-name: true

  # Should the entire stack of entities always be killed when the main entity dies?
  # Default: false
  kill-entire-stack-on-death: false

  # Under what conditions should the entire stack be killed when the main entity dies?
  # If kill-entire-stack-on-death is true, this setting will not be used
  # Valid conditions can be found here:
    - FALL

  # Should knockback be transferred to the next entity in the stack?
  # Default: true
  kill-transfer-velocity: true

  # Should all animals in a stack be bred together with as much food as they can?
  # Please note that this setting is not perfect, it is here to make breeding more simple for players
  # For best baby animal support, set dont-stack-if-baby to true for each breedable entity type in entity_settings.yml
  # Default: true
  cumulative-breeding: true

  # Under what conditions will the damage be propagated through the whole stack?
  # Valid conditions can be found here:
    - MAGIC

  # Should items be dropped for all entities when an entire stack is killed at once?
  # Default: true
  drop-accurate-items: true

  # Should exp be dropped for all entities when an entire stack is killed at once?
  # Default: true
  drop-accurate-exp: true

  # Should entity attributes (custom max health, custom damage, etc.) be saved in the stack data?
  # Disabled by default, as it increases the database size to have this enabled
  # Default: false
  save-attributes: false

  # Should newly stacked entities be put on the bottom of the stack?
  # Default: false
  stack-to-bottom: false

  # Do entities need to be able to see each other to be able to stack?
  # Setting this to true will prevent entities from stacking through walls
  # Default: true
  require-line-of-sight: true

  # Should the entire stack of entities be transformed when the main entity is transformed?
  # This applies to pigs getting struck by lightning, zombies drowning, etc
  # Default: true
  transform-entire-stack: true

  # Do entities have to be on the ground in order to stack?
  # This does not apply if the mobs can fly or live in the water
  # Default: false
  only-stack-on-ground: false

  # Should we stack entities if they are in the water?
  # This does not apply if the mobs can fly or live in the water
  # Default: false
  dont-stack-if-in-water: false

  # Should we stack entities if they are leashed?
  # You will still be able to leash stacks, it will just prevent them from stacking into other stacks
  # This can cause some weird effects if disabled
  # Default: true
  dont-stack-if-leashed: true

  # Should we stack entities if they are invulnerable?
  # Default: true
  dont-stack-if-invulnerable: true

  # Should we stack entities with custom names?
  # Default: false
  dont-stack-custom-named: false

  # Should we stack entities that are part of an active raid?
  # This may cause issues when loading entities if disabled
  # Default: true
  dont-stack-if-active-raider: true

  # Should flying mobs always be stacked downwards?
  # This is useful for mob grinders
  # Default: false
  stack-flying-downwards: false

  # Should we only stack entities spawned from spawners?
  # Default: false
  only-stack-from-spawners: true

  # Should an entity death event be triggered for each mob in a stack?
  # If you use custom drops plugins, make sure to enable this
  # Note to developers: The death events are asynchronous based on the below setting
  # Default: false
  trigger-death-event-for-entire-stack-kill: false

  # Should the entity loot be calculated asynchronously?
  # If you try enabling this and you get errors that say something like '<SomeEvent> may only be triggered synchronously'
  # and has RoseStacker in the stacktrace, you should keep this as false.
  # Set this as true for optimal performance if you are not having issues.
  # Default: false
  death-event-trigger-async: false

  # This will cause only a single death event to run which will save resources but
  # also make it so rare drops can drop significantly more often since the
  # drops will be multiplied by the stack size.
  # Note: This only applies to custom loot
  # Default: false
  multiply-custom-loot: false

  # Should entities with disabled AI be killed instantly when receiving damage from a player?
  # Default: false
  instant-kill-disabled-ai: false

# Global item settings
# Changed values in item_settings.yml will override these values

  # Should item stacking be enabled at all?
  # Default: true
  stacking-enabled: false

  # The maximum number of items that can be in a single stack
  # Default: 1024
  max-stack-size: 20

  # How close do items need to be to merge with each other?
  # Default: 2.5
  merge-radius: 2.5

  # Should tags be displayed above stacks to show their amount and type?
  # Default: true
  display-tags: true

  # Should tags be displayed if the stack only has one item?
  # Default: false
  display-tags-single: false

  # Should items with custom names be shown on their tags?
  # Default: true
  display-custom-names: true

  # Should the color of custom names be shown on their tags?
  # Default: true
  display-custom-names-color: true

  # Should items with a custom name always display their tags?
  # This mirrors vanilla behavior
  # Default: true
  display-custom-names-always: true

# Global block settings
# Changed values in block_settings.yml will override these values

  # Should block stacking be enabled at all?
  # Default: true
  stacking-enabled: false

  # The maximum number of blocks that can be in a single stack
  # Default: 2048
  max-stack-size: 20

  # Should tags be displayed above stacks to show their amount and type?
  # Default: true
  display-tags: true

  # Should stacked blocks be protected from explosions?
  # Default: true
  explosion-protection: true

  # If enabled, only the stack size will decrease from explosions, no items will be dropped
  # Default: true
  explosion-decrease-stack-size-only: true

  # The percentage chance of blocks getting destroyed from an explosion (0-100)
  # Default: 10.0
  explosion-destroy-chance: 10.0

  # The percentage of blocks in the stack that will be destroyed from an explosion
  # If a stack of 10 blocks is exploded with a chance of 50.0, 5 blocks will be saved
  # Default: 50.0
  explosion-amount-percentage: 50.0

  # The fixed amount of blocks in the stack to destroy
  # If this is set to 1 or greater, overrides explosion-amount-percentage
  # If a stack of 10 blocks is exploded with a fixed amount of 3, 7 blocks will be saved
  # Default: -1
  explosion-amount-fixed: -1

  # Should blocks be dropped directly into the player's inventory when broken?
  # Default: false
  drop-to-inventory: false

  # Should the entire stack be broken if the player is sneaking?
  # Default: true
  break-entire-stack-while-sneaking: true

  # Should the entire stack be broken into individual blocks?
  # Default: true
  break-entire-stack-into-separate: true

  # Should a GUI to edit the stack open when the player shift-right-clicks the stack?
  # Default: true
  gui-enabled: true

  # What material should be used for the border of the GUI?
  # If you want no border, set it to AIR
  gui-border-material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE

# Global spawner settings
# Changed values in spawner_settings.yml will override these values

  # Should spawner stacking be enabled at all?
  # Default: true
  stacking-enabled: true

  # The maximum number of spawners that can be in a single stack
  # Default: 32
  max-stack-size: 10

  merge-radius: 5
  # Should tags be displayed above stacks to show their amount and type?
  # Default: true
  display-tags: true

  # Should tags be displayed if the stack only has one spawner?
  # Default: false
  display-tags-single: false

  # Should stacks of size one show the amount on their tags if enabled?
  # Default: false
  display-tags-single-amount: false

  # Should mob AI be disabled for mobs spawned by spawners?
  # If you enable this, it is highly recommended to enable
  # Enabling attribute saving will make sure all mob AIs get disabled properly
  # Default: false
  disable-mob-ai: false

  # Should mobs spawned from spawners be prevented from attacking anything?
  # Default: false
  disable-attacking: false

  # How many random blocks should we check to spawn a mob before giving up?
  # Default: 50
  max-failed-spawn-attempts: 50

  # Should spawners turn off when powered by redstone?
  # Default: false
  deactivate-when-powered: true

  # Should spawners be protected from explosions?
  # Default: true
  explosion-protection: true

  # If enabled, only the stack size will decrease from explosions, no items will be dropped
  # Default: true
  explosion-decrease-stack-size-only: true

  # The percentage chance of spawners getting destroyed from an explosion (0-100)
  # Default: 10.0
  explosion-destroy-chance: 10.0

  # The percentage of spawners in the stack that will be destroyed from an explosion
  # If a stack of 10 spawners is exploded with a chance of 50.0, 5 blocks will be saved
  # Default: 50.0
  explosion-amount-percentage: 50.0

  # The fixed amount of spawners in the stack to destroy
  # If this is set to 0 or greater, overrides explosion-amount-percentage
  # If a stack of 10 spawners is exploded with a fixed amount of 3, 7 blocks will be saved
  # Default: -1
  explosion-amount-fixed: -1

  # Should spawners be dropped directly into the player's inventory when broken?
  # Default: false
  drop-to-inventory: true

  # Should spawners always drop when broken in creative mode?
  # Default: false
  drop-in-creative: false

  # Should the entire stack be broken if the player is sneaking?
  # Default: true
  break-entire-stack-while-sneaking: true

  # Should the entire stack be broken into individual spawners?
  # Default: false
  break-entire-stack-into-separate: false

  # Should advanced silk touch permissions be used?
  # Requires silk-touch-require-permission to be enabled for the silk touch permissions
  # This will enable the following permissions:
  # - rosestacker.silktouch.<entityType>
  # - rosestacker.nosilk.<entityType>
  # - rosestacker.spawnerplace.<entityType>
  # Default: false
  silk-touch-advanced-permissions: true

  # Should silk touch be required to pick up spawners?
  # Default: false
  silk-touch-required: true

  # The chance that spawners will be picked up with a silk touch tool
  # You may use rosestacker.silktouch.chance.<#> to use a custom percent chance through a permission
  # The highest number between the config and permissions will be used
  # Use a whole number value between 0 and 100
  # Default: 100
  silk-touch-chance: 100

  # Should only natural spawners have a chance of being picked up with silk touch?
  # If enabled, player-placed spawners will always have a 100% chance of being picked up with silk touch
  # Default: false
  silk-touch-only-natural: false

  # Should silk touch of level II or higher be guaranteed to pick up the spawner?
  # Default: true
  silk-touch-guarantee: true

  # Should the permission rosestacker.silktouch be required
  # to be able to pick up spawners with silk touch?
  # Default: false
  silk-touch-require-permission: false

  # Should spawners be protected from being destroyed without silk touch?
  # A message will be sent to the player explaining why it cannot be broken
  # Default: false
  silk-touch-protect: true

  # How close should spawners have to be placed to auto stack together?
  # A value of -1 will disable this setting
  # Default: -1
  auto-stack-range: -1

  # Should particles be displayed when auto stacking spawners together?
  # Useful for letting the player know where their spawner just went
  # Default: true
  auto-stack-particles: true

  # Should the same number of spawn eggs as the spawner stack be required for conversion?
  # Default: false
  convert-require-same-amount: false

  # How many mobs should spawn per stacked spawner?
  # Will use spawner tile value if set to -1
  # Default: 4
  spawn-count-stack-size-multiplier: 4

  # Should the amount of mobs spawned be randomized between the stack size and the max spawn amount?
  # Default: true
  spawn-count-stack-size-randomized: true

  # The minimum number of ticks between spawn attempts
  # Will use spawner tile value if set to -1
  # Default: 200
  spawn-delay-minimum: 200

  # The maximum number of ticks between spawn attempts
  # Will use spawner tile value if set to -1
  # Default: 800
  spawn-delay-maximum: 800

  # If more than this number of entities are near the spawner, it will not spawn anything
  # This only counts the individual mobs, and not the stack size
  # Can be overridden for each spawner type using the max-nearby-entities:# spawn requirement
  # Default: 6
  spawn-max-nearby-entities: 6

  # How far away from the spawner should we search for nearby entities when using max-nearby-entities?
  # A value of -1 will make this setting use the same value as the spawn range
  # Default: -1
  spawn-entity-search-range: -1

  # How close do players need to be to activate the spawner?
  # Will use spawner tile value if set to -1
  # Default: 16
  spawn-player-activation-range: 16

  # How far away can entities be spawned from the spawner?
  # Will use spawner tile value if set to -1
  # Default: 4
  spawn-range: 4

  # Should mobs spawned from spawners spawn directly into nearby stacks?
  # Default: true
  spawn-into-nearby-stacks: true

  # Should the vertical spawn range use the horizontal spawn range?
  # Entities normally only spawn one block above and below the spawner
  # Default: false
  use-vertical-spawn-range: false

  # When enabled, this will force the 'air' condition tag onto the
  # spawner if it doesn't have 'fluid' or 'air' already
  # Disabling this will allow mobs to spawn into blocks unless
  # you explicitly add the 'fluid' or 'air' tags.
  # Default: true
  dont-spawn-into-blocks: true

  # Should patrol leaders be prevented when spawning potential raid member mobs?
  # Default: false
  nerf-patrol-leaders: false

  # When enabled, the entire stack size of entities will be taken into account for nearby entiites
  # When disabled, only one entity per stack will count towards nearby entities
  # Default: false
  max-nearby-entities-include-stacks: false

  # Should a GUI to view the spawner information open when the player shift-right-clicks the stack?
  # Default: true
  gui-enabled: true

  # How often should the time before next spawn message be updated?
  # Value is measured in ticks, do not go below 1
  # Default: 2
  gui-tick-update-rate: 2

  # What material should be used for the border of the GUI?
  gui-border-material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE

  # What material should be used for the top right and bottom left corners of the GUI?
  gui-border-corner-material: LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE

  # What material should be used for the corner accents of the GUI?
  gui-border-accent-material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE

  # What material should the spawner stats icon be?
  # Default: BOOK
  gui-spawner-stats-material: BOOK

  # What material should the central icon be?
  # Default: SPAWNER
  gui-central-material: SPAWNER

  # What material should the valid spawn conditions icon be?
  # Default: EMERALD_BLOCK
  gui-valid-spawn-conditions-material: EMERALD_BLOCK

  # What material should the invalid spawn conditions icon be?
  gui-invalid-spawn-conditions-material: REDSTONE_BLOCK

# Settings that apply to the tags above stacks
# These settings require their respective display-tags settings to be set to true to function
# These settings run at the same frequency as the stack-frequency setting
# If you are seeing impacts to server performance, consider disabling these settings

  # Should entity tags be hidden when the player is a certain distance away?
  # Note: This overrides global-entity-settings.display-tags-hover if enabled
  # Default: true
  entity-dynamic-tag-view-range-enabled: true

  # Should item tags be hidden when the player is a certain distance away?
  # Default: true
  item-dynamic-tag-view-range-enabled: true

  # Should block/spawner tags be hidden when the player is a certain distance away?
  # Default: true
  block-dynamic-tag-view-range-enabled: true

  # How far away should a player be able to see entity tags?
  # Default: 32
  entity-dynamic-tag-view-range: 32

  # How far away should a player be able to see item tags?
  # Default: 32
  item-dynamic-tag-view-range: 32

  # How far away should a player be able to see block/spawner tags?
  # Default: 32
  block-dynamic-tag-view-range: 32

  # Should entity tags be hidden if they are out of view?
  # Default: true
  entity-dynamic-tag-view-range-wall-detection-enabled: true

  # Should item tags be hidden if they are out of view?
  # Default: true
  item-dynamic-tag-view-range-wall-detection-enabled: true

  # Should block/spawner tags be hidden if they are out of view?
  # Default: true
  block-dynamic-tag-view-range-wall-detection-enabled: true

# Settings that apply to the item given from '/rs stacktool'

  # The material of the stacking tool
  # Default: STICK
  material: STICK

  # The name to display on the stacking tool
  # Default: <g:#ed3737:#ffaf3e>Stacking Tool
  name: <g:#ed3737:#ffaf3e>Stacking Tool

  # The lore to display on the stacking tool
    - '&bLeft Click:'
    - '&7- &eSelect two mobs to test if they can stack together.'
    - '&bShift Left Click:'
    - '&7- &eView stack details, works on all stack types.'
    - '&bRight Click:'
    - '&7- &eToggle if a mob is stackable or not.'
    - '&bShift Right Click:'
    - '&7- &eMark an entire entity stack as unstackable.'
    - '&7- &eThis will cause everything to unstack.'
    - '&bWhile Held:'
    - '&7- &eA particle will appear above nearby mobs.'
    - '&7- &aGreen &emeans the mob can stack.'
    - '&7- &cRed &emeans the mob can not stack.'

# Miscellaneous other settings for the plugin

  # Should a custom WorldGuard region named 'rosestacker' be registered and used to test entity stacking?
  # Entity stacking within regions will only work if the result is ALLOW
  # This setting will only be updated after a restart
  # Default: false
  worldguard-region: false

  # If CoreProtect is installed, should we log stacked block/spawner break/placing?
  # Default: true
  coreprotect-logging-enabled: true

  # If LogBlock is installed, should we log stacked block/spawner break/placing?
  # Default: true
  logblock-logging-enabled: true

  # If Clearlag is installed, should we clear stacked entities?
  # Default: false
  clearlag-clear-entities: false

  # If Clearlag is installed, should we clear stacked items?
  # Default: false
  clearlag-clear-items: false

  # Should single mobs be removed with `/rs clearall`?
  # This will also affect the clearlag-clear-entities setting above
  # Default: false
  clearall-remove-single: false

  # Should mobs owned by MythicMobs be allowed to stack?
  # This is recommended to keep set to false unless you specifically only change mob attributes
  # If you are keeping mob attributes, remember to enable
  # Default: false
  mythicmobs-allow-stacking: false

# Settings for if you want to use MySQL for data management

  # Enable MySQL
  # If false, SQLite will be used instead
  # Default: false
  enabled: false

  # MySQL Database Hostname
  # Default: 
  hostname: ''

  # MySQL Database Port
  # Default: 3306
  port: 3306

  # MySQL Database Name
  # Default: 
  database-name: ''

  # MySQL Database User Name
  # Default: 
  user-name: ''

  # MySQL Database User Password
  # Default: 
  user-password: ''

  # If the database connection should use SSL
  # You should enable this if your database supports SSL
  # Default: false
  use-ssl: false

# That's everything! You reached the end of the configuration.
# Enjoy the plugin!`
Esophose commented 3 years ago

Please send a list of your plugins. It sounds like you have one installed that handles spawners too which is causing them to drop two different spawner items. Common ones include SilkSpawners, MineableSpawners, or EconomyShopGUI.

BeastCodZ commented 3 years ago

My plugins list is as below Plugins (51): AntiVPN, AureliumSkills, AuthMe, Banknotes*, BeautyQuests, BetterRTP, BottledExp, ChestShop, Citizens, CommandAliases, CoreProtect, CraftingStore, CrateReloaded, DeadChest, DeluxeMenus, DiscordSRV, EazyNick, EconomyShopGUI, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, FastAsyncWorldEdit (WorldEdit), FluffyMachines, Geyser-Spigot, GriefPrevention, GriefPreventionFlags, GSit, HolographicDisplays, InfinityExpansion, LiteXpansion, LPC, LuckPerms, Matrix, MessagesGUI*, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerProfiles, PlayerVaults, PlayerWarps, ProtocolLib, PvPToggle, RoseStacker, SafariNet, Scoreboard-revision*, SinglePlayerSleep, SkinsRestorer, Slimefun, StaffPlus, SuperVanish, TAB, Vault, Votifier, VotingPlugin

BeastCodZ commented 3 years ago

i suppose its economyshopgui

Esophose commented 3 years ago

Yeah, there is a setting called spawner-break in the config for it that you need to disable.

BeastCodZ commented 3 years ago

enable-spawnerbreak: false i turned it to false this right thanks

BeastCodZ commented 3 years ago

Fixed Thank you