Rosewood-Development / RoseStacker

A next-generation stacker plugin for Spigot and Paper servers
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RoseStacker - CloudCollectors and JetMinions Crash Server #30

Closed brasilcraft54 closed 3 years ago

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

rosestacker is taking down tps and server with jetminions or cloucollectors see the videos below. if I remove the rosestacker the problem ends but I like the rosestacker so much I would like you to fix it please

Server Version: Purpur-1.17.1 last version

plugin version: 1.3.0

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

I managed to replicate the bug with 50k of creepers, let's say that the player has 10 spawners and leaves accumulating the creper up to 50k for example and kills it knocks down any server.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

I was able to replicate even myself without minions and collector

Esophose commented 3 years ago

Please send your config.yml. It looks like you have trigger-death-event-for-entire-stack-kill enabled which will 100% cause lag like that to happen if you have stacks that large. Edit: If you have that setting disabled, make sure you enable death-event-trigger-async so it doesn't lag the main thread.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

Esophose commented 3 years ago

Please set death-event-trigger-async to true and see if that helps.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago


will this solve the lag issue?

PatrikX23 commented 3 years ago


will this solve the lag issue?

I also had this issue its solved for me try it

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago


will this solve the lag issue?

I also had this issue its solved for me try it

6766767676767 didn't solve for me

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

I tested it with the wildstacker and didn't have the same problem.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

it's a shame that I have to leave the rosestacker because of problems, since in the wildstacker I don't have this problem. I just invoked 400k of mobs and I didn't even give 1 lag.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

[ERROR] .... java.base@16.0.1/java.util.AbstractCollection.toArray(Unknown Source)

[ERROR] .... java.base@16.0.1/java.util.ArrayList.(Unknown Source)

[ERROR] .... app//

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.tickChunks(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.tick(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(

[ERROR] .... app//net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$3658/ Source)

[ERROR] .... java.base@16.0.1/ Source)

[ERROR] .... ------------------------------


[ERROR] .... ------------------------------

[WARNING] .... Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 203828ms or 4076 ticks behind

Esophose commented 3 years ago

The two plugins don't treat large numbers of mobs the same, they aren't designed to be carbon copies of each other. RoseStacker accurately stacks mobs together and wasn't designed to be used with massive stack sizes like that. When you spawn 50k mobs in RoseStacker, the server actually has to spawn 50k mobs into the world. WildStacker only spawns 1 but they will all be exact clones of each other. The two plugins are not comparable like that. Use whichever suits your use case the best.

brasilcraft54 commented 3 years ago

The two plugins don't treat large numbers of mobs the same, they aren't designed to be carbon copies of each other. RoseStacker accurately stacks mobs together and wasn't designed to be used with massive stack sizes like that. When you spawn 50k mobs in RoseStacker, the server actually has to spawn 50k mobs into the world. WildStacker only spawns 1 but they will all be exact clones of each other. The two plugins are not comparable like that. Use whichever suits your use case the best.

yes it's a shame I liked the rosestacker so much but I'm abandoning it because it's possible to crash any server with this plugin just let it group 50k mobs and kill and that's it.

Esophose commented 3 years ago

Not really sure what you mean by crash any server, mine can handle killing even 500k mobs with no lag issues. There are other servers that have larger stack sizes and don't have that problem either. Are you sure you enabled the trigger death event async setting?