Roshan-R / termv

A terminal iptv player written in bash
GNU General Public License v3.0
222 stars 19 forks source link

AUR package update #17

Closed Monirzadeh closed 2 years ago

Monirzadeh commented 2 years ago

hi please update Aur package to 1.2 if it possible for you.

Roshan-R commented 2 years ago

I'll email the maintainer about updating the AUR package and let you know if something comes up

darkelectron commented 2 years ago

Would creating a different package called termv be better? This one would be stable and the -git version would be an unstable version.

Thought of creating it, but thought I should ask first.

Roshan-R commented 2 years ago

It would be amazing if you could create another AUR package for termv Just a side note, the existing AUR package does not infact use git clone rather uses the releases

darkelectron commented 2 years ago

...and done!

Roshan-R commented 2 years ago

Thanks @darkelectron for the package! I'll update the readme after testing it :)

odnar-dev commented 2 years ago

@darkelectron - wrong dependencies!! this script use curl not wget also it use gawk

darkelectron commented 2 years ago

@odnar-dev, thanks. Seeing that xdo is optional, should I add it under optdepends?

Roshan-R commented 2 years ago

@odnar-dev, thanks. Seeing that xdo is optional, should I add it under optdepends?

Yeah, I think it would be better to add it to optdepends

darkelectron commented 2 years ago

I have updated the PKGBUILD.

Roshan-R commented 2 years ago

Looks good now, i have updated the project README