Roslund / KanbanForge

A digital kanbanboard for the course Software Engineering 2: Project Teamwork
MIT License
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Card content fix #191

Closed Icepool closed 6 years ago

Icepool commented 6 years ago

The card now contains the title of the artifact instead of a simple "Card [id]". This is to make them more easily visually distinguishable and identifiable. The titles are cut off after 5 words to keep them short, the user can hover over them to see the full title before clicking on them.

Also fixed some unexpected behavior when dragging the card title. I'd call this a bug, as dragging the text of the card lead to the card not moving to the drop location once dropped. As there's not a lot of nesting in our cards we can for now just refer to the parent if the 'a' tag is the initiator of the drag event.