Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Hi Jane,
Segmentation faults are hard to reproduce, but the following information will
1) Your operating system.
2) The samtools version used manipulate the files. (Or if you use GATK, Picard
etc the version of those.
3) The aligner used.
4) Information about any other programs that edited/manipulated FASTQ/BAM files
to give the input used.
The following will give me some information about the file, but should not
reveal anything confidential about the data. Use these at your discretion.
4)The output of `samtools view -H BAM_FILE`. For each BAM will give be the
header which usually just states which chromosomes are present in the BAM.
5) The output of `grep \> FASTAFILE`. This will tell me which chromosomes are
in the FASTA file.
Original comment by
on 27 Feb 2012 at 4:51
Thank you for your answer. To reply to these points,
1) I'm using Linux (fedora 16) system with 64 bits.
2) samtools-0.1.18
3) the aligner is Elandv2
4) normal sample :
samtools view -H /data/patient1/s_garma-fibros_converted_sorted.bam
@PG VN:2.0.0 CL:/usr/local/bin/
--read1=s_garma-fibros_1_export.txt --read2=s_garma-fibros_2_export.txt
@SQ SN:chr1 LN:249250621
@SQ SN:chr2 LN:243199373
@SQ SN:chr3 LN:198022430
@SQ SN:chr4 LN:191154276
@SQ SN:chr5 LN:180915260
@SQ SN:chr6 LN:171115067
@SQ SN:chr7 LN:159138663
@SQ SN:chr8 LN:146364022
@SQ SN:chr9 LN:141213431
@SQ SN:chr10 LN:135534747
@SQ SN:chr11 LN:135006516
@SQ SN:chr12 LN:133851895
@SQ SN:chr13 LN:115169878
@SQ SN:chr14 LN:107349540
@SQ SN:chr15 LN:102531392
@SQ SN:chr16 LN:90354753
@SQ SN:chr17 LN:81195210
@SQ SN:chr18 LN:78077248
@SQ SN:chr19 LN:59128983
@SQ SN:chr20 LN:63025520
@SQ SN:chr21 LN:48129895
@SQ SN:chr22 LN:51304566
@SQ SN:chrX LN:155270560
@SQ SN:chrY LN:59373566
@SQ SN:chrMt LN:16571
tumoral sample:
samtools view -H /data/patient1/s_garma-296_converted_sorted.bam
@PG VN:2.0.0 CL:/usr/local/bin/
--read1=s_garma-296_1_export.txt --read2=s_garma-296_2_export.txt
@SQ SN:chr1 LN:249250621
@SQ SN:chr2 LN:243199373
@SQ SN:chr3 LN:198022430
@SQ SN:chr4 LN:191154276
@SQ SN:chr5 LN:180915260
@SQ SN:chr6 LN:171115067
@SQ SN:chr7 LN:159138663
@SQ SN:chr8 LN:146364022
@SQ SN:chr9 LN:141213431
@SQ SN:chr10 LN:135534747
@SQ SN:chr11 LN:135006516
@SQ SN:chr12 LN:133851895
@SQ SN:chr13 LN:115169878
@SQ SN:chr14 LN:107349540
@SQ SN:chr15 LN:102531392
@SQ SN:chr16 LN:90354753
@SQ SN:chr17 LN:81195210
@SQ SN:chr18 LN:78077248
@SQ SN:chr19 LN:59128983
@SQ SN:chr20 LN:63025520
@SQ SN:chr21 LN:48129895
@SQ SN:chr22 LN:51304566
@SQ SN:chrX LN:155270560
@SQ SN:chrY LN:59373566
@SQ SN:chrMt LN:16571
5) [merlevede@U1009-PCJane ~]$ grep \> hg19.fa
When paying attention to my fasta file, I realized that I provided a wrong
fasta file.
I changed it and it is running now. I hope the run will be fine!
I would like to know where to ask questions or find explanation about how to
run the software for the alternative methods. (I would like to try the
independent Fisher method, but I haven't found documentation for something else
that train and classify)
Thanks a lot for your help !
Original comment by
on 27 Feb 2012 at 5:54
Hi Jane,
This is the right place to file bugs/issues. The best place to pose general
questions and ask for help is the google group
With regards to the independent fisher method, I have removed that method among
others from the 0.8 series of JointSNVMix. If you want to use it, you can use
the version 0.7.5 series which is actually the current stable version.
Original comment by
on 27 Feb 2012 at 6:05
Original comment by
on 8 Dec 2012 at 7:53
Original issue reported on by
on 27 Feb 2012 at 2:45