Rothamsted-Ecoinformatics / farm_rothamsted

Custom farmOS features for Rothamsted Research.
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Experiment Module: Create an experiment module dashbaord #682

Open aislinnpearson opened 4 months ago

aislinnpearson commented 4 months ago

Similar to issue we'd like to create an experiment module dashboard, which displays similar information to #679 but is tailored to the Experiment module. The layout would ideally include:

  1. At the top of the page, instead of an 'Add Asset' drop down we'd have a button that is tailored to the experiment entities (Researchers, Programs, Proposals, Experiments, Designs, Plans). This would only be visible to those who had those permissions.
  2. A map at the top of the page
  3. A general search function which searches all of the experiment module
  4. Four additional search functions for experiments: search by Field, search by Researcher, search by Experiment/ Study code, search by Experiment Name/ Abbreviation. Similar to the landing page dashboard we would need to think about how the individual experiments are displayed. Are you looking for Researchers, Proposals, Experiments, Plans, etc...
  5. A list of all of the Experiment entities that the person logged in is associated with. For the Proposals and Experiments/ Studies, these would be the same as the main landing page dashboard but for the Researchers and Programs they would display as:

Researchers: A simple button for 'show my Researcher Profile' - maybe this could include a list of all the researchers you work with, but that is perhaps too complex and might be an addition for a later development piece, if it is requested. Programs: Columns for Status, Program Name, Abbreviation, Funder, Project Code, Funder grant code, start date and end date. Designs: As specified on the main landing page but with the addition of design (which could be included in both landing pages)

Assumed the effort for this is medium if it is very similar to the main landing page, but please let me know if I should change it to large.