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Install FAQ Package problems #25

Open StefanRother-OTOBO opened 1 year ago

StefanRother-OTOBO commented 1 year ago

As soon as the standard ticket type "unclassified" no longer exists in the system, the installation of the FAQ module fails or the new configuration options cannot be deployed automatically.

The behaviour can be reproduced as follows:

1) Activate Ticket::Type and rename the type "unclassified" under Admin-> Type. 2) Install the package "FAQ" under Admin -> Package Management.

Afterwards, the FAQ module is not displayed, only the message "You have undeployed settings, would you like to deploy them? Deployment is not possible because of the option "FAQ::ApprovalTicketType":


After the value has been changed to a valid value, a deploy is possible. The question is how we can better deal with this situation so that the module can be installed first. Since the Approval function has to be activated and configured anyway, I would set the Approval options to invalid (and/or not required).

If I manually set the option "FAQ::ApprovalTicketType" right after installing the package and deploy the options again, I get a lot of error messages in the log:

ERROR: OTOBO-CGI-145 Perl: 5.26.1 OS: linux Time: Sat Feb 18 16:19:20 2023

 Message: Need Name.

 RequestURI: /otobo/;Subaction=Deployment

 Traceback (23189): 
   Modules: Kernel::System::SysConfig::DB::ModifiedSettingVersionGetLast Line: 4083
   Modules: Kernel::Modules::AdminSystemConfigurationDeployment::Run Line: 161
   Modules: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Content Line: 1239
svenoe commented 1 year ago

I moved this issue to the FAQ module. For this specific case I agree and the change is easy, as the only place where the option is used, it being empty is considered in the code. (In general changing SysConfig options from "required" to "not required" has to be done with a bit of care.)

Finding a general solution for this type of problem is less easy, but I think choosing things like queues etc. is that dependant on the individual systems anyways, that for a majority of cases custom settings have to be made anyways, so just leaving those settings empty for installation is good enough atm.