Rotwood-Vale / Ratwood-Keep

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Farming Update #214

Open Azarak opened 4 days ago

Azarak commented 4 days ago

About The Pull Request

Features: Composter now allows composting most types of foods, be they burned or rotten "Attack" cooldown from interacting with composter/soil is now 0.8 seconds (from 1.2 seconds) Taking compost out of composter instantly places it into your hand Seeds now have 35% chance to be destroyed upon being stepped Ash now grants 80 fertilization points (from 100) Plants now have a random base amount of produce they yield, resulting in them yielding 0.5 less on average per harvest Dendor blessing now takes 20 devotion and only affects up to 5 crops, and the blessing only bumps the crops up to minimum 30 nutrition and minimum 30 water

The Farming skill now once again affects the produce yield: (It already affects some do times and stamina costs already btw) None: 50% to ruin a harvest 75% to get 1 less produce Novice: 25% to ruin a harvest 50% chance to get 1 less produce Apprentice: 25% chance to get 1 less produce Journeyman: Nothing Expert: 25% chance to get 1 more produce Master: 50% chance to get 1 more produce Legendary: 75% chance to get 1 more produce

This makes it so Farmers and Soilson get total 0.25 less average on harvest, while those who skill up or are Legendary Farmers get more And it makes so it unskilled people have a much worse time at farming

Tweaks: Plants now randomize a color for all seeds of their type to have Weeds now use the old sprites, with the blooming purple flowers Some berry bush icon states were fixes Uprooting the plant does not automatically harvest it

Why It's Good For The Game