Rotwood-Vale / Ratwood-Keep

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Rewards players for contributing to the grimdark atmosphere #279

Closed Dedwolf closed 5 days ago

Dedwolf commented 5 days ago

About The Pull Request


Why It's Good For The Game

No longer punishes players for giving in to dark desires. Rewards players for being brave enough to contribute to what truthfully should be a grim and uncomfortable setting.

Stagrawl commented 5 days ago

So brave, merge PR.

Dedwolf commented 5 days ago

So brave, merge PR.

* It failed, wait, wait, don’t merge it!

omggg fixed, thanks! <3

Stagrawl commented 5 days ago

It’s fixed! Merge PR!

Honestly someone needs to spice up the sexcon it’s so dull. I’ll do it today maybe.

Dedwolf commented 5 days ago

It’s fixed! Merge PR!

Honestly someone needs to spice up the sexcon it’s so dull. I’ll do it today maybe.

sounds good honestly, yeah its dull and the descriptions are shit, i don't like mechanical erp but some players do and this could be a lot better. also in all seriousness i think players shouldn't be PQ docked for noncon, they should be PQ docked for doing it to a player that's left the game though.

Azarak commented 5 days ago

It shouldn't award PQ because that way it would be farmable easily An alternative where it doesn't dock the PQ is something that could be discussed

OR perhaps a much more reduced amount as the penalty

Or wait for the new system actually

casualspacestation14enjoyer commented 5 days ago

Add a check for your ckey @Dedwolf . If victim's ckey == your ckey it will be +1, else, still -2.

preach brother! preach!

pismorizzo commented 5 days ago

GIVING PQ for rape is pretty ehhhhhhh, can be farmed absurdly easily with this method especially since you specifically allowed for it to work on AFK players.

Probably should just not dock PQ but not give any either. Giving a delayed triumph also makes more sense since they would then need survive the round after raping someone versus instantly gaining something nobody can interact with or take away.