Roukys / HHauto

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It was good while it lasted #567

Closed NinJaraya closed 1 year ago

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

When trying to log in, I'm getting the following message: Your account has been permanently banned for Cheating and can not be appealed.

"The dream is over" John Lennon

Roukys commented 2 years ago

@NinJaraya sorry to hear that. For the moment im still up and running ... We'll see ...

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

On Nutaku still is ok but on HH and test server ti's over... (different e-mails, I guess) :(

Dimka2010 commented 2 years ago

turned Paranoia mode ON :))

Franck-75 commented 2 years ago

One guy of my club is also touched. I check if he did the last update.

OldRon1977 commented 2 years ago

@NinJaraya did you run any other scripts or did you use exploits? Just trying to narrow it down to the reason why you got banned.

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version; plus a script for skip battle on bosses.

OldRon1977 commented 2 years ago

Hmmm... That is strange. I don't know how the skip script is working. Maybe you can share the URL and someone (@Roukys ) can take a look if the script does something strange. Our script was always designed to simulate a human like clicking a button. Maybe the skip-script was the bad guy.

@Franck-75 can you check which scripts your friend were running before he got banned?

Dimka2010 commented 2 years ago

my thoughts - here is the clue: "plus a script for skip battle on bosses."

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

// ==UserScript== // @name Boss Battle Skip Helper // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match http*://** // @match http*://**-battle.html* // @exclude https://**pre-battle.html* // @match http*://** // @match http*://**-battle.html* // @exclude https://**pre-battle.html* // @icon // @grant none // @run-at document-body // ==/UserScript== function startScript(){ try{ if(document.getElementById("new-battle-skip-btn") != null){ document.getElementById("new-battle-skip-btn").click(); } } catch(e){ var a = e; } finally{ setTimeout(startScript, 1000); } } window.onload = startScript();

using as basis "HH AutoBang" from RuperSama

dadanda commented 2 years ago

Well my standalone accounts got banned as well. I guess they did a sweep. image I still am able to use my Harem Heroes account, but Comix has issues for some reason, some ppl on the forums have the same issue. Paranoia I guess is recommended.

Here's my settings if anyone is interested. image (Champions is activated whenever theres that competition, usually have quest energy but reached the latest on this account, and Paranoia isnt activated ofc. Salary min is 10k and collect time is 300. <this is probably why it got banned imo.)

Dimka2010 commented 2 years ago

i change any timer like you have (300 on salary) in not round like 256

ZaryImortal commented 2 years ago

my account is logged in 24/7 and is ok. should i activate paranoia mode? salary min 100k and max time 1,200

OldRon1977 commented 2 years ago

Same here... 24/7 online with salary at 20K and 1200.

Never had problems, at the moment I have the silver card for 2.99$ but I did run the script for many month without a card.

Roukys commented 2 years ago

For me can't be the boss skip script. But cannot be sure. As per message would say it is if online 24/7 but we have some counter proof. I'm also using paranoia always.

OldRon1977 commented 2 years ago

I wouldn't call any of this proof. Maybe I am just lucky at the moment, maybe NinJara was unlucky. One swallow does not make a spring... ;)

It can also be the fact, that I use a silver card, so my money collecting is a simple click. On the other hand, I only have a card for HH and not for CH or PS. So that proves nothing. Too many variables... It would be wise to use paranoia for a while...

dadanda commented 2 years ago

I do run the script 24/7 and have 2 accounts for 4 games (both Comix Harem and HHs). The standalone is the one that got banned for cheating, but I wasn't informed till I sent a ticket using another account. I do have other scripts for the games but the only ones activated before the ban was this and the ++, I had the old style tweaks and boss bang script (but never used this). Considering my Harem Heroes is still up, I think it's just a sweep on their standalone and happened to be unlucky. Paranoia is highly recommended for now and its still a risk to run it full 24/7 without it. Something I would recommend is making your salary collection, collect less times with the min salary thing and long collection times. Update: My Nutaku Comix is definitely banned. So somehow my Harem Heroes just escaped the ban wave. which doesn't make too much sense. Well, i gues I'm just left with the account that started it all.

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

My Nutaku Harem Heroes hasn't been banned yet, just HH and test server

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

Checking my spam folder, I found the following email:

One day of Kobans in one click
3 de set. às 08:00
Contact Hentai Heroes <>
The girls and I loaded it for you, sweet Hero!
We hope you are doing well, remember that you will be doing us if you come back to the Haremverse!

If you just cLICK below, you will get 150 Kobans! That’s the final prize of the Daily Missions that you missed yesterday.
Please come back, I already miss the taste of your thick stick!

All yours,


PS: We gave you a load, now give us yours! Come back and let’s have some wild fun! Naked!

First they banish me and then ask me to come back. But it says it's expired.

OldRon1977 commented 2 years ago

Just send them an email, telling it was in your spam and ask if they could renew their offer. Worth a try ;)

bjaume commented 2 years ago

It looks like an automated mail to anyone who has voluntarily left the game. I think it's another kinkoid bug

Stalladir commented 2 years ago

I bit the dust at the same time as OP, the only other script I was using were the HH++ OCD one,

bjaume commented 2 years ago

I've been banned today from Hentai Heroes, Comix Harem and Porn Star Harem (all of them with the same mail account). I had paranoia on for two weeks. The only other script I had were "Hentai Heroes ++ BDSM versión"

Franck-75 commented 2 years ago

Another guess (remember that many of my guess are good idea, but I don't have any proof) : @bjaume : did you deconnect from the game every day ? They perhaps identify people by watching the age of the connection token. If it's many days old, it's because you don't deconnect. So you're cheating because after some time of inactivity, the token is liberated.

bjaume commented 2 years ago

No, I didn't. It might be a good guess. I had a browser extension that reloads the page every 30 minutes.

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

I have made my notebook sleep/wake at predetermined times since August 2019 using the steps in the link below: (sleep at 3:30 AM, wake up at 7:20 AM, local time, Brazil) How to Schedule Windows to Sleep and Wake Automatically That's why I didn't use Paranoia mode. by Google Translate

Dimka2010 commented 2 years ago

Man ! For me its very obvious why you are have a ban. You sleap near 3.5 hour per day. Day by day,. Weak by weak. Month by monts. you are collected each summ less 20.000 per opportunity.. Each time. Half hour per half hour. Each day. Weak by weak.

you have consequence of your greedy or "stupidy".

NinJaraya commented 2 years ago

There are times of the year when I go to bed at 2:00/3:00 AM and wake up at 8:00/9:00 AM. Foram quatro anos assim, desde janeiro de 2018.

you have consequence of your greedy or "stupidy".

I felt offended, you don't even know me.

nwlndfre commented 1 year ago

Confirmed, got banned for "cheating." Tread carefully.

bjaume commented 1 year ago

@nwlndfre Did you have paranoia mode on? did you disconnect every day for a while? do you have a clue on how could they detect the cheating ? I have created a new account and I dont want to be banned again

Roukys commented 1 year ago

Let's be fairly honest. If they have really decided to ban cheaters we will be caught soon. I can think of many easy way for them to do so. However in the mean time I would advise to use paranoia if you let the script run 24/7 and also to close your chrome at least once per day in order not to be continually connected. I also advise for those using a page refresher not to refresh every 5 mins.

Dimka2010 commented 1 year ago

I don't use paranoia mod. I do browser shutdowns randomly when I don't need bot runtime. I sleep for 8+ hours with the game turned off. but to do the routine, I use a bot. When you wake up in the morning and turn on the computer - just about 15 minutes the bot collects and does all the routine in the game. This is enough for me and I am grateful that there is a bot and that the bot is maintained after every kinkoyd update.

Roukys commented 1 year ago

@Dimka2010 yes i was mainly talking for the one using it 24/7 Your behavior is less easy to track and more human likely. However as said above, I can think of many way to track the usage of the script not only using online status

bjaume commented 1 year ago

Maybe they are reading this page too

dadanda commented 1 year ago

Welp, got banned in HaremHeroes too. everything is gone. nice playing with you guys.

bjaume commented 1 year ago

@dadanda Were you still 24/7 with the script in harem heroes when you were banned?

dadanda commented 1 year ago

@dadanda Were you still 24/7 with the script in harem heroes when you were banned?

no. i was running paranoia now and modified my autosal as well as had the script not active during the time as i was using the sell function for the poa. maybe that triggered it? i dont remember as i went and did a bunch of other shiz and when i came back its the same issue as what happened in my comix harem on nutaku. did a check with a spare account and yeah banned.

additional note, it mightve been a case where i was banned already in comix and they just noticed oh hey hes already banned here why not ban him over there

NinJaraya commented 1 year ago

I found a it on Forum:

Cirkulis commented 1 year ago

There are times of the year when I go to bed at 2:00/3:00 AM and wake up at 8:00/9:00 AM. Foram quatro anos assim, desde janeiro de 2018.

you have consequence of your greedy or "stupidy".

I felt offended, you don't even know me.

Don't mind dimka, he sounds like a commie fascist who needs to be drafted and deruzified in Ukraine.

YotoTheOne commented 1 year ago

Well... I'm really sorry for everyone that got banned. Still nothing here, and I never used paranoia, I'm on 24/7.

I do auto missions but I manually collect the rewards. I do auto PoP but I'm careful that all places expire at the same time. I don't do auto quest since I reached the end of the story. Autosalary is set to 250k. I have a monthly card though, and I think that might explain why : either they want the money, or the anti-cheat is based on salary collection one girl at a time within the harem. I don't auto league since I'm now top 4 D3 almost every week, so I need to optimize manually. I use high threshold values so I do most of the action myself, for auto season and auto troll. I do mythic girl fights manually so I can optimize with the competitions (and cumpet mostly) and use sandalwoods. I manually deactivate auto champ when I go to bed so I don't do unfair competition which can lead to reporting. I still use auto buy for books and gifts in the market (at least until today's update) and that code desperately needs to be rewritten, it's suspicious as hell.

I still activated paranoia after reading this thread but I guess I'll just shutdown the PC during the night.

Roukys commented 1 year ago

Sorry guys I'm banned... Ironically it was not the HH script but the autologin one ...

Roukys commented 1 year ago

If any courageaous guy want to take over the dev of the script (a lot of thing added and added therefore difficult to maintain...)

bjaume commented 1 year ago

@Roukys , I'm so sorry for your ban

The autologin script? How are you so sure? I also had the autologin script when I got banned. I never thought that the ban was because of that script.

Roukys commented 1 year ago

Difficult to be sure but lately I had the script nearly stopped but only auto login and forget to cut it

Roukys commented 1 year ago

Difficult to be sure but lately I had the script nearly stopped but only auto login and forget to cut it Anyway I had nearly as much fun try to work with and for you than on HH. And honestly even with a monthly card script was one of the reason I was playing. Without script only way is to be on HH continuousely nearly day and night. So it is for the better if KK get some and allow better playability for other players

Franck-75 commented 1 year ago

Do you want another account at level 400+ to continue to play an be with us ?

bjaume commented 1 year ago

Nice offer, @Franck-75. Good for you

Dimka2010 commented 1 year ago

half of my guild have second acc 500lvl from "guy who left earlie". maybe you need another acc? i can help.

NinJaraya commented 1 year ago

I created a new account just so I can continue helping you guys and playing with CSS code. Nowadays there is hardly a website that I don't mess up its appearance with CSS code. It's a hobby.

Dimka2010 commented 1 year ago

thanks for help prioritet mission here - to return autobuying function in market (books, gifts)

second (not main, but already done) -integrate Bang fight script in our bot. i already fought with it in HH - no problems or lags or bans. need just to integrate it function in Main bot.

third (not main problem) -need to return function of collecting books and gifts from Pov, PoG, and Seasons competitions. Those all lost numbers and probably this is reason of not working.

Franck-75 commented 1 year ago

Is there anyone continuing to maintain the script ? Because with the today's update, many of the functionnalities are not working anymore : mission, compet, place of power... I'd be happy to do it if I have the skills, but it's not the case :-(