Routelandia / routelandia-server

The server backend to power the Routelandia project.
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What are "relevant traffic statistics" #18

Closed joshproehl closed 9 years ago

joshproehl commented 9 years ago

We need to decide on and document exactly what statistical information is going to be shown, so that we can begin creating the stories necessary to build this functionality.

This issue blocks #10

Currently we have the following high level overview:

Open questions:

pgicking commented 9 years ago

Additionally she suggested that we dont do every day of the week but instead use "buckets". This might complicate our calculations more but it will give us more data points to average so we're less screwed by outliers. Her suggested buckets

Monday | tues/wed/thurs | Friday | Sat/Sun

Her reasoning behind that the grouped days are usually very similar in their traffic patterns.

pgicking commented 9 years ago

Here is her starter query for calculating current traffic that we can work off of

--- Query to get average speed for October 2014 for roadway segments
--- in 1-minute bins 
--- all days, all times

--- Use corridorid 10003 - corridor created for this usage 
--- You can create your own corridors, I can update db or
--- you can make tables that mirror corridorstationlengths and
--- corridors

create temp table tt_dec_2014_jan_2015_1min (
        year integer, month integer, day integer, hour integer, minute integer, 
        starttime timestamp with time zone,
        avgspeed double precision, 
        traveltime double precision, 
        countreadings integer);

--- query for all 1 min speeds and tts aggregated over all stations 
insert into tt_dec_2014_jan_2015_1min(

SELECT year, month, day, hour, minute, st as starttime, 
       round2(avg(speed)) as avgspeed, 
       sum(traveltime) as traveltime, 
       sum(cr) as countreadings
      --- convert speed to traveltime
      SELECT D.stationid,
             extract('year' from starttime) as year, 
             extract('month' from starttime) as month,
             extract('day' from starttime) as day,
             extract('hour' from starttime) as hour,
             extract('minute' from starttime) as minute,
             date_trunc('minute', starttime) as st,
             round2((C.corridorlength/(avg(speed)))*60) as traveltime,
             avg(speed) as speed,
             count(*) as cr 
      FROM ( 

         --- I was using just, but this union
         --- will grab both types of data
         --- I'm starting with 20-sec data, but you can use 5min data

         --- combine DAC and ATMS data 
         --- SELECT detectorid, starttime, speed, volume FROM loopdata_2014_12 
         --- UNION ALL
         SELECT detectorid, starttime, speed, volume 
         WHERE starttime BETWEEN 
         '2014-12-01 00:00'::timestamptz AND '2015-01-08 00:00'::timestamptz 
          ) as L, --- subquery
          detectors D, stations S, corridorstationlengths C

      L.detectorid = D.detectorid 
      AND D.stationid = S.stationid
      AND S.stationid = C.stationid

      AND C.corridorid = 10003

      AND speed > 0

      GROUP BY D.stationid, year, month, day, hour, minute, st, C.corridorlength --- grouping by segment
     ) as Q
GROUP BY year, month, hour, day, minute, st  
ORDER BY year, month, hour, minute 
joshproehl commented 9 years ago

Traffic stats query merged, closing.