Rovak / InlineAttachment

Easily paste and upload files/images in plain textareas
MIT License
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CodeMirror 4 #36

Closed tamagokun closed 9 years ago

tamagokun commented 10 years ago

inlineAttachment stopped working when upgrading to 4.3.

I replaced the block on L51 with:

codeMirror.on('drop', function(data, e) {
  return inlineattach.onDrop(e);

I'm not sure if this is backwards compatible with CodeMirror < 4, or how you would best distinguish which method to use (setOption or on)

Just wanted to present my findings should anyone else be in this situation.

Rovak commented 10 years ago

Thanks for sharing your findings, i will keep this open and fix this soonish.

Rovak commented 10 years ago

Fixed in #36, i will keep this open until v2 is released