Rovak / InlineAttachment

Easily paste and upload files/images in plain textareas
MIT License
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Extended built in uploadFile function #43

Closed abrom closed 9 years ago

abrom commented 9 years ago

Added uploadMethod for specifying POST/PUT (default POST) Added customResponseParser to allow server responses to come back in different formats (and get handled nicely) Added addFileBeforeExtraParameters property to allow file to be appended after extra parameters (Amazon S3 has an issue with the key not being the first form data element)

So with the above changes, you can use the plugin to upload directly to S3 using something like:

return $('.inlineattach').inlineattach({
    uploadUrl: '',
    extraParams: {
        key: '${filename}',
        AWSAccessKeyId: '<my S3 access key>,
        acl: 'public-read',  // optional depending on how the S3 buckets are configured
        policy: '<my base64 encoded S3 upload policy>',
        signature: '<my encoded policy signature>',
        success_action_status: '201'
    addFileBeforeExtraParameters: false,
    customResponseParser: function(xhr) {
        return {
            filename: $(xhr.responseXML).find('Location').text()

See for examples on how to generate the policy and signature